Helse og trening – Litauen – Anbefalte podcaster

  • I’m Matt Maruca, and this is The Light Diet podcast! After struggling with health issues as a young kid, I’ve spent nearly half my life seeking to understand how our bodies work in order to achieve optimal health.

    On my journey, I learned about little-known Western research from expert scientists confirming that our bodies are electromagnetic in nature, meaning that we are truly beings of light, and our body’s functions are controlled by light. This research opens the doors to an entirely new and deeper understanding of previously misunderstood Ancient Eastern wisdom about health, energy, and wellness.

    As the saying goes, heaven and hell have the same address: half way between our right and left ears. My goal is to travel the world and learn from leading Western Experts and Eastern Masters all of the things that we can do in our time on this earth to live in the states of bliss, flow, and love that everyone has experienced, but we have been taught to believe are only accessible under special circumstances.

    Achieving optimal health and self-realization in the modern world involves more than just diets of our food and exercise. It requires a new relationship with Light, externally and internally.

    Welcome to The Light Diet!

  • Разговоры с психологом обо всем на свете: поиск призвания, страх успеха, эйджизм, доказательная психотерапия, скандальные отношения с бывшими, откровения проктолога и сырки Б. Ю. Александров.

    По вопросам рекламы: [email protected] или в тг @din_dinarin

    Для записи на консультации: http://noetkovcheg.tilda.ws/

    Тг-канал "Ноет ковчег": https://t.me/noetkovcheg

    Тг-канал о жизни подкаста: https://t.me/vozlefikusa

    Фикус в запрещенных сетях: https://www.instagram.com/vozlefikusa

  • Welcome to the Busy, Yet Pretty podcast. Are you busy, setting goals and achieving your dream life? Yet, incorporating pretty things into your busy life such as style, skincare, perfume & lipgloss? Your host Jadyn Hailey is here to talk all about maintaining a Busy, Yet Pretty lifestyle. On this podcast, Jadyn covers fashion, wellness, living a lifestyle and creating your dream life. Get your almond milk matcha latte and tune in every Monday!

    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jadynhaileyy/
    - Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx48PsDdAossgZjWWnXbvvg

    Business Inquiries: [email protected]

  • Pokalbiai tylia tema - apie psichinę mūsų sveikatą. Apie tas būsenas, kai atsakome "ai, viskas gerai...", nors gerai nebūna. Kalbėsime su srities ekspertais, sunkumus patyrusiais ir jų artimaisiais. Tam, kad pažintume save ir padėtume sau.

  • The health entrepreneurship podcast — focusing on big picture stuff.

    Interviews with health/biotech entrepreneurs and leaders having impact at scale. Health stuff a techbro/sis would find interesting. Think health meets the Tim Ferriss Show.

    Get in touch: [email protected]

  • Український контент для свідомої аудіторії.
    У цьому подкасті я простою мовою та доступними словами розповідаю про психологію, психосоматику та загальні актуальні теми для багатьох людей.
    Я - дипломований практичний психолог та майже 10 років активно заглиблююсь у питання світобудови, вивчаю різні підходи, науки та напрямки коррекції психологічного стану людини.
    Психологічний ЛікБез - вижимка всього того, що пропрацьовано та пізнано за ці роки особисто мною.
    Вважаю, що ці знання мають давати у школі, щоб людина мала змогу прожити більш усвідомлене та щасливе життя.
    Але починати ставати щасливою та здоровою людиною ніколи не піздно.
    Тож приєднуйтесь, слухайте, розмірковуйте, вирішуйте, чи резонує ця думка саме вам, і розширюйте свій світогляд разом зі мною!

  • Tinklalaidėje pateikiame pažintinę ir mokomąją, praktiškai pritaikomą medžiagą, skirtą ir specialistams, ir visuomenei. Daug dėmesio yra skiriama pagrindinėms šiuolaikinės psichologijos ir moksliniais tyrimais grįstos psichoterapijos sritims - Kognityvinė elgesio terapija, Įsisąmoninimu grįsta terapija, Schemų terapija, Dialektinė ir elgesio terapija, Priėmimo ir įsipareigojimo terapija ir kitos. Didelė dalis medžiagų skirta praktiniam įgūdžių lavinimui, t.y. mindfulness metodikos, įvairūs relaksacijos, psichologinio atsparumo didinimo ir kitų psichologinių kompetencijų stiprinimo pratimai.

  • Are you a woman over 35 struggling to lose weight and dieting? Find out the diet myths sabotaging your efforts and why shifting your mindset is key to lasting weight loss. If you can't do what you're doing until you are 85 years old, you are going to gain the weight back!

  • All of you have the ability to create the body you truly desire and live the life of your wildest dreams. Hosted by free spirit, science nerd and fitness coach Jodie Walker, this podcast is made for the woman who wants to look better, feel better and live her best life.
    Through sharing her perspective, simplifying the science and going deep on all things the universe, Jodie is going to help and inspire you to become the best version of yourself both physically and mentally. If you desire more from your body and life, then listen up. 

