Helse og trening – Norge – Nye podcaster

  • Welcome to the Take a Moment podcast, a space to block out the noise and let inspiration flow.

    Our host, Susanne Holzweiler, is also one of the founders of our company. She’s been there since the early days when Holzweiler first started operating as a small agency in Oslo, and is now at the heart of operations as we transition into a global lifestyle brand. 

    Take a Moment with Holzweiler is a podcast inspired by Susanne’s experience of juggling life with a rapidly expanding business. Back in 2016 Susanne was operating as Holzweiler’s CEO: 

    ‘I had been working so much and so hard, after having the business for 10 years. I had also gotten 2 small kids during that period, and it was just everything at the same time. I was working day and night - every spare second I was spending working.’

    Susanne developed a bad case of burnout, and the remedy for this was quite literally to take a moment. Susanne shifted her lifestyle to allow for a space for wellness, meditation and rest, and to learn new information from books, podcasts and her peers.

    Inspired by this, Take a moment with Holzweiler is our new podcast where we delve deep into the stories of the people who inspire us. There’s so much to learn if we take the time to listen to other people’s experiences, and this is what this podcast creates a space to do.

    As our Holzweiler family continues to grow, we get to know the stories of an ever expanding range of people, from royalty to leaders in the modern wellness movement. Holzweiler sits at the intersection of life and style, therefore we often take our inspiration from the real people living life with the values that align with our own.

    In the rush of the working week when everyone is dashing from meeting to meeting it’s hard to find the time to let creativity flow. So, we invite you to take a moment and join us for this podcast and see where inspiration from these stories can lead you to.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Des récits à la fois excitants, orgasmiques🔞 , érotiques, voire hypnotiques, mais aussi déculpabilisants, qui ouvrent le champ des possibles sur ce qu'il est possible de vivre pour donner du 🌶️ dans votre vie sexuelle (seul-e, à 2 ou ++).L'approche de la sexualité permet aussi de se reconnecter à soi, à son corps... pour mieux se connaître et s'autoriser une vie de plaisirs, dans le respect de chacun-e.Pour échanger sur un de ces sujets, Rejoignez le groupe de la reconnexion à soi👉 https://t.me/+2a2GvbkWyDZiMGQ0Bruno BINCoach certifié & Facilitateur de reconnexion à soi 🌬️✨

  • Velkommen til Slikkepodden 🏳️‍🌈🐆

    Vi inviterer deg med oss, ett lesbisk par, på ett dypdykk i LGBTQ+ verdenen. Vi skal snakke om det brede spekteret av kjærlighet, samt dele skeive historier og livserfaringer. Vi ønsker å tilby ett fristed for de som søker forståelse, hvor latter og lærdom går hånd i hånd. Vi skal svare på spørsmålene til de som er skeiv, ikke-skeiv og mulig skeiv. En podcast for representasjon, feiring av kjærlighet og kamp mot fordommer og de utfordringer mange enda står ovenfor.

    Så enten du er en del av miljøet, en alliert som vil lære mer eller ikke helt sikker på hvor du står, så er du velkommen her akkurat som du er 🌈

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • این پادکست در مورد نحوه انجام مینی کات و کاربرد اون در کاهش چربی های به وجود اومده در تعطیلات یا مسافرتهایه که شما رو از رژیم دور کرده.همینطور بهترین روش گوش دادن به پادکست رو یاد میگیرید که همزمان بتونید ورزش هم بکنید

  • I Tandes tenketank snakker Subjekts debattredaktør, Mikkel Ihle Tande, med Norges mest spennende samfunnsdebattanter. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I podcasten snakker jeg med personer som driver eller har drevet med idrett/prestert på andre arenaer på et høyt nivå. Hva er deres tanker rundt hva som skal til for å lykkes, hva er grunnen til at de ikke nådde helt opp, hvilke råd ville de gitt til seg selv eller andre når de nå ser tilbake, hvordan holder man seg lykkelig som toppidrettsutøver når de aller fleste opplever færre oppturer enn nedturer?
    Alt dette og mye mer ønsker jeg å høre med gjestene om i podcasten. I tillegg ønsker jeg å komme med mentale verktøy og tips som alle kan bruke i hverdagen.
    "Idrettspsykologen" på IG og FB

  • En podcast som bygger på podcasten I hodet på mannen med meg og Christer Stangeland. Vi skal nok lage flere episoder av den podcasten også, men Christer er opptatt med nytt barn og master, så jeg kjører litt solo, dvs solo med mange spennende gjester. Den røde tråden er, hva pokker foregår i hodet på mannen. Jeg har nettopp gitt ut bok også, kalt I hodet på mannen  selvfølgelig. Så hva passer vel bedre da enn å ta litt dypdykk i temaene i boka. 

    Instagram: i hodet på mannen 

  • Dr. Robert Melillo is a world renowned expert in adult and childhood developmental neurological conditions, functional neuroimmunology. He is joined by Dr. Peter Scire, a colleague and protégé of Dr Melillo, and also an expert in Functional Medicine. This show is focused on bringing the most cutting edge scientific and clinical information on many different common issues that are all related to brain developmental issues.

