Motivation For Moms is a personal development show to help moms get out of a rut, dream bigger, design a better life for themselves and their families, and make each day as productive, easy, organized, and well-planned as possible. Hosted by certified life coach and fellow mama, Sara Muender, who believes that moms must adopt a leadership mindset in their family. Connect with Sara at
Creating a home culture in another country can be a LOT- so let's do it together! Join me each week as we have short, practical, encouraging conversations about living and thriving abroad.
Welcome to the Korean American Parenting Podcast, where we share the idiosyncrasies, struggles, joys and pains of being a Korean American parent, not just Korean or American, navigating the unique cross cultural challenges of parenthood. Hosts Jang Cho and Jerry Won chat with fellow parents and parenting experts about topics like academics, health both physical and mental, culture, and of course how current events such as COVID have impacted all of our lives in numerous ways. Our hope is that through these conversations we will grow together as confident Korean American parents, raising confident Korean American children. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and follow us on Instagram at @KoreanAmericanParenting.
Do you want to harness the creative power that lives within your womb?
Do you want to proudly claim ALL of who you are and bring that essence to your relationships, parenting, and business?
Our planet is in a collective death cycle. Can you feel it? A rebirth is imminent, activating our deep feminine consciousness. This is shifting the way we relate to how we birth, how we create, how we view our bodies, how we love, how we heal, and how we treat one another.
Melissa April and Katherine Blanco, two mothers, lovers and creative entrepreneurs explore the deeper meaning of Birth, Death, Rebirth and the many Initiations we walk through as women in the world. We dive into birth in all forms from babies, to businesses, to our next level selves. We explore what needs to die as we become ALL of who we are in the world.
The Yoni Codes explore the mysteries of the divine feminine through the reclamation of Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Relationships.
Join us each week as we engage in powerful, paradigm shifting, soul expanding conversations. Experience the discovery of potent codes that live within as we allow our wild and raw truths come to the surface.
Once every moon cycle we will be joined by special guests who will share their unique perspectives on their own Rebirths through the lens of The Yoni Codes.
We look forward to connecting with you as we uncover the mysteries of the Divine Femine one conversation at a time. -
Blueue & Air’s Podcast
Hadii Aad doonayso Qoys Qurux badan Farxad ku dhisan waa inaad Qorshe u samaysaa ?
Sido kale waa inaad la timaado Habdhaqan wanaagsan iyo Tababarid wanaagsan.
Halakaan waxaan ku so gudbiyaa Qabka loo Qosheeyo Arimaha Qoyska iyo
Farxada Qoyska Dhirigalinta Walidiinta iyo Tarbiyada Caruurta, Afsomaali.
(in English)
If you want a beautiful and happy family, you should make a plan.
You should also come with good Attitude and Good Training.
I hereby submit to you the draft of the Family Matters and
Family Happiness, Parenting and Child Education, Somalia. -
행복한 육아를 위해 꼭 필요한 3가지! 스팩타클한 육아에 대한 공감! 고단하고 힘든 엄마의 일상을 응원! 아는 만큼 다르게 육아할 수 있는 유익한 정보! [도대체 왜?] [윈윈 육아스터디] [내가 니 편이 되어줄게] [액션맘 인터뷰] [나도 엄마다] 이렇게 5개의 코너로 액션맘과 엄마들이 함께 만들어가는 방송입니다. 5개 코너의 자세한 소개는 ‘예고편’을 참고해 주세요~ 실시간 사연접수
동화구연가 양미선 이모가 들려주는 재미난 동화나라!
명작ed, 전래, 창작, 구연동화, 자장가 동화까지~!
수시로 재미있는 이야기가 업데이트되고요,
방송중인 동화는 네이버 오디오클립, 플로(FLO), Podcast, 유튜브에서도 보고 들으실 수 있어요.
구독하기와 좋아요! 꼭 부탁드려요~please~
LG U+아이들나라 책읽어주는 tv출연하고 있어요 -
이 팟캐스트 채널은 네이버 오디오클립, 유튜브에서 만날 수 있어요!
'두란노 이야기성경'은 90일로 구성되어 있으며, 30일씩 순차적으로 제공됩니다. 자세한 정보는 두란노 홈페이지에서 확인하세요
아이와 함께 읽는 그림 동화책. 잠자리에 들기 전 진서와 아빠, 엄마가 함께 동화책을 읽습니다.
그림책을 좋아하는 엄마들이 모여 아이들과 함께 행복한 그림책 세상을 만들어가는 맘마북입니다. 따뜻한 엄마의 목소리로 녹음된 재미난 그림책들이 매주 새롭게 업로드되고 있으니 아이들과 함께 다양한 그림책을 만나보세요.