
  • "It goes so fast!" A descriptive for millennia used for motherhood, and especially emphasized in our modern world. Time goes fast. Kids grow up fast. There are endless options when it comes to how we raise our children and endless voices declaring what we ought to choose. What if we resisted the main stream slip stream of outward significance and embraced purpose-driven, Spirit-led as the new benchmark for success in raising kids?

    The goal is never perfection, its purpose-driven and joy-filled amidst the chaos that will inevitably ensue in a mother's journey. This episode overviews a short devotional overviewing the acronym for "SLOW' with four short musings for each letter to spark creativity in your motherhood. We believe as Well Women, our purpose is only highlighted and enlarged as a result of motherhood, not diminished.

    Whether you're a first time mom or seasoned grandmother, this episode will empower you to continue nurturing those around you with a soft heart and willing hands.


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  • Have you noticed that there is a lot of transition happening around us? People are moving, changing careers, communities, schools and/or their families are growing. I personally love transition, yet I know many dread it. Either way transition is a stress, even if it’s exciting for you. My hope is that as women we don't go through transition perfectly, but that we come out the other side transformed.

    This episode covers three very practical ways to stay sane in the midst of life change (and not lose your mind in the process!) How can we stay grounded when our entire house is in moving boxes or our schedules are thrown for a loop? You'll leave this episode feeling inspired and maybe even excited for your next transition.

    Episode Resources:

    Well Women Co Instagram

    Food Freedom Book

    The Passion Translation Bible

    Trace Mineral Drops

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  • Summer is here and that means fresh, delicious food is in abundance. In this solo show I'm sharing six meal prepping tips that have helped our family stay on top of the dreaded question, "what's for dinner?". Summer may be the simplest time to eat seasonally, and we also make a case for why eating with the seasons is important throughout the rest of the year. 

    I'm chatting about my favorite things to make this summer and some really easy meal ideas, as well as where I get groceries and what things to buy in bulk from local farmers.

    Well Women Co Instagram

    Food Freedom Book

  • I've been on a journey of more intentional living and minimalism for a year, but it's not what you think. Being a minimalist isn't white everything and bare shelves, it's more importantly a mindset shift. The pursuit of "less stuff" can serve anyone regardless of personal preference, economic status or personality.

    Today I'm asking the question, do we have things or do our things have us? I share my minimalism journey, tips and 10 things I've gained from living with less. If you're tired of rearranging clutter, need a deep-clean, or want to live with clarity this episode will help.

    Things we cover in this episode:

    Why we have emotional attachment to things The value litmus test Capsule wardrobes Modeling minimalism to kids 5 Things you can get rid of today


    WellWomenCo Instagram

    Joshua Becker

    The Minimalist Home

    Food Freedom Book

    Show Notes

  • Summer is here! We're chatting about beginner gardens, stellar flower pots, sourdough tips and more! Our guest Becky Meyerson is a treasure trove of wisdom and is sharing from her rich experience in gardening and matters of the heart.

    Becky is a 60-something wife, mom, Nana, coach, writer, teacher, organic garlic grower, who lives in the city, but who is a farmer-at-heart and Jesus follower. She loves connecting women with God’s Word: where their lives will flourish, and they will grow strong roots. Becky writes Rooted-Live, a year-long Bible Reading plan. Her Bible studies include Courageous Pioneers and Confident in My Identity and Purpose. Her podcast Rooted-Live in God’s Word brings the Word of God to life with stories and application. You can find her at www.beckymeyerson.com.

    On today's episode:

    Getting started with sourdough Fabulous flower pot tips Straw bale gardening Easiest veggies to grow Growing the best tomato tips Heart lessons from the garden

    Resources mentioned on today's podcast:

    Martin Bakes at Home 

    King Arthur

    Straw Bale Gardens

    MI Gardener

    Connect with Becky

    Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/Becky.Meyerson.AFlourishingLife

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/beckymeyerson/

    Website www.beckymeyerson.com

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    Food Freedom Book

    Show Notes

  • Welcome to the mini series - 4 Pillars of Vibrant Health! Based on my book Food Freedom: Stop Hiding + Uncover Who You’re Meant to Be.

    These four pillars are the most critical when it comes to wellbeing. Health can be confusing, and my goal is to simplify wellbeing to something we can easily self-assess, identify, and continue to pursue vibrant health in our own lives based on what we need, not what someone else decides for us.