  • Välkommen till "Big sis Bex", din storasyster med en kamera. En podd åt personer som aldrig når målet i sin träning eller projekt, kämpar mot prestationsångest och känner sig vilsna i livet. 85% av människor tvivlar på sig själva, vilket betyder att bara 15% lyckas nå självacceptans! Denna podcast är utformad att hjälpa dig bli en av de 15%. Om du vill sluta vakna med osäkerhet i din kropp, tankar och förändra ditt mindset - du är inte ensam och det är inte försent!

    @rebeccabillger - Instagram
    Boka samtal - https://calendly.com/rebeccabillger/consultation

  • A podcast about the complex realities of living with a spinal CSF leak. Presented by the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation.

  • We create space for “Conversations about Mental Health that Change Lives” by bringing you the “Stories Underneath the Slogans”

    We want people to learn that they’re empowered by their experience, NOT inhibited. We aim to bring clarity to what mental health is and what it actually looks like in people’s lives.

    The podcast is a collection of people, professionals, doctors, therapists, advocates, teachers, professors, and other stakeholders trying to improve the lives of other human beings through the lens of mental health.

  • Dette er ein intro og liten smakebit på min podcast som kjem ut ganske snart til ein plass nær deg, der du sit og lyttar til dine podcastar! Dette blir eit fint lite univers der eg vil dele mine innsikter rundt sjølvutviklingsprosess og det å bygge seg sjølv innanfrå og ut. Det kjem til å handle om tøffe tak, det å vere i offerolla, kome seg ut av det som gjer vondt, gå gjennom møkka, ut i lyset, nyte det som er godt i livet, finne og halde i det som gjer godt i livet, skape og dele glede. Ja her inne kjem det til å vere rett frå levra, rått og autentisk. Eg vil dele frå eit terapeutperspektiv men og vel so mykje frå eit menneskeleg persepektiv, både frå arbeidsliv og lerfart livserfaring. Hjerteleg velkomen og takk for at du vil vere her inne ilag med meg!

  • Vi er tre damer som undrer oss over livet. Både dets solskinn og ikke minst skyggesider. Derfor navnet "Fifty Shades fra Livet". Vi kommer til å snakke om ting fra hjertet og fra levra. Med alvor, humor og undring.

  • Together we run Raw Yoga, a yoga studio in Oslo but when we meet, we talk about life from our perspective. This is a whimsical, raw and honest talk about all things life! And maybe some yoga talk.. If you’re lucky ;)

  • This podcast talks about the benefits of being more mindful in everyday life as an approach to starting a regular ‘mindfulness’ practice, then moves on to a breathing meditation or relaxation

  • At Healing Ground Movement, we believe that health is the culmination of 1,000 little choices a day. Each week, host Dr. Carly Hudson, D.C. sits down with a new guest to discuss their passion for health, movement and wellness. Interviews include specialists in the field of holistic and alternative medicine, as well as inspiring stories of healing transformations from athletes, artists, and performers of all kinds. As an infant, Dr. Carly suffered a devastating and life-threatening illness. She was left with “invisible disabilities” including balance disorders, muscle spasticity, and hearing loss. She had to begin again to learn how her body worked and so began her path of life-long learning and healing. With the gift of this injury, Dr. Carly has spent her life exploring how deliberate self care impacts our mind, body, and spirit. She started this podcast to dig deeper into the body's natural ability to heal itself. Our health depends on not just our food and the way we move, but also on our community and our sense of purpose. Like what you learn? Support us by donating via https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=SEB6Q5HS8W4DY

  • This unique podcast, dedicated to serenity and well-being, invites listeners to immerse themselves in the soothing, therapeutic sounds of nature.

    Each episode is a sonic escape through varied natural landscapes, featuring high-quality recordings of gentle rain, powerful thunderstorms, waves lapping the shore, murmuring streams, crackling fires, and melodious bird songs.

    Perfect for meditation, yoga, sleep aid, or a relaxing break in the day, this podcast offers an immersive listening experience that helps reduce stress, improve concentration, and reconnect with nature.

    Also an excellent tool for sound therapy and anxiety relief, it showcases a variety of natural soundscapes, from lush rainforests and refreshing waterfalls to peaceful gardens and majestic mountains.

    With regular updates, each sound is carefully selected to enrich the listening experience and transport the listener to a world of calm and serenity.

    This podcast is an audio refuge for inner peace and deep relaxation, inviting a sonic journey into the soothing diversity of nature.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Lei av regisserte programmer som åndenes makt? Er alternativ behandling eller spiritisme bare fjas, bygget på gammel overtro? Bli med på et prosjekt, -eller kall det et eksperiment. Jeg er åpen som person, men skeptisk av natur. Vil jeg gjennom 8 episoder la meg overbevise om noe annet? Bli med på turen!
    Med Anders Vegdal Bjerke