
  • Episode 048: Plump up your pulse for the passion play! In this episode, we buff and fluff the Leo archetype, answer a birth chart Q about keeping the faith during all stages of the creative process, find frisky fun within the Tower’s fiery force, and more. Our August convo covers connecting with constancy, uncovering eternal hope, feeling our heat without having to be felt, beholding beauty, staying in touch with trust, and showing up on the side of life with jazz hands up.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Leo Check In: We discuss how this little lovecat is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of full body and soul presence, mutual adoration, handling feelings of futility, the spontaneous emergence of fire and the imperative to just keep on existing, and tapping inexhaustible fonts of joy.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: We’re making our slumber party super special this season, with a personal reading exchange between Bess and Sandy. In our birth chart segment, Sandy dives into Bess’s astro landscape and answers her query about her creative process, maturing her artistry, and handling the “high highs” and “low lows” in the cycle of making. We touch on remaining in process with the 6th house, keeping connected to Martial power, finding acceptance in the emo processing of Chiron transits, stepping up into competence with the 10th house, and cultivating a hopeful mindset with Jupiter.

    Tarot Touchstone: Bess flips some cards for Sandy, who’s curious about establishing habits that really last. We chat about Mars vs Saturn as reflected through the Tower card, and how to come alive to all the forces that want to ally with us without having to bear sole responsibility for “making” monumental change happen; and finding divinity in the sweet detail with the 10 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, and Ace of Cups.

    **We’re taking a little paws from the podcast! Stay connected below and be sure to subscribe to Star Party for the latest and greatest. And have no fear of the void: you can always spin through the archives in the interim—all episodes are timeless evergreenies that are here to hold you no matter the season.

    Subscribe to Star Party: https://starpartypodcast.com/subscribe/Explore the Archive: https://starpartypodcast.com/episode-guide/Bess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 047: Steady your heart for the eternal return. In this episode, we come on home to the Cancer cove, answer a listener Q about how to pave your own way through a birth chart of oppositional energies, release the need to work it all out with the 8 of Cups, and more. Our July convo covers taking responsibility for our emotional landscape, releasing attachment to linear progress, holding the gift of life closer, finding forgiveness, and letting our love spill over without measure.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Cancer Check In: We discuss how this shellabratory sign is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of surrendering to the magnetic magic of water, becoming competent guardians of each element through the cardinal signs, and cultivating a relationship to what’s timeless within us.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Cancer Sun/Pisces Moon/Capricorn Rising listener is feeling pushed and pulled between chart placements and wondering which signs to follow to reach her highest potential. We discuss how to use your internal authority to navigate astrology, the charge of the nodal axis, sloughing off the “shoulds” with the cardinal signs, meeting self through our Rising, and learning to define planets on the descendent in our own terms.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, where the 8 of Cups arrives to take us on a walkabout through our wild work—teaching us how to embrace ongoing journeys of growth that don’t have to reach an end goal.

    Cancer Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

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  • Episode 046: Bop along on the breeze of becoming. In this episode, we catch the Gemini current of crossings and chameleon shifts, answer a listener Q about handling a flurry of new life happenings, learn to lean into the porous process with the 8 of Pentacles, and more. Our June convo covers building confidence in our voice, losing the linear path to find our way, opening up to the unsettling, carrying energy across thresholds, and liberating life force in all directions.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Gemini Check In: We discuss how this prismatic channel is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of in-between spaces, reading and responding to the atmosphere, getting escorted through evolutionary change, and tapping our immortal truths.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Gemini Sun/Capricorn Moon/Cancer Rising listener is feeling into the flux of friendships and career prospects. We discuss how to handle the overwhelm of 12th house planets, make magic with the mutables without losing a sense of “mine,” rewrite the narrative for retrograde planets, power up Mars in water signs, and harness both the gravity and levity of the Capricorn-Gemini inconjunct.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, where the 8 of Pentacles teaches us how to open up to invisible shifts and ongoing processes, as we learn to let ourselves get worked on and led elsewhere by our own lives.

