Reviving Islamic Discourse.
A Muslim Podcast Facilitating Intellectual Discourse & Dialogue with Academics, Activists, Shaykhs & Influencers from all around the world. -
تفسير القرآن الكريم للعلامة الشيخ محمد متولي الشعراوي رحمه الله.
اللهم انفعنا بعلمه وجازه عن نفعنا خيراً. -
Interviews with Scholars of Islam about their New Books
Support our show by becoming a premium member! -
اللهم صلي على محمد وال محمد
The Young Smirks podcast invites guests to speak about current Islamic issues and affairs. Hosted by John Fontain, Young Smirks has lived as a video podcast YouTube since its launch in 2019 and now is available as an audio podcast across all major platforms.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram, YouTube and all the other outlets. Like, subscribe and leave a comment and also, please support us on Patreon so we can continue the work we do to bring you these interviews with inspirational brothers. -
Issues and Concepts from an Islamic Perspective
Podcast om muslimer i Danmark, med 40 manifestpunkter.Værter; Naveed Baig, Kasper MathiesenNovelle oplæser; Isam BachiriRedaktør; Sofie Clausager Dar
Foreningen for Islamisk oplysning (FFIO) vil via Podcast programmer tage relevante emner op ift. Islam og muslimer. Udgangspunktet vil være herboende muslimer (dvs. i Danmark), men vi udelukker ikke emner eller gæster fra udlandet. Vi ønsker at være en platform, hvor Islam introduceres på en måde, der ikke før er blevet diskuteret eller fremlagt – hverken i medierne eller i den danske litteratur om Islam. Derudover, så vil vi bestræbe os på, at invitere gæster som har forskellige meninger, så en åben debat -fri for censur- debatteres på sober og saglig vis.
Denne podcastserie består af prædikerne under fredagsbønnen i Masjid Al-Nour på indre Nørrebro.
Welcome to YaQeen Institute for Youth Conversation, your go-to educational platform for profound Islamic insights tailored for youth and teenagers. Join us as we delve into the Quran, explore essential Islamic teachings, and engage in meaningful conversations.
Our mission is to inspire and educate the next generation, fostering a deeper understanding and connection to their faith. -
Friday Sermon by Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - Myanmar Translation (audio)
As humans we sometimes forget to take a moment and reflect on what's happening in our lives and the lives of the people around us. TRD is a podcast where we inspire each other to take a minute and reflect about everything happening around us in a safe space. We talk about what you’re thinking of and more: Gen z problems, stories that inspired us, our safe spaces and we might occasionally spill some tea. So, grab your tea, take a sip, and get cozy.Our socials:Instagram: @the.reflectiondiary khadjaaa_ / love_mari_jay / munasxx Support this podcast:
This podcast is designed to show the power of owning who you are and standing in our own truth on our path towards greatness. Muslim women are owning their own narrative and smashing myths about what it means to be visibly Muslim in America. We will discuss navigating our relationships, finding our authentic voice, and living our dreams without compromising own identity. Support this podcast:
Islam has given us a road map to navigate through our lives in order to succeed both in Dunya and Akhirah. We must always abide by the hukm sharai’(devine rule) in all aspects of our lives.
Hizb ut-Tahrir er et politisk parti, hvis ideologi er Islam. Politik er partiets arbejde, og Islam er dets ideologi. Partiet arbejder iblandt og med den islamiske ummah (nation) med det formål at få ummah til at tage Islam til sig som sin sag, samt at lede denne til at reetablere Khilafah-staten (kalifatet) og styret med Allahs åbenbarede lov, så de vender tilbage til eksistens.
En sommerdag i 2019 konverterer Edda til Islam, og det bliver starten på en livsrejse, der på mange måder vender op og ned på hendes liv - og ikke mindst hendes relationer.
Emilie følger sin venindes rejse ind i at finde sig selv i sit nye liv. Alt imens Emilie stadig har svært ved at forstå beslutningen. -
This podcasts talk about the true Islam
Risale Roundtable is a discussion group at the University of Melbourne focussed on the thought and writings of the renowned Islamic scholar and theologian Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Each episode, we read and then discuss a brief section of Bediuzzaman’s celebrated Risale-i Nur. Like the Risale itself, these discussions are aimed at the fortification of faith and the improved knowledge and worship of Allah. Topics include: arguments for the existence and unity of Allah, proofs of the tenets of faith, Divine Name theology, purposes in the creation of humankind and the universe, and related matters.
Islamic reminders and a safe space for muslim sisters to connect.
The Nahjul Balagah is the most famous collection of sermons, letters and sayings of Imam Ali (a.s)