Two besties, from Albania and Brazil, met in NYC back in summer 2022, and instantly clicked! Ironically they have the same birthday (obviously leos), and share similar ideas and thoughts on outlooks of life. After going back home, their late night calls began where they talked for hours talking about every possible thing from relationships to teenage-hood and daily life challenges. Join Tea and Duda, in their wild ride through crazy conversations where you'll be laughing one second and reflecting on life the next. Follow us on Tik Tok: @late.night.calls.td
For all the matchmaking shows out there, there is a largely untapped reservoir of golden worst date stories. So Laura Whitmore is taking it upon herself to unearth unheard first date horrors.
Each week, Laura will chat with celebrity guests about their most embarrassing first date faux pas’ - from wardrobe malfunctions to cringey one liners, no shows to the truly, truly bizarre. But not one to be a scrooge, Laura will also hear the tales where humour helped to save the date, and led to them finding love.
Welcome to the Dating Hall of Fame, an audible honouring and ode to dates gone wrong! -
My name is Holly, and I write true stories about my life in Hollywood. On this podcast, I talk to friends and acquaintances about their true Hollywood stories. We discuss celebrities, dating, synchronicities, show-business, and more!
hollywould.substack.com -
Podcast de Mafalda Castro e Rui Simões. O nome da Mafalda veio primeiro porque o Rui é cavalheiro. Um casal à conversa sobre temas pouco relevantes para uns e muito pouco relevantes para outros. Sabemos falar línguas mortas e fazemos uma dourada no forno incrível. Não é um convite. Até já!
Am I the Jerk? is a show where voice actors discuss real stories like:
My Wife cheated on me with 14 men so I set her designer bags on fire… Am I the Jerk?
My Daughter’s Boyfriend Got Me Pregnant… but I still haven’t told her… Am I the Jerk?
Am I the Jerk? is the perfect show to put on in the background while you are driving, studying, drawing or just chilling out.
You can freely share your deepest secrets via our story submissions (linked below) because you can remain completely anonymous when you send in your stories.
Either way, subscribe to Am I the Jerk RIGHT NOW before you forget, new episodes everyday.
Come say hi on - 📸instagram.com/amithejerk
Full VIDEO Version of the Am I the Jerk? on - 📺 youtube.com/amithejerk
submit your stories on - 📝 amithejerk.com/submit -
O que faria se mudasse de vida?
Todas as semanas, convidados partilham de forma divertida e descontraída as suas mudanças de vida, o que sentiram e que desafios superaram - e trazem objetos que os acompanharam e que têm a sua própria história para contar.
No final de cada entrevista, o nosso super-algoritmo recolhe todos os dados dos convidados e adivinha "Que Vida Seria a Tua?", um mundo alternativo em que eles NÃO tomaram a decisão que os levou a mudar. -
Bárbara Guimarães, Ana Galvão e Ana Garcia Martins juntam-se todas as semanas na SIC Mulher para uma conversa olhos nos olhos. Em cada programa é lançado um convite a uma personalidade que partilha o seu ponto de vista sobre o tema da semana.
'Temos de Falar' sobre os assuntos que importam, com o prazer das boas conversas. Todos os domingos um novo episódio na SIC e em todas as plataformas de podcast.