    Gemini Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 045: Spread your worthiness wide and lap up the lushery. In this episode, we sink into Taurus energy, answer a listener Q about how to hold ourselves in humanness, find familiarity in the Hierophant’s inherent resources, and more. Our May convo covers trusting in empty-full cycles, regenerative potency, releasing attachment to everlasting attainment, self-worth that shifts with the seasons of our lives, magnetic attraction, and nurturing what’s most natural.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Taurus Check In: We discuss how this ample, fruit-filled archetype is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of the width and absorption of the fixed signs, softening mental spins and settling into the body, cultivating steadiness, and allowing the world to respond to and change around us.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Taurus Sun/Pisces Moon/Virgo Rising listener is emerging on the other side of enormous loss and seeks self-trust in the face of uncertainty. We discuss the at-home humanness of the earth signs, soothing Saturnine self-critique, private processes and healing contexts in the water houses, equilibrating the Virgo-Pisces axis, Pluto aspects and control, and the IC’s creative incubations.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, where the Hierophant steps forward to remind us of both the muscle memories that want massaging and the bone-deep knowings that can fuel our foundation.

    Taurus Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 044: Embolden your beginnings and big bang into being. In this episode, we ignite in Aries energy, answer a listener Q about how to handle fire for the long haul, harness our ability to engine-rev anew with the 3 of Wands, and more. Our April convo covers the creative process (and becoming part of creation’s process), refining our relationship to friction, opening to the force inherent in everything, and getting out of our heads and into the meganess of this magic moment.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Aries Check In: We discuss how this out-of-nowhere spark plug is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of the Pisces/Aries edge and what it means to go “with” momentum instead of against; the relationship between cardinal signs and keeping our own time; catalyzing change and taking up our causes; and showing up in our still-here-ness to come ever closer to life itself.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: An Aries Sun/Aquarius Moon/Capricorn Rising listener is experiencing some Pluto transit apprehension and wants to figure out if the time is right for shifting away from temporary structures and towards the construction of something longer lasting. We talk outer planet attunements, the spontaneous genius of fire and finding ground in groundlessness, 1st house stelliums and resilient rebirths, the storm cycles of Uranus, and using Saturn and Capricorn to explore the internal motivation beneath external forms of security.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, where the 3 of Wands steps forward to remind us that Aries energy is here to break the success/failure paradigm and simply crack the eggshell and come to life, again and again.

    Aries Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 043: Slip and slide into surrendered sensitivity. In this episode, we plunge into Pisces energy, answer a listener Q about divining the difference between necessary retreat and hiding out, let organic boundaries arise with the 2 of Pentacles, and more. Our March convo covers befriending whatever beingness is before us, immersing in the present moment for as long as it lasts, letting go of expectation and artifice, and cultivating small acts of undoing and emptying.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Pisces Check In: We discuss how this atmospheric archetype is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of how we can use this energy to get “into it” instead of “out of it,” what letting go looks like through each of the four elements, how all signs secretly “lead” to Pisces, and how to give way without giving it all away.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Pisces Sun/Cancer Moon/Taurus Rising listener wants to learn how to value her deep need for retreat, while staying honest about how disappearing can also sometimes lead to disconnection. We talk 11th house group dynamics, creating safety through the Moon sign, the Pisces/Aries edge between immersion and emergence, taking ownership with Saturn and Jupiter, and the rhythms of water and earth.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, where the 2 of Pentacles steps forward to remind us that boundaries can also spring to life by backing the bigness of our emotions.

    **Enroll in Bess's 12-month Astro + Tarot Immersion for over 20% off with code STARSCHOOL through March 10th! http://thestarparlor.com/immersion-2023

    Pisces Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 042: Renovate, rejuvenate, and return everything to its rightful place. In this episode, we follow Aquarius energy to its exhilarating edge, answer a listener Q about how to prepare for life’s ultimate unknowns, recognize and reckon with the familiar in the unfamiliar through the Hierophant, and more. Our February convo covers building confidence in our grand plans, getting much needed perspective on the small stuff, making peace with the fundamental facts of existence, and showing up for the mystery of it all in complete presence.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Aquarius Check In: We discuss how this spacious, oracular archetype is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of this fixed sign’s seeming paradox of transformation and the cycle of storms and stillness; the art of purification and emptying ourselves to beget new creative flow; and exploring the limits of the recognizable world.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: An Aquarius Sun/Aquarius Moon/Capricorn Rising listener relishes the strong, stable shapes he’s put in place for his new baby, but wonders about his family’s future ability to welcome the unexpected. We talk group astro dynamics, inconjuncts, Saturn transits of the Sun and Moon, and how the elements handle the unknown and unknowable.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, where the Hierophant’s Taurus-ruled muscle memory helps us harness our pre-existing resources in the face of the unexpected.