    We’re also going to explore the spiritual principles behind each of these practical health components. After all we are three-part beings and to ignore any one will lead to imbalances. In the church community, rarely is health addressed, and conversely the most knowledgeable health experts fall short without addressing spiritual roots.

    You’ll finish each episode with a greater understanding of practical ways you can pursue vitality in your own health status and also how to connect to Jesus in a deeper way.

    In this episode:

    My story of exercise burnout to joyful movement  Surprising benefits of joyful movement Easy ways to get more movement into your week Spiritual principle of joyful movement


    Instagram Show Notes Food Freedom Book
  • Welcome to the mini series - 4 Pillars of Vibrant Health! Based on my book Food Freedom: Stop Hiding + Uncover Who You’re Meant to Be.

    These four pillars are the most critical when it comes to wellbeing. Health can be confusing, and my goal is to simplify wellbeing to something we can easily self-assess, identify, and continue to pursue vibrant health in our own lives based on what we need, not what someone else decides for us.

    We’re also going to explore the spiritual principles behind each of these practical health components. After all we are three-part beings and to ignore any one will lead to imbalances. In the church community, rarely is health addressed, and conversely the most knowledgeable health experts fall short without addressing spiritual roots.

    You’ll finish each episode with a greater understanding of practical ways you can pursue vitality in your own health status and also how to connect to Jesus in a deeper way.

    In this episode:

    What is food and what is its function?  How does it affect the body?  Customize nutrition guidelines that fit your needs Physical stewardship Eating as worship


    Show Notes Instagram Food Freedom Book
  • Welcome to the mini series - 4 Pillars of Vibrant Health! Based on my book Food Freedom: Stop Hiding + Uncover Who You’re Meant to Be.

    These four pillars are the most critical when it comes to wellbeing. Health can be confusing, and my goal is to simplify wellbeing to something we can easily self-assess, identify, and continue to pursue vibrant health in our own lives based on what we need, not what someone else decides for us.

    We’re also going to explore the spiritual principles behind each of these practical health components. After all we are three-part beings and to ignore any one will lead to imbalances. In the church community, rarely is health addressed, and conversely the most knowledgeable health experts fall short without addressing spiritual roots.

    You’ll finish each episode with a greater understanding of practical ways you can pursue vitality in your own health status and also how to connect to Jesus in a deeper way.

    Topics we cover in this episode:

    Why soul care is critical for physical health How to identify toxic thoughts Two modes the body operates in and how that impacts health Six practical ways to turn on rest and digest mode


    Wellwomenco Instagram

    Show Notes

    Food Freedom Book

  • Welcome to the Food Freedom Mini Series. Each pillar in this series is based upon my book Food Freedom: Stop Hiding + Uncover Who You’re Meant to Be. These four pillars may be the most critical when it comes to pursuing wellbeing. Health can be confusing, and my goal was to simplify nourishment into something we can easily self-assess and pursue vibrant health in our own lives based on what we need, not what someone else says. It's time to take back responsibility and control of our own health.

    We’re also going to explore the spiritual principles behind each of these pillars. We are three-part beings and to ignore any one part will lead to imbalance. 

    After each episode you'll have a greater understanding of practical ways you can improve your own health status and know how to engage your faith in a deeper way. 

    Topics covered in this episode:

    5 Signs of Compromised Sleep The sleep/weight-loss connection Benefits of sleep Sleep rituals Spiritual Principles of rest

    Show Resources:

    Show Notes Food Freedom Book Instagram
  • Loren de la Cruz is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Root Cause Protocol Consultant, and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner that specializes in preconception nutrition. Her mission is to empower women with the tools and the knowledge they need to regulate their cycles, balance their hormones, heal their metabolism, optimize their fertility, and have a thriving pregnancy.

    On this episode:

    Fertility markers to notice and pursue Key nutrients for conception and pregnancy  Whole-foods approach to nutrition How long to ideally prepare for conception Tests to consider taking to optimize healthy pregnancy Conception mindsets

    Loren is a wealth of knowledge and shares lots of practicals in this episode. Whether you're hoping to conceive, are already pregnant or want to pursue long-term health our conversation will give you the tools to do so.


    Well Women Co Instagram

    Well Women Co Website

    Food Freedom Book

    Innate Functional Nutrition Instagram

    Innate Functional Nutrition Website

  • Welcome baby Asher into the world! I'm sharing all the details of our son's natural home birth, how we prepared, the birthing experience and the things I've done postpartum to encourage healing. 

