TV & Film – Island – Anbefalte podcaster
Podcast með Sölva er þáttur sem lætur sér ekkert óviðkomandi. Fylgstu með áhugaverðu fólki úr öllum áttum setjast í stólinn hjá Sölva Tryggva.
Hugleikur Dagsson og Sandra Barilli horfa á mikilvægustu myndir allra tíma.
Hver þáttur er tileinkaður einni mynd af ótæmandi lista bíómynda sem Sandra hefur ekki séð áður. Þau skeggræða hverja mynd fyrir sig og allt það sem henni við kemur og það sem þeim dettur í hug líka. -
Hlaðvarp um lífið, tilveruna, normin, ónormin, óöryggi, geðheilsu, mótandi minningar og allt hið ósagða í ofantöldum efnum. Trúnó er í umsjón Tómasar Valgeirssonar og Nínu Eck.
Nína er Mastersnemi í félagsráðgjöf, IPS jafningjaþjálfari og teymisstjóri jafningja á Geðsviði LSH. Tómas er fjölmiðlamaður, græjukall og söngleikjanörd.
Samtölin kunna að vera hljóðrituð. Vertu með í trúnóinu. -
Message us at [email protected]
We talk about the Hollywood Down South!! From our hotbed home in Atlanta, GA - GOF explores folks in TV - Movies - Music - and more.....take THAT LA!! -
Sigurjón og Tryggvi horfa vikulega á kvikmynd sem að annar hvor þeirra hefur ekki séð en það verkefni er einfalt þar sem Tryggvi hefur varla séð eina einustu bíómynd. Þeir leggja af stað í leiðangur til að upplýsa Tryggva betur um heim kvikmynda og horfa á allt frá algjöru rusli yfir í íkoniskar kvikmyndir sem allir hafa séð og elska (nema hann)
Podcast with host, Nicholas LaDue, and recurring guests coming on to discuss a film just seen for the first time.
Cover art by Oliver Panlibuton. Intro music by Gonzo.
Available on Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you listen. -
A podcast for widening your movie horizons in a fun, non-intimidating style. Hosts Ben and Nick Renkoski talk about a different movie each week that may be a Hollywood classic, a foreign masterpiece, or a lesser-known gem. They discuss what they liked, what they didn't, and hopefully help you appreciate movies in a whole new way.
Mike Lewis Podcast is a pop culture podcast that dives head first into the world of entertainment with stars consisting MTV’s The Challenge, MTV’s The Real World, Nickelodeon shows, Actors and actresses, athletes and other personalities as well. Mike dives into the mental health aspect that comes with being in front of the public eye, as well as their experiences on their respective shows, their upbringings, etc.
My goal is to make these feel more like conversations than ‘interviews’
Twitter: @mikelewispod
IG: @mikelewispodcast
TikTok: @mikelewispodcast -
For those who’ve seen the movie, don’t plan on seeing the movie or just don’t give a f#ck about spoilers.
Podcast þar sem Hafsteinn Sæmundsson fær alls konar fólk til sín og spjallar við það um lífið og bíómyndir. Nýr þáttur alla miðvikudaga.
Every Wednesday, stand up comedian Raanan Hershberg (The Tonight Show, Comedy Central) rewatches a comedian's Favorite Movie, and then has them on to discuss why the movie sucks (or why it's great!), plus what their favorite movie says about them.
Ramscast Network is a podcast network that is all about having fun and doing podcasts shows that can help people all around the world with what they are going through.
Ever wondered what it would be like to have a chat with two real-life Broadway best friends? The Broadway Besties podcast brings you into the conversation, and gives you a front row seat to hear their secrets, what they love about each other, and why they continue to be besties! Part of the Broadway Podcast Network. Produced by John Zeitoun and Alan Seales.
Podcast dedicated to the history, science and legacy of the all-time classic film and one of the greatest works of art of the twentieth century, Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Extraplasm Podcast is a regularly recurring discussion of all things Ghostbusters and its fandom. Join your host Jim Maritato - AKA @venkmaniac - for updates on current events and headlines and interviews and guest conversations with makers, producers, and charitable organizations and ”franchises” within the Ghostbusters community!
First aired in 1940 and produced in Australia, Adventures of Marco Polo was created by George Edwards. Produced by and starring Edwards, along with his actress-wife Nell Stirling and Tom Farley. This Old Time Radio Program tells of Marco's journey and adventures in 15 minute serialized episodes. GSMC Classics presents some of the greatest classic radio broadcasts, classic novels, dramas, comedies, mysteries, and theatrical presentations from a bygone era. The GSMC Classics collection is the embodiment of the best of the golden age of radio. Let Golden State Media Concepts take you on a ride through the classic age of radio, with this compiled collection of episodes from a wide variety of old programs. ***PLEASE NOTE*** GSMC Podcast Network presents these shows as historical content and have brought them to you unedited. Remember that times have changed and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Golden State Media Concepts or the GSMC Podcast Network. Our goal is to entertain, educate, and give you a glimpse into the past.
Hlaðvarp um stóru málin. Chick flicks, rom coms, Hollywood og allt sem er bleikt & bubbly.
Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. Allen and Katie watch horror movies from all eras and of all qualities and then discuss them in a not-so-academic way (just as the name "Werewolf Ambulance" might imply!) and then discuss and rate them. The episodes do contain spoilers, so please watch the films before listening if that bothers you!
A Walk in the Dark is a dark drama podcast series created in the spirit of the Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, and Stephen King and features science fiction, horror, suspense, and psychological thrillers that often conclude with a macabre or unexpected twist. The short story format takes listeners on strange and often scary journeys lasting between 5 and 15 minutes each.
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