    **Enroll in Bess's Astro + Tarot Immersion for over 20% off with code STARSCHOOL. Doors open February 3rd and the special savings end on February 17th! http://thestarparlor.com/immersion-2023

    Aquarius Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 041: Let the weight of your world reveal what really matters. In this episode, we make more out of the majesty of Capricorn energy, answer a listener Q about how to carry on in the face of life’s ultimate finale, soften into the shape of things with the Ace of Cups, and more. Our January convo covers doing the work and letting the world work through us, experiencing the zodiac archetypes in our physical bodies, and receiving the gifts of resistance and the accumulation of our efforts.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Capricorn Check-In: We discuss how this luxe, structured cosmic queen is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of willpower and the intermediary planets of Jupiter and Saturn, the more mystical side of Cap’s materiality, the willingness to give our existence gravity and weight, and sheltering within the strong shapes of our lives.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Capricorn Sun/Taurus Moon/Virgo Rising listener faces life’s ultimate question: how to find meaning and enjoy existence when it is all destined to evanesce, in the end. We talk Saturn rising, grand earth trines, 8th house cusps, 12th house planets, earth energy in water houses, each element’s response to death, and more—as we explore the fight for constancy, facing the finite, and finding completeness.

    Tarot Touchstones: A card pull to support the season, which includes the Ace of Cups, 4 of Cups, and Death, and raises themes of effort as an act of devotion, taking the shape of emotional seasons, and tenderizing our tautness.

    Capricorn Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 040: Hit the open road on ready and willing hooves. In this episode, we set off in search of Sagittarius energy, answer a listener Q about how to stoke the bonfires of joy when hope is running low, uncover adventurous meaning with the Page of Pentacles, and more. Our December convos covers shedding external expectations, calming overanalysis, finding faith, amplifying our curiosity, and dealing with limits in the name of loosening and liberating.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Sagittarius Check-In: We discuss how this freewheeling, boundary-breaking cosmic force is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an exploration of the chameleon qualities of the mutable signs, environmental adaptation, the art of acceptance, self-expression without attachment to outcome, letting our carefully-laid plans have plans of their own, and the live-and-let-live-ness that respects the vital rights of everything that lives.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Sagittarius Sun/Aquarius Moon/Gemini Rising listener is on the hunt for how to inspire excitement and joy in moments when life seems devoid of meaning. We talk Venus and Mars placements; semi-sextiles; the interplay between the up-and-out currents of air and fire, and the down-and-in gravity of earth and water; the 5th house cusp; Mercury; and more—as we explore how to keep the wildness alive without having to turn our backs on the weight of the world.

    Tarot Touchstones: A card pull to support the season, which includes the King of Cups, the 7 of Cups, and the Page of Pentacles, and raises themes of compassion, creative expression, and finding signs of life all around us.

    Sagittarius Season Listener’s Birth Chart Submit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 039: Dig in and dive daringly deeper. In this episode, we collide with the carnal callings of Scorpio energy, answer a listener Q about longing for a life partner, open to the already-enoughness of the 10 of Pentacles, and more. Our November convo covers the inevitability of endings; reckoning with patterns that may never be purged; conscious magnetics and surrendering to powerful pulls; and finding forgiveness in the face of finite finales.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Scorpio Check-In: We discuss how this raw and uncut cosmic force is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with an excavation of the interplay between the mortal and the eternal, drawing unprocessed matter to the surface, no-holds-barred intimacy, and bearing witness to deaths of all kinds.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Scorpio Sun/Cancer Moon/Capricorn Rising listener faces relationship turmoil on her quest to commune with an enduring life partner. We talk natal Saturn placements, Uranus transits and natal aspects, 8th house pulls, Venus in Libra, Jupiter Rising, and more, as we explore romantic autonomy and the courageous muscle-building journey to champion the heart.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, which includes the Chariot, 10 of Pentacles, and 9 of Cups, and raises themes of possession, desire, and conscious coupling with what’s here.

