Kunst – Slovakia – Anbefalte podcaster
Žiadne nebíčko v papuľke... Tento podcast budete žrať! Robo a Tono sú kuchári, ktorí si do podcastu volajú kuchárov, čašníkov, barmanov a majiteľov reštaurácií.
In association with Wicked Good Books (Youtube), The Unlocked Tomb Podcast is a roundtable reread and discussion of The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir! Our two hosts, Nick and Emily, have read both books in the series whereas the two guests, Junior and Lisa, are reading them for the first time.
Official WGBP Podcast Artwork by @naomistares!
Original Music by Chelsea Lankes -
The poetry podcast for people who don’t like poetry... and those who do. Host Dylan J. Kershaw is dragged kicking, screaming and making ridiculous interpretations along the way toward enjoying poetry by close friend and literature whiz Charlie Pidcock. Join them as they dive into the enlightening world of poetry, and have some laughs along the way.
Toto je GEEKFRIENDLY zóna. Očakávaj čokoľvek, čo súvisí s Pánom prsteňov, Star Wars, Marvelovkami, legendárnymi PC hrami, atď.. Vy, ktorí máte radi geekovské a nerdovské veci - my budeme váš hlas. @hatala.martin https://www.instagram.com/hatala.martin/ a @vladimirmikulas https://www.instagram.com/vladimirmikulas/
Nový podcast, ktorý bude upozorňovať na dôležité témy v oblasti duševného zdravia. Môžete sa tešiť na mnoho fundovaných odborníkov, ale aj obyčajných ľudí, ktorých príbehy ste možno ešte nepočuli, ale rozhodne budú stáť za to.
El crecimiento y distintas formas de nuestra educación
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., spustil 10. května 2023 nový podcast zaměřený na soudobou historii. Prostřednictvím jedné epizody každý měsíc přibližuje posluchačům a posluchačkám z řad odborné i širší zainteresované veřejnosti nejen projekty, které vědci a vědkyně na pracovišti řeší, ale i aktuální témata a otázky týkající se výzkumu nejnovějších dějin. Doplňuje tak publikované audiozáznamy z metodologických seminářů k soudobým dějinám, které ústav pořádá.
Certified Cybersecurity Career Coach 20 year Veteran Teaches Everything She Knows to Solve the 3.5 million Worldwide Cybersecurity Staff Shortage Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sakinahtanzil/support
Join Lindsey as she dives into the exciting world of books. In each episode, Lindsey will review a book that she has enjoyed and give the audience the details they need in order to decide if the book is worth the read.
Lindsey will also bring in authors of your favorite books so you can learn about their lives, writing processes, their current projects, and what is coming next. -
Publishing updates, short fiction, and general musings on the craft of fiction.
markfeenstra.substack.com -
Welcome to our craft beer podcast, where we delve into all things Arizona craft beer, from the latest news and brews to reviews and interviews with the talented brewers who make the beers we love. Join us as we explore the exciting and ever-changing landscape of craft beer in Arizona, sharing our passion and enthusiasm for this amazing industry with you every step of the way. Whether you're a seasoned craft beer aficionado or a newcomer to the scene, we have something for everyone, from in-depth interviews with local brewers to lively discussions about the latest beer releases and events. So grab a cold one and join us on our journey through the world of craft beer in Arizona.
Cheers! Visit us at hoppycraftsmen.beer -
Susan Berkley, founder of the Great Voice Company, shares powerful voice over performance tips you can use right away, as she coaches a voice over beginner from The Great Voice community and helps them improve almost instantly! She also does fascinating deep-dive interviews with members of Team Great Voice, and extracts tactics, tools and techniques you can use to improve your voice over practice and your life.
Nahlas je prvá rozhlasová dokumentárna séria Rádia Devín. V dobe zaplavenej informáciami, kedy vyhrávajú tí najhlučnejší, dáva osem rôznych autorov hlas protagonistom a témam, o ktorých sa nehovorí často a dostatočne zreteľne. Dokusériu „Nahlas“ pripravuje RTVS - Slovenský rozhlas, Rádio Devín.
Podcast bratislavského nezávislého kultúrneho centra A4. V pravidelnom mesačnom podcaste sa zaoberáme tým, čo máme najradšej - súčasnou kultúrou. Čakajú nás rozhovory s množstvom zaujímavých umelkýň a umelcov, dramaturgičiek a dramaturgov, či iných kultúrnych aktérov - a mnoho iného.
Vznik podcastu z verejných zdrojov podporuje Fondu na podporu umenia a Nadácia mesta Bratislava. -
Ahoj, som Lucka a vítam Ťa v podcaste Knihovinky, nielen o knihách, ale aj o všetkom, čo mi leží na srdci. Pre viac knižných tipov ma môžeš sledovať na IG @knihovinky
The Young Director Award podcast series hosted by King She is a no-holds-barred deep dive into all things filmmaking. Eavesdrop on intimate conversations between rising and established directors as they share their take on filmmaking craft, navigating the business of making short form content, and overcoming the hurdles that developing new talent face. Listen in as each guest share their experience and insights around breaking new ground and bringing fresh perspectives to the craft.
Any follow-up questions can be directed to https://www.kingshe.co/
If you have Rosacea or Sensitive Skin, you're in the right place! We cover all things rosacea and sensitive skin to help you and your skin look and feel your best! Hosted by Shannon Sorensen, founder and CEO of Fairface Washcloths, the best washcloths and face cloths for sensitive skin.
Let's talk about food! Join Trina, lifelong learner and lover of food, along with her buddy, Bob, as they dish all about food and work on their quest to become better, more wordly home cooks. Welcome to Trina's cucina (kitchen in Italian)!
Podcast Národného divadla Košice
Go behind the scenes of The Atlanta Opera through in-depth interviews, thoughtful series, and informative (and witty) Opera 101s.
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