    If you or someone you know is pregnant, hoping to conceive or considering a home birth, we dive into the mindsets around natural birth and how to prepare. I also touch on postpartum healing and mindsets around embracing the new body after the delivery of a baby. Birth is not just physical, it's emotional and spiritual and it's important to acknowledge and prepare holistically for the birth you envision.

    Stick around to the end to hear the prayer Brooke prayer over mothers, expecting and current!

    Food Freedom Book

    Brooke's Instagram





  • Fitness is an appealing topic for some, and dreaded one for others. In this episode we're taking a "less is more" approach, and restoring the joy to movement once again. The "how", "how often", "why", "when" question can get in the way of mindful movement. Especially for those who have full schedules or little kids at home, motivation for extra movement can seem monumental. This episode covers all these questions with the goal of helping you find a rhythm with movement to workout smarter, not harder.

    Katie Beam is a personal trainer, accomplished fitness competitor, coaching groups including the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders, and volunteers at a local farm. Katie lives a consistent lifestyle of movement and wellness despite having a toddler and running her own personal training business.

    In this episode we cover topics like:

    How can we use fitness as a way to connect with God? How fitness evolves with a full schedule or little kids Is there such thing as "too" much excercise What a "more is less" fitness routine looks like for women Nutrition for women Proper recovery Daily movement guidelines for women Other health markers to focus on for vibrant health

    Show Notes

    Food Freedom Book

    Well Women Co Instagram

    Katie Beam Instagram

  • Chronic illness has the potential to derail the strongest person among us. Lingering symptoms without clear answers or resolution can quickly hinder resolve. As Christians, how do we stand in the tension of real suffering in our body and the full healing available through Jesus. There's times with reality does not align with the truth.

    Sondra Doty has walked through years of unexplained pain yet has continued to live in faith and hope of full restoration in body. Sondra is incredibly authentic in the struggle she's faced, but also shares her victories along the way. Whether you or a loved one has struggled with chronic illness this episode will bring encouragement and hope. 

    We cover topics like:

    Hearing God’s voice in the midst of pain Inviting others into what is sometimes a long journey Ways friends and family can provide support  Remaining steadfast in the in-between illness and healing

    There is redemption in pain and suffering. God's redeeming power is far greater than our current circumstance. Join Sondra and I in this important episode.

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    Show Notes


    Life Doula

    Sondra Instagram

  • In this episode we cover how to heal the metabolism holistically and why sometimes modern medicine including the naturopathic world can fall short from providing answers we need in order to truly heal. 

    Some of the topics covered in this episode include:

    The role + impact metabolism and minerals have on our health How to get to the root of a symptom First steps toward eating to nourish metabolism The difference between nourishment and diet culture Tests that actually matter to gauge health status Practical lifestyle tips to heal

    Ashlee Rowland is the founder of Simplholistic where she focuses on simplifying women’s wellness. She is also a certified Holistic Nutritionist teaching women how to balance their hormones by returning to nature. Her health journey began after experiencing infertility, PCOS, hormonal chaos, thyroid disease, autoimmunity and total gut hell. Today, Ashlee has made it her mission to teach women how to reverse PCOS naturally through her Bare Naked Hormones Course.

    Join us as we silence the noise of diet culture and tune into our bodies original design.


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    Bare Naked Course CODE: WELLWOMENCO FOR $50 off until 11/18/21

  • Stress impacts hormones. The body will convert progesterone (the hormone needed to sustain a pregnancy and prevent miscarriage) and other sex hormones into cortisol during stress. This protective measure is not ideal to make a baby and mimics a famine. The result is the body switches to a stress mode, and impacts hormonal balance and the ability to conceive. The first step to healing fertility and improving health is getting out of a stress mode and back to your vital health through mindset and movement. 

    Dr. Liz Berg, founder of Nourish Family Chiropractic shares her own journey with fertility and practical lifestyle shifts for optimal fertility and overall health. 

    Some of the topics we cover in this episode:

    Quick primer of sex hormones Fertility markers you need to know that are critical for women regardless of desiring to conceive Lifestyle shifts needed to reduce stress When to seek targeted support


    Grab your copy: Food Freedom Book Connect with me on Instagram Show Notes Nourish Website Nourish Instagram Nourish Facebook
  • Believe it or not, many of us are living as orphans. Not in the literal sense but a spiritual one. 