    Scorpio Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 038: Clear your sightlines and lift it all into the light of day. In this episode, we refresh and reorient in Libra energy, answer a listener Q about periods of relationship isolation and asserting boundaries with friends, cut through the noise and raise the stakes with the Justice card, and more. Our October convo covers the journey towards aspirations; intimacy that’s both refined and raw; making decisions from the rightness of our own minds and hearts; contribution and reflection; balance that’s dynamic and standards that are liveable; and living in the reverb of decisions made.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Libra Check-In: We discuss how this curatorial cosmic force is showing up in our astrology practices right now, with a dive into the divide between reality and ideals, how to consider both sides without losing our center, and making moves that more fearlessly reckon with cause and effect.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Libra Sun/Virgo Moon/Virgo Rising listener is trying to understand shifts in her friendships and work relationships, and how her mode of relating is evolving. We talk the Midheaven, eclipses, Mercury signs, the North Node, Major Arcana birth cards, and more, as we explore new partnering patterns and how to feel more self-sufficient during life shake-ups.

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, which includes the Magician, Justice, and Strength, and raises themes of alignment, rightness, and creative reckoning.

    Libra Season Listener’s Birth ChartSubmit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 037: Welcome to a brand new season of the Star Party podcast woo hoo! We’re changing the nibbles in the cosmic snack pack just a little, and are now serving a zodiac sign inspired fest each month that includes a listener’s birth chart question (details on submitting yours below)! In this epi, we wild through the intricacies of Virgo energy, answer a listener Q about why change is so damn hard, discover a compelling connection between the Queen of Swords and Virgo’s focalization, and more. As always, our September convo is full of ethereal exploration and emo excavation, and includes discussions about patience, getting fascinated, coiled power, solitary strength, full-body commitment, and balancing safety and big bold moves.

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Virgo: We discuss how this vestal creatrix is manifesting in our astrology practices right now, with a dive into what it means to be in attendance and to cultivate attention, what happens when we get the self “alone,” and how to develop our spidey sense.

    Burning Birth Chart Q: A Virgo Sun/Taurus Moon/Libra Rising listener is trying to wrangle big changes brewing in her world, and we’re here to offer some celestial support. We talk Pluto, chart squares, the progressed Moon, Scorpio, Aquarius, and more, as we probe the possibilities of experiencing evolutionary shifts that still feel grounded (follow along with our reading at the link below!).

    Tarot Touchstone: A card pull to support the season, which includes the Queen of Swords, the Knight of Swords, and the Hierophant, and summons themes of decisiveness and clear seeing.

    Virgo Season Listener’s Birth Chart:https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsofipjam37960g/Screen%20Shot%202022-08-09%20at%205.22.20%20PM.png?dl=0Submit Your Birth Chart Question (*note that we’ll be running these according to Sun sign, so feel free to submit anytime and await your birthday sign season to see if there’s a surprise package for you!): https://starpartypodcast.com/question/Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 036: With our gaze fully fixed on both the beasts and the beauts, what does it take to bring our furry form forward into each magic moment? In this episode, Bess and Sandy inhabit the now—using astro and tarot to immerse with immediacy and fill the room with good-to-be-here glow. The convo covers mindfulness; paying attention; showing up; full-bodied participation; holding space; creative flow; and facing emptiness with hereness. Come closer to the cosmic current and put your hands directly on whatever’s pulsating!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    The Fixed Signs: Using these four elemental “heavy pours” of the zodiac to close the gaps between us and what’s unfolding—digging down to the root and learning to handle the dance between absence and presence.

    The IC + the MC: Traveling along this spinal axis during the creative process to equilibrate the give-and-take between going inside to spark our soul’s hereness and turning it out to share generously with the world right now.