  • In the Driven Minds podcast, Gillian Sagansky talks to cultural icons to learn how they navigate through this crazy, beautiful mess called life and find mental strength.

    Through humorous and unfiltered conversations, we discover how struggle and success are not mutually exclusive, and we are never as alone as we might feel we are. Guests share their strategies and hacks, what held them back, how they moved forward and what they learned along the way.

    Produced by RecTag Productions and brought to you by Porsche Type7.

  • Нашае жыцьцё – гэта ня спрынт «схуднець да лета», а маратон «быць здаровым ды энэргічным доўгія гады і перадухіліць раньняе старэньне». У харчаваньні істотная рэч – прытрымлівацца залатой сярэдзіны, улічваць навуковыя парады, традыцыйныя практыкі й асабістыя адметнасьці. Ніхто ня ведае нас лепей, чымся мы самі. Калі ж да гэтае веды дадаць разуменьне падставовых працэсаў, гэта дапаможа прымаць слушныя й здаровыя рашэньні.

    Кніга Андрэя Белавешкіна, доктара, к. м. н., выкладчыка, – гэта збор гнуткіх правілаў, кожным зь якіх можна карыстацца асобна. Правілы рэжыму харчаваньня, выбару прадуктаў, а таксама псыхалёгіі харчаваньня даюць адказы на найбольш важныя пытаньні: калі есьці? што есьці? як есьці?

    Увага! Інфармацыя, зьмешчаная ў кнізе, ня можа выступаць заменай кансультацыі лекара. Перад тым як ажыцьцявіць любую з рэкамэндаваных дзеяў, неабходна пракансультавацца са спэцыялістам. здаровы лад жыцьця, рэжым харчаваньня, здаровае харчаваньне, культура харчаваньня, дыеталёгія, парады дактароў

    Аўдыякніга была запісаная пры фінансавай падтрымцы беларускіх супрацоўнікаў кампаніі Google.

    Чытае Лявон Шматок

  • Where psych, education, personal experience and conversation meet to discuss topics surrounding relationships, sex, and self love.

  • Your health is fundamental to achieve your goals and dreams, yet a busy lifestyle can make it difficult to find the time and energy to focus on wellness, let alone know how and where to begin. Join Dr. Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. as they interweave the ancient wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine, Yoga and Daoism into accessible, tangible tools for your modern life.

  • clutter is any excess in life or emotional baggage we haul around that weighs us down, distracts from our purpose, or robs us of joy and mind-body-spirit health. Let's get it out TOGETHER...shall we?

  • The world is full of sexual traumas and issues... we are all obsessed with sex, but unfortunately this obsession gets acted out in unhealthy ways. By implementing Qigong, Yoga, Breathwork, and Meditation, we've helped hundreds of men & women around the world overcome sexual dysfunction and limitations, and become masters in the bedroom.Our mission is to educate YOU to overcome limitations, whether these are limitations in the bedroom or out in your daily life. We're here to help you MASTER your sexual energy so that you can MAGNETIZE your ideal life.

  • Curious about the possible therapeutic benefits of psychedelic medicines? The Psychedelic Medicine Podcast with Dr. Lynn Marie Morski has you covered with the latest in scientific research, medical practices, and legal developments involving these substances and their incredible therapeutic potential. Covering the full range of psychedelic therapies, including psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine, LSD, ayahuasca, ibogaine, and more, this podcast serves as an auditory encyclopedia of information for anyone interested in learning about the safe, therapeutic uses of these medicines.

  • Welcome to the ultimate relaxation destination. Our curated audio experiences feature nature sounds, white noise, pink noise, slice of life soundscapes, and more, all designed to calm your mind, help you focus, and lull you into a peaceful sleep.From tranquil forests to serene oceans and everywhere in between, our audio journeys take you to some of the most peaceful and calming locations on Earth. Let our soothing sounds transport you to a world of tranquility and deep relaxation. Whether you're struggling with stress, anxiety, or insomnia, these sound therapy aids offer a natural solution to help you achieve restful sleep.

  • Myofunctional Therapy, holistic health, root cause treatment, healing the body, changing minds. We discuss all the ways that breathing dysfunction and oral dysfunction effects our bodies. This is meant for anyone to listen to and understand. Very few professionals are aware of airway dentistry and myofunctional disorders, we want to share our knowledge as well as specialists in these fields to open your mind to WHY we are the way we are. Key Issues: mouth breathing, TMJ pain, sleep apnea, tongue thrust, tongue tie, open mouth posture, UARS, vagus nerve, sleep, gut health, oral habits. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/munchbunch/support

  • Did you know there's a natural approach to improve your sleep, TMJ pain, teeth grinding and clenching, airway support, breathing, and dental health?
    Myofunctional therapy is a powerful tool to rewire your brain for better health and better sleep. If you're seeking holistic solutions to your health, this podcast is for you. Myofunctional therapist Becca Rose explores how issues such as tongue tie, snoring, sleep health, teeth grinding, and TMJ can be resolved through Myofunctional Therapy.
    Join our supportive community of moms transforming their lives with better sleep and a happy jaw.