个人微信号:jiabeibei2652 -
Engaging Story is a christian marriage podcast that features a guest couple each week that share their story of how they met, the "I do" moment and how they sustained their marriage through difficult life challenging situations. Engaging Story is led by married couple, Matt and Rebecca. Matt is the Digital Content Manager for the K-LOVE and Air1 radio networks and Rebecca is an experienced social worker. Together, their hope is to strengthen marriages one story at a time.
《一千零一夜》(tales from the thousand and one nights)是我成年后都喜欢的书,它是阿拉伯民间故事集,又名《天方夜谭》,也是很多朋友的童年回忆。许多大咖都有演绎,但多是针对儿童选择朗读的精简版,我听得不过瘾,就起了读全本的心思,也当作自己的播讲练习,能力有限,读的不好敬请谅解,同时个人也希望把这一套故事读下来,我的播读能力能有进步。
天方夜谭故事有两百多个,我是选着读的,也欢迎你参考以下图片所示译林出版社郅溥浩等人翻译的书本同步阅读。 -
Cindy Wang Brandt helps parents heal from religious trauma, break toxic cycles, and raise children with healthy spirituality and conscious citizenship. She is an author, speakers, conference host committed to helping parents raise kids for a better world. The Parenting Forward podcast features interviews with thought leaders from progressive faith and non-faith spaces, resources to create better practices in parenting and life with children. We believe parenting is revolutionary, that if we change the way we parent, we can change the world. Join us!
Tanya For Teens Series with Rabbi Manis Friedman Centuries before society realized the importance of the mind to healthy living, chapter 26 of Tanya had already turned itself to understanding its many struggles. Utilizing the authentic text and traditional Jewish learning methods, you’ll see the interplay between mental and spiritual health through the lens of Torah– and its path of healing for those who suffer.http://itsgoodtoknow.org
End of Days with Rob Bryant From the Gaon of Vilna himself, who revealed it shortly before his death: “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard.
你的有缘人在哪儿,先听听过来人怎么说。 -
出體king 愦灭;amp; 積淇離岸神[由靈開始] 主持: 出體king/積淇離岸神 由靈開始,一個陪著你進入夢鄉的節目 -