This unit looks at the process of design – from assessing the complexity of design as an activity, to exposing the difficulty in making general conclusions about how designers work. You will be able to identify innovation in a wide variety of designed objects and evaluate the impact of this innovation. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.
IT乱谈:聊一聊IT人的生活与故事。 微信公众号:IT乱谈,官网:itluantan.com,Email: [email protected],欢迎留言交流。 【IT乱谈是因个人兴趣而制作,与主播及嘉宾所在的公司和组织无关。节目中所有观点均不代表其雇主或组织立场】
接地气、有价值的闲聊节目。一帮程序员,在无尽的接需求写代码改 bug 加班上线循环中开辟出来的一块空地,想想过去,聊聊现在,偶尔也展望一下未来。
我们的网站:https://swift.gg,我们的微博@SwiftGG翻译组,我的微博@梁杰_numbbbbb,我的邮箱:[email protected]。
The "Podcasting For..." project is an e-book, a blog, and a podcast introducing people to podcasting and radio production. The first in the series is Podcasting for Communities.
We can all be podcasters now because the tools needed to produce a podcast have never been so cheap (and free!). Distributing our radio programmes on the internet has never been easier.
In the Podcasting For podcast producers, journalists, and other people experienced in content production bring their advice and share their tips and secrets. There’s advice on planning interviews and writing scripts, choosing microphones and interview locations, finding music and using social media.
The book, podcast and blog are for people interested in learning how to produce radio and podcasts. Even if you are not exactly sure what podcasting is, but think it sounds like it is a good idea, you can begin your exploration here.
“Podcasting for … “ is produced by Davy Sims who has 40 years’ experience in radio and web production. He has been making podcasts since 2008.
The book “Podcasting for Communities” is for people who want to get together to make radio programmes and turn them into podcasts. Even if you are an individual who wants to learn and produce a solo podcast, or a couple or three friends who want to record a weekly discussion, the information here will be relevant and I hope useful to you. -