Series of invigorating lectures delivered by prominent speakers on a range of topics in order to educate and benefit.
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Assalamwualiakum Warah Mutullahi Wabarakatuhu!
Welcome to The Young Muslims Stories Podcast!!
Before diving in, we want to give you all a brief intro about what this is all about.
The Young Muslims Stories Podcast was born out of us realizing that there isn’t much halal entertainment out there for kids growing up nowadays.
Unfortunately, they’ve been limited to things like cartoons and games that are only focused on getting people hooked onto them, without really giving anything valuable to take away.
Growing up in a world with so much entertainment made us wonder, what’s actually feeding our brains? And more importantly, how are our hearts growing amidst this chaos?
We wanted to start a podcast that holds the best of both worlds. Something that teaches kids about Islam, but also acts as Halal entertainment. Like learning about the surahs of the Quran and their meanings. The wondrous stories of the prophets and their companions. Other topics such as science, history and language. And even actual stories, our own and others.
A long list, we know! But there are so many awesome topics to cover.
And what better way to combine all these things and more, under a single label. A story. For that’s what we want to give you guys. A story of wonder, a story of growing your mind. Stories you can all be proud of, knowing that it’s linked to you as a young Muslim.
And so an idea was born. We hope you enjoy this experience as much as we enjoy making them. Take care, and may Allah Azza Wajjal bless you. -
The philosophy of Islam
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Aims & Objectives
This program/Academy is designed to help motivate Muslims who speak English reasonably & fluently to lead in presenting Islam effectively to non-Muslims & spread the message of peace to the entire world.
The objectives of the program:
• an improvement of the cross-cultural Islamic English Communication Competence
• a reasonable knowledge of Islamic terminology & jargon
• the basic ability to discuss Islamic concepts in English cross-culturally
• the ability to give short presentations on Islamic topics of their choice
• Ignition of the passion to lead in using English communication skills for presenting Islam -
Podcast ini berisi tentang kajian hadis tematik yang membahas terkait dengan tema Nisaiyyah (Keperempuanan).
قصة موسى ومريم وعائشة عليهم السلام
زير نظر ویڈیو میں دین اسلام پر ثابت قدمی کے وسائل واسباب کو کتاب وسنت کی روشنی میں بیان کیا گیا ہے.
مصحف الحرم النبوي الشريف من صلاة التراويح رمضان 1433 هـ لأئمة الحرم النبوي بترتيب التلاوة: الشيخ حسين آل الشيخ - الشيخ عبد المحسن القاسم - الشيخ خالد الغامدي - الشيخ صلاح البدير.
Священного Корана «Облегчение от Великодушного и Милостивого» Автор: Абд ар-Рахмана ас-Саади Перевод: Эльмир Кулиев Издательство: Умма, 2007. — 3300 с. / ISBN 978-5-94824-067-1 Язык: Русский Качестве звука(битрейт): 48кб/с Книга шейха Абд ар-Рахмана бин Насира ас-Саади (да помилует его Аллах) «Облегчение от Великодушного и Милосердного» является одним из глубоко научных, широко распространенных и признанных исламской уммой толкований Священного Корана. Этот труд написан простым языком и потому доступен для самого широкого круга читателей. Истолковывая аяты, автор опирался в первую очередь на сам Священный Коран, затем на достоверные хадисы Пророка Мухаммада, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, и, наконец, на высказывания его сподвижников, да будет доволен ими Всевышний Аллах
"Quranic Harmony with Abdur Rahman Mossad"
Discover the transcendent beauty of the Quran through the enchanting recitations of Abdur Rahman Mossad. Each episode brings you closer to the heart of Islam as Mossad's voice breathes life into sacred verses, offering moments of reflection, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment. Join us on a journey where divine harmony meets artistic mastery. -
Euht hshjj bb
مجموعة من المحاضرات لفضيلة الشيخ محمد سيد حاج رحمه الله وأدخله فسيح جناته
المنبر الحسيني 1442هـ: محاضرات سماحة السيد منير الخباز خلال شهر محرم الحرام 1442هـ
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