    The Father wants to speak to us about certain mindsets and habits that keep us trapped and the offender could be an orphan spirit, not a lack of willpower. Even for those of us who love God, follow him and are used by him.

    Has an orphan spirit revealed itself in your marriage in manipulation, getting easily frustrated or constant missed expectations?

    Has an orphan spirit showed up in your parenting? Parenting children based on immediate comfort and preference rather than for their good? Quick to get frustrated by our children's mistakes, more concerned with their conformity to our ideas rather than cultivating an environment where they can fail forward, explore, and create without fear?

    Has an orphan spirit showed up in how you related to God? Are you carrying shame that is creating distance in your relationship with God? 

    Has an orphan spirit showed up how you treated yourself? Are you overly concerned with your appearance to others because the risk of rejection? 

    In this episode I share a very personal encounter I had with the Father where He helped me identify the reality that I was a high-functioning orphan. How to identify an orphan spirit in operation in your life and most important of all, how to get rid of an orphan spirit, embrace identity and step into a renewed sense of confidence and vision.

    Instagram FREE 6 Step to a Miracle Morning Guide Show Notes
  • Did you know that there is a literal river flowing in Heaven right now? Not only is this River flowing, but that River flows up through us when we surrender our lives to Jesus!

    Before you freak out and check your pants for a flowing stream, I'd like to invite you to embrace the power and life that’s flowing to you right now. You can access this River at any time. It never stops flowing. Once you jump in you'll awaken to the truth that your life is meant to be a fountain of living water for others.

    Understanding this Kingdom Key will transform you from the inside out. It will impact your health, your attitude, your relationships, your confidence and unlock provision. On this episode I will share how its touched every part of my being bringing divine healing and restoration. 

    Let’s jump in the river!

    Instagram Free Miracle Morning Guide Show Notes
  • What does true femininity look like in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    I see the hand of God on women in such profound ways in this hour and I’m excited about the army of warrior women the Father is raising up. Like every move of the Spirit, the enemy is always prepared with a counterfeit.

    The enemy has worked to suppress women throughout history reducing their value to providing meals and procreation. Their voices were not heard and their rights were taken away.

    As important as it is to identify "What is Kingdom Femininity?", so is naming what it is NOT. Join us for this episode of the Well Women Co Podcast as we dig into God's "original" and very good design for women!

    Instagram FREE Miracle Morning Guide Show Notes
  • Imagine being on a high balcony and looking down below. Beneath, you see your enemies snarling at the gate. Anxiety, fear, chaos, offense all clawing at the walls, trying to break through. The presence of your enemies is real, but the strength of your fortress of impenetrable walls keep you safe and secure. 

    The enemy may be present in your days, but does not need prevail. You may hear his intimidating whispers but it doesn’t hold any authority over you. No, you've learned how to stay covered in an invisible blanket of God's glory keeping you steadfast and immoveable. No matter how hard he tries he can’t reach you.

    So how do we become "untouchable"? When we’re hidden in Christ. When we know who we are and who He says we are. When we come to a place of resolute faith that knows God's Word has the final say. Period. It's time to take a stand against anxiety, fear and chaos that desperately wants to surround us. I'm sharing 5 practical ways to remain "untouchable" from them, along with sharing openly about times when I've felt overwhelmed.

    Show Notes FREE 6 Steps to a Miracle Morning Guide Instagram
  • Minta was not unfamiliar with the Christian Faith, or reading the Bible. However, a couple kids and some heartbreaks later, she found herself wooed by what the world had to offer, and left with faith a mile wide and an inch deep. Minta's story is a powerful testament to the redemptive nature of  Father God. She has and continues to overcome immense challenges while digging even deeper into the living Word of God in such a way that's bringing transformation to herself and many others through her podcast, teen ministry and heart for local outreach.

    If you're faced with faith a mile wide and inch deep, or have never fully surrendered your life to the Way of Jesus, this story will bring encouragement and practical tools to dive into an authentic, beautiful relationship with God like never before. 

    We address questions like:

    Why do we get stuck in our faith? What role does the Holy Spirit play in reading the Bible? What does the "crucified life" look like? How can we actually apply the Word of God to our lives? Where do we begin or start to dig deeper into the Bible?


    Well Women Co Instagram Show Notes FREE Miracle Morning Guide Mint Podcast