In jedem Leben gibt es einen Moment, der alles verändert. Wahrscheinlich weißt du in dem Augenblick gar nicht nicht, wie sehr diese Entscheidung oder diese Erfahrung deinen weiteren Weg beeinflusst: Vielleicht bist du gerade in einer schweren Krise, du erlebst plötzlich und völlig unvorbereitet einen Schicksalsschlag oder du triffst endlich die Entscheidung, über die du schon seit Monaten nachdenkst. Um genau diesen Augenblick geht es in “Dieser eine Moment – Der Podcast mit Philipp Fleiter”.Der Journalist und Podcaster spricht mit seinen Gästen über genau diese Momente in ihrem Leben, die alles verändert haben: Dieser eine Moment, der prägend war und einen tiefen Einblick in die menschliche Seele zulässt.Jede Folge beweist menschliche Widerstandskraft, Mut oder die Fähigkeit, in den dunkelsten Zeiten Licht zu finden.Von Krankheit, Verlust, Trauer und Schmerz bis hin zu Lieben, Leben, sich selbst finden und tiefem inneren Frieden."Dieser eine Moment – Der Podcast mit Philipp Fleiter" erzählt Realitäten, die berühren, inspirieren, zum Nachdenken anregen und Hoffnung machen.Philipp schafft es mit seiner emphatischen und respektvollen Art, den ganz unterschiedlichen Hintergründen seiner Gäste Raum zu geben. Er will verstehen, wie es ihnen gelingt, widrige Lebensumstände zu bewältigen und sogar daran zu wachsen. Dafür stellt er die richtigen Fragen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. "Dieser eine Moment – Der Podcast mit Philipp Fleiter" kombiniert die Erfahrungen seiner Gäste mit Erkenntnissen, die über individuelle Erlebnisse hinausgehen. In jeder Folge beleuchtet Philipp Facetten, die uns verstehen und lernen lassen, wie wir mit den kleinen und großen Fragen unserer Gesellschaft umgehen können. So bekommen wir zu einem mitreißenden Interview nicht nur neue Blickwinkel geboten, sondern können ganz nebenbei auch einiges für unseren Alltag aus der Psychologie mitnehmen. Seid bereit für ganz viel Herz, Kopf und einzigartige Lebensrealitäten – denn manchmal kann dieser eine Moment alles verändern.Philipps erster Podcast „Verbrechen von Nebenan“ ging schnell durch die Decke und ist bis heute eines der erfolgreichsten Podcast-Formate Deutschlands. Es folgten eine eigene Fernsehshow, zwei Podcast begleitende Spiegel-Bestseller und eine ausverkaufte Podcast-Livetour.Mit „Dieser eine Moment – Der Podcast mit Philipp Fleiter“ startet er ein neues Podcast-Interview-Format als absolutes Herzensprojekt.Immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben über Philipp und seine Projekte auf Instagram: @philippfleiter Dieser Podcast erscheint jeden zweiten Montag bei Podimo und allen gängigen Podcastplattformen und ist eine Produktion von Philipp Fleiter & WeMynd im Auftrag von Podimo.Redaktion: Philipp Fleiter und Laila Keuthage | Produktion: WeMyndAbonniert den Podcast, um keine Folge zu verpassen. Teilt die Folgen mit euren Liebsten und lasst uns eine Bewertung da.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Julia Gillard, the only woman to have served as Prime Minister of Australia sits down for insightful, moving and thought-provoking conversations with some of the most interesting people from around the world working to advance gender equality – whether that's by actively dismantling gender-based barriers, or by being inspirational trailblazers in their field. We'll bring you stories from the worlds of business, entertainment, media, sport and many more, shining a light on people doing amazing things that you might not have heard about, and learning more about those we already know and love.
Julia presents a podcast in her role as Founder and Chair of the Global Institute for Women's Leadership (GIWL). GIWL is a world-leading research institute working to advance gender equality within workplaces, communities and societies. The podcast is produced by the GIWL team at the Australian National University, Canberra, with support from our sister institute at King's College London. Earnings from the podcast go back into the Institute, supporting the work we do to advance gender equality in Australia and the Asia Pacific, and beyond.
To stay up to date with the Institute’s work go to giwl.anu.edu.au and sign up to our updates, or follow us on social media @GIWLANU. You can also find @APodcastofOnesOwn on Instagram.
The team at A Podcast of One's Own acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples listening today.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Real talk for Lesbian, Bisexual, Nonbinary, Trans and Queer women and people in relationship with women. Learn how to navigate challenges, get juicy inspiration for date nights, and hear from guest experts on everything from planning your wedding, to parenting and spicing up your sex life. Hosted by relationship coaches and partners in life and love, Meghan Neeley & Erika Cederdahl.
Shelf Love is about romance novels and how they reflect, explore, challenge, and shape desire. Host Andrea Martucci invites experts from a variety of perspectives to critically engaging with romance novels. Listen for discussions of individual books, genre discourse, and scholarly topics.
If you're feeling confused about what it means to be human, this podcast is for you. Join visionary spiritual leader and global humanitarian Sah D'Simone as he explores life's profound questions with the world's most influential and thought-provoking pioneers of human experience. Together, they unravel the mysteries of being human, offering an invitation to rethink what it means to live with purpose, courage, and heart.
Nestas Incríveis Conversas Banais by Corine de Farme eu e as minhas convidadas vamos ser meninas e conversar sobre a infância e a adolescência. Sobre o caminho que vamos fazendo. Histórias incríveis... histórias banais... cheiros... memórias... sítios... curiosidades. É viajarmos, devagarinho, até onde nos apetecer ir...
Jules and Pat are newly husband and wife, figuring out life as they go and bringing you along with them. From relationship advice to guest interviews and keeping things real, they got you covered. Tune in for real shit with real people. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lovethatforyou/support