    The Tarot’s 5s: Harnessing these hungry bump n’ grind archetypes to explore how patterns of having and losing live within us, and to learn to stay with cycles of emptying and filling.

    Hypnosis for Conscious Creating: A meditation for embracing creative nowness—returning to the making as you’re making, and communing deeper with the current moment.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 035: Each packed with stardust parcels we long to safeguard for life, how do we shelter the sensitivities that want sanctifying? In this episode, Bess and Sandy fold into fierce fortresses and soft-shell shields—using astro and tarot to summon the cosmic guides that can help courageously keepsake our vulnerable bits. The convo covers the land between offense and defense; backing ourselves; softness and hardness; comfort zones; psychic and ceremonious preservation; and asserting our birthright to retreat and repair. Cover up and tuck in for a spirit shellabration!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Moon Signs, Saturn Houses, and Chart Angles: Exploring our Moon signs as protective carrying cases for our precious parts; letting Saturn’s country help us defend with dignity; and calling on our cardinal kids to step out in front of what needs shielding.

    The 12th House: Gently lifting the layers of psychological protection we’ve employed that may no longer need to safeguard us—drawing unconscious behaviors to the surface and softening into what we can’t guard against.

    The Tarot’s 2s: Allowing these cardinal-infused archetypes to assert the realness of their realm—sanctifying our space with each of their elements and taking a stand that honors our sensitivities.

    Hypnosis for Umbrella Folding: Noticing where we’ve erected outmoded shelters that may be keeping life out, and coming home to the habitats that want to hold our hearts steady in the here and now.

    Hot Tub Tracks: For extra inspo as you customize your conch shell, spin Massive Attack’s Protection and Rihanna’s Umbrella.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 034: With antennae waving in the air like we absolutely care, how can each of us open towards the wild creations that are already longing to alight on our fingertips and course through our conduits? In this episode, Bess and Sandy lift their witchy weathervanes towards the sky and see what’s ready to come through—using astro and tarot to become more available to the mini messages and maxi monuments that want to whisper their way into our lives. The convo covers how to wait and attend communiquĂ©s from the cosmos; escorting and getting escorted by energy; and new ways to approach our arts n’ crafts. Open your hot-pocket portals to all the possibilities!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Mercury Sign Glyphs: Adopting a viewmaster perspective towards your Mercury sign symbol, peering through its physical shape to envision new ways of looking, listening, and mediuming.

    Aspects + Planetary Intention-Setting: Attending to the “missing” legs of aspect patterns, and opening up to the planetary archetypes as ushers who want to walk alongside of you.

    The Knights: Moving and grooving with these mutable cuties—using their vibrations to both accompany the energetic currents of our lives and become more available to getting led by life.

    Planetary Partners Hypnosis: Take yourself on a psychic spin with your deity of the moment, and build confidence in your power to reach out and commune with the cosmos.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 033: With vital vittles blooming all around the garden, how can we build trust in our birthright to buffet them? In this episode, Bess and Sandy sink in and settle down—using astro and tarot to fill up on feeling good and lay claim to the comforts of living well. The convo covers being versus doing—and all the shades of sensations in-between; breaking ranks with the productivity push; choosing beauty as an act of boldness; opening our lips to life’s moreness; and resting soft and steady in our inherent value. Triple-dip yourself in deservedness and plus-size whatever your pleasure!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Trines: Leaning back into these signs of the same element to fill out your luscious life-force and robustify your right to relish it.

    Venus: Flowering open to the senses of this very moment, and letting your claims to beauty become a radical act of amplitude.

    The King of Pentacles, the 10 of Pentacles, and the World: Harnessing this earthy trio to inhabit the world with greater ease—learning to absorb, assimilate, and accumulate ripeness.

