I was finally at a place of consistency, when our fertility specialist told me to gain weight and stop working out. WHAT?! It took a lot of work inside and out to wrap my mind around that, but I was willing to do anything. That led me to a rough start back into my fitness after my daughter was born. In this episode, I'm sharing all the details plus giving you my best 4 tips on getting back to your health routines when you've had major limitations holding you back! You don't want to miss this one!
Meditating is something we always talk about, but struggle to bring into our routines. And for good reason! It's not easy to turn off our minds and sit still with ourselves once, let alone 3 or 4 days a week. So, lets get clear on WHY we want to start meditating, WHY it is difficult for many of us and HOW we can implement meditation into our health. If you've been considering meditation, you don't want to miss this!
Gabby Bernstein Website & Free Meditations
Daily Calm Guided Meditations
The actions we take are just as beneficial to our health as the food we eat. It's something that has been on my mind for a while, but I never really knew how to put it into words. We all KNOW that the things we do in our day to day lives, reflect in our health. But, what about how to actually take the steps to do this. It is so vital to take care of ourselves, and not just our bodies. We hear about the importance of mindset everywhere now, but what action can we take RIGHT NOW to enhance and better that? Listen along to get some ideas, steps and direction to bring more joy and better your health, without having to read a nutrition label.
Ready for your week's pump up session? Well, here you go! Failure is not something to shrug off. And its definitely not something to sit in for too long and feel like you're less than. What if we saw it as an opportunity to CRUSH whatever goal we are going after? What if we saw it as proof that we are on the RIGHT path, we just need to make some adjustments? All of these thoughts and ideas can change the entire process of reaching our goals, if we don't let failure stop us, but help us reach the finish line even faster. Click play to get FIRED up and ready to hit the ground sprinting to your goals, not in spite of failure, but BECAUSE of it.
Calorie counting is the basis of so many diets and eating plans, but it's just not for me. And I know there are so many of you out there that feel the same. I want to be excited about my food and enjoy it by naturally listening to my body, not by what its dictated to eat or not eat. So dive in with me to find out how I still get results without counting a single calorie.
In a recent study (https://jamesclear.com/implementation-intentions) I learned some pretty interesting facts around how intentions affect our habits. In this episode, I challenge this study and at the same time, dig into what it means for our goals. What's more important? Motivation or intention? And how can we implement these tools into our lives to push us further on our journey towards our results?
Adding workouts into your health routine might sound intimidating. But, I promise, its worth it and I know you are 100% capable of doing it. Follow along with me, as we discuss why you would want to start working out, what exercises you should do, and how to implement them into your life. I'll show you that it's definitely doable, and how it can look in your life.
The best way to break a habit that isn't serving us, might be easier than you think! Let me take you through how I not only break unhealthy habits, but replace them with self serving ones instead. I'll give you actionable steps to create and maintain these healthy habits in any area of your life! After this episode, download my Replacing Habits Worksheet here.
Have you ever read a book that completely changed you? Maybe it shifted your thoughts on one thing- or everything. In this episode, I'm talking about the book that changed everything for me. This book, Women, Food and God, by Geneen Roth, explores how our relationship with food is an exact mirror of our thoughts on life. Its brilliant and for some, life changing.
In this episode, I walk you through why I'm so obsessed with having balance in our lives and how it can help you make huge strides towards your fitness and nutrition goals! Find out how to start slowly incorporating balance into your food and follow along the 5 steps to add balance into your life in all areas to better reach any goal!
In this episode, I want to introduce myself and dive into why I started The Wellness Plan Podcast! I get super real about the few key moments in my life that I attribute to the many huge changes I made that led to me losing 40 pounds and keeping it off for over a decade. I love sharing how I struggled and overcame my own health obstacles and want to be completely open throughout our time together. Welcome to The Wellness Plan!
Here's the book I mentioned! Women, Food and God By Geneen Roth