    Hypnosis for Fullness: Lotioning yourself from the inside out by filling up on the physicalized experience of just feeling damn good.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comSound Editor, David Freund: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 032: Tender littles longing to burst into full-grown bloom, how do we show up to life’s bb-est bits? In this episode, Bess and Sandy initiate and ignite—using astro and tarot to trace hopes and dreams back to source and turn the interstellar engines over once again. The convo covers the conditions that birth us, styles of emergence, building confidence and competence, apprenticing ourselves to newness, finding reserves of self-replenishment, believing in our right to second chances, and caretaking life at its most formlessly fragile. Touch in with your tiny sparks and watch them glow into a beauteous bonfire!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    The Sun, the Outer Planets, and Semi-Sextiles: Following your Sun sign on a journey of emergence as you tap your eternal gifts, meet outer planetary challenges, and lean on the sign that precedes you to help reseed your mission.

    Saturn: Building the confident, competent courage to start the next precious cycle of your long and lustrous life.

    The Chariot: Embracing newness as a natural exfoliator, and balancing the thrust of willful force with deep intuitive pulls towards the new.

    Re-ignition Hypnosis: Celebrating your spirit’s past successes and letting this commencement ceremony launch you into untried turf.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.com

  • Episode 031: How do we prep our bods and spirits to close up shop on a cosmic chapter? In this episode, Bess and Sandy step onto the stage for life’s finite and infinite finales—using astro and tarot to tend to the touchy bits that call for loving goodbyes and releasing the rest of the residue to the currents of change. The convo covers the myth of neat and tidy closure, the ephemeral and the eternal, non-linear healing, layers of grief, celebrating culminations, integrating life/death cycles, putting down patterns, and loosening control. Take one last spin through the swan song stars and throw kisses to all that’s gone down!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Venus + Pluto: Probing the relationship between these two omnivorous soul openers in our birth charts, and using them to feast on all of the forces that fuel the life/death cycle.

    The 12th House + the Ascendent: Exploring the shape and flavor of our orientation towards finales, and harnessing these house rulers to close the curtains with compassion.

    The Hanged One + the 8 of Cups: Getting friendly with the fluxy, and using these archetypes to take a spin through our histories and fade out when it’s high time to move on.

    Hypnosis for Tending Endings: A meditative journey to meet our mini selves and give our past lives support through all life’s perceived losses.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.com

  • Episode 030: How can we practice sitting pretty at the edge of the possible without feeling powerless? In this episode, Bess and Sandy prepare to meet and greet the amorphous—using astro and tarot to cultivate a calm in the face of life’s clearings and navigate mysterious terrains step by star-studded step. The convo covers patience, waiting, creating secure habitats, soothing anxiety, staying close to the present, getting comfy with silence, deep listening, and expanding consciousness. Toss your worries to the wild winds and let the answers arrive from parts uncharted!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    The IC: Inhabiting your chart’s bunker as a precious inner sanctum to shelter you as the world shifts and shakes outside your lair.

    Venus: Befriending soft spaces of ease and pleasure to help pave the path through uncertainty and birth a secure sense of ok-ness in every moment.

    The High Priestess: Harnessing this archetype as a deity for deep listening, quieting into your own style of spacious “knowing” without having to “figure out.”

    Hypnosis for Homecoming: Feathering your inner nest with incubation anchors to keep you snug in the present, so the future can carry you in its astral arms all on its own.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comDavid Freund, Podcast Editor: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/

  • Episode 029: How can we meet what meets us with both mojo and mood ring malleability? In this episode, Bess and Sandy power up and spread out in the face of all kinds of weather—using astro and tarot to ecstatically endure and elementally adapt, learning to respond to and relish all the celestial snacks that come to the party. The convo covers interconnectedness of being, values to lean on, sources of support, concepts of strength, and surviving and thriving. Live on and make love to it all!

    Inside Your Cosmic Snack Pack:

    Aspects: Harnessing these telephone lines of intersign communication in your birthchart to unleash a cosmic completeness of self.

    Saturn + Jupiter: Tapping these two planetary teachers to learn how to both competently hardnose it and adaptively expand.

    The 10s: Letting these four full-on tarot lifeworlds help you embrace the entirety of experience and live through it to tell the tale.

    Value Vault Hypnosis: Taking a guided journey through trials and tribulations, as you summon your most treasured supports to meet you on the other side.

    Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.comBess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.comSandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.comDavid Freund, Podcast Editor: https://www.skywolfmusic.com/