我地成日都聽到人地講占星,聽聽下不如由我地講占星,教大家點樣將占星融入生活。Hello呢度係堅貼地占星頻道,其實我地開呢個頻道係想帶多D輕鬆感比大家,從占星角度去睇下D八卦野,又或者好認真去討論下占星塔羅甚至魔法係D咩野,歡迎識同吾識占星既朋友都一齊聽。唔知自己上升星座係邊?唔知自己月亮係第幾宮,唔知金星同火星有冇相位?金星係D咩野,海王星又對你有咩影響,咁就黎 度開你個星盤黎睇下啦。更多占星內容可以到 Mercury Shop HK - 或者 Ashley Astrology Life - 睇下啦。Royalty Free Music from Bensound--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Krishna Center 定期透過在大氣電波傳播📣博大精深遠古文化,同時讓大眾可以在紛亂世間尋回心中喜悅,於迷惘中覺悟生命真諦,也讓大家一起跨越時空尋找遠古智慧。
簡介Krishna Devotional Service Center背景
(中文名:奎師那奉愛服務中心,簡稱Krishna Center)成立於2013年,是一間 HKSAR 認可的慈善團體。 Krishna Center 成立目的是傳播古印度韋達文化之大智慧、教授古老瑜伽智慧奧秘、體驗冥想和梵唱、推廣健康素食文化,及培育人們身心靈健康發展。
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My name is Dr. Joshua Knabb. I’m a board-certified clinical psychologist and 21st century Christ follower. Early in life, I experienced overwhelming psychological suffering, which led me down a path of wandering away from the Christian faith in my adolescent years, reminiscent of the Lost Son in Luke’s Gospel, returning to my Christian heritage in my early 20s, my own psychotherapy in my mid-20s, and, ultimately, a life committed to understanding and pursuing psychological and spiritual health as I now head into the middle years of my life. Please join me as we devote each week to better understanding secular and Christian perspectives on mental health and the intersection between psychology and Christianity, then engage in a 10-minute practice to conclude each episode, drawing upon Christian meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Above all else, my aim in this podcast is to journey with fellow Christ followers, as well as those who are curious about the rich heritage of Christian psychological and spiritual insights into the human condition, doing so with humility and curiosity as we strive to cultivate Christlikeness in all we do.
For more information, please visit me at my website:
The information in this podcast is intended to be educational and in no way a form of, or substitute for, professional counseling or psychotherapy. If you are in crisis or suicidal, please call 9-1-1, go to the local emergency room, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. If you need a Christian mental health professional, referral networks can be found at the American Association of Christian Counselors ( or Christian Association for Psychological Studies ( websites.
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Show art by Justin Kowalski. -
Eden’s Core 醫。巔。完
和你一起經歷醫。巔。完的恩典,倚靠神用心耕耘、以善勝惡、經歷和打造全新伊甸園的美好 👼🏼❤️ -
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Hver ONSDAG udkommer “Hva så?! forklarer alt”, hvor jeg, som titlen antyder har kastet mig ud i at forklare alt, i samarbejdet med forskere, astronomer, historiker, biologier og alle mulig andre kloge hoveder. Vi starter ved The Big Bang og så går rejsen ellers bare der udad. Podcasten kører rundt via kommercielle-samarbejder og kan derfor indeholde reklame.
Join Jonathan Youssef for a candid look at the Christian faith. Each week, Jonathan will tackle tough issues, answer the hard questions, and will host thought-provoking conversations with respected Christian leaders. Topics include theology, Biblical parenting, healthy sexuality, world religions, engaging a post truth world, and so much more.
Advent As We Go is a six-episode podcast series that you can listen to while you decorate your tree, bake Christmas cookies, or travel for the holidays to hear conversations that will anchor you back into the peace-filled hope of Jesus. You can also study with IF:Gathering this season by grabbing a copy of Hope is Alive, a four-week study for Advent.
In this podcast, Paul E. Miller, author of A Praying Life, invites you into a conversation about Jesus and how he lived as a person. Ministry and conversation partners, Liz Voboril and Jon H., join Paul in exploring the details of Jesus’ earthly life. In attending closely to the cadences of the one person who lived a perfect life, we gain a clearer vision of what it means to be human. Learn more about Paul Miller and his ministry at
Welcome to Godsplaining: a podcast featuring contemplative preachers and their contemporary age. Considering topics philosophical, theological, cultural, and beyond, Godsplaining presents ideas from the Church’s tradition and brings them to bear on our lives’ most urgent questions. Each week, join the Dominican friars as they muse on all things Catholic.
Do you have a vision for your life but just can’t seem to make it happen? You can be the person you want to be, but there’s a catch. Your dreams don’t fulfill themselves, you have to fight for them. The fight is against the habits with which you sabotage yourself: anxiety, self-indulgence, insecurity, procrastination, and more. In each episode of Coming Alive, we help you identify something that holds you back and arm you with actionable weapons to break free of it. We also talk to top Hollywood creatives and others who use these techniques to transform their lives. Armed with The Tools®, your life will blossom into everything it’s meant to be.
Selamat datang di Podcast Bagi Horror, akan mengudara setiap hari dengan cerita-cerita horror kiriman kalian, atau cerita dan mitos di masyarakat bakal kita bahas tuntas disini.
Kirim cerita : [email protected]
Instagram : @podcastbagihorror
Twitter : @bagihorror
Podcast Bagi Horror is part of the SAYS Media Network.
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Revival Lifestyle is a weekly podcast hosted by traveling preacher and evangelist, Isaiah Saldivar. Each week, Isaiah hosts revivalists from around the country to discuss our call to living every day in revival. If you are hungry to know more about miracles, deliverance, and the supernatural power of God, this is the podcast for you.
Interviews and data sessions with Conversation Analysts - a Podcast from The International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA)
Each week, physician, economist, and author of "Random Acts of Medicine" Dr. Bapu Jena will dig into a fascinating study at the intersection of economics and healthcare. He takes on questions like: Why do kids with summer birthdays get the flu more often? Can surviving a hurricane help you live longer? What do heart surgery and grocery-store pricing have in common?
一個有別於教會和神學院的學習管道,透過閱讀和對話,持續學習、擴展視野。思維就像健身一樣,越操練越強壯、越有彈性,每集一朋友,一本書,透過輕鬆的聊天,讓腦洞通天!歡迎聽眾朋友寫信到[email protected]來告訴我你有在收聽,分享你的想法和故事,對我和來賓朋友就是最好的支持!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
At C3 Church Hong Kong we exist to connect people to Jesus Christ. Below is a compilation of messages from our weekly services – enjoy!
Halachic Debates of Current Events
浩浩熵熵 主持:李偉才(李逆熵)、Cherry Ho(車厘子)、Jaffe
Autumn 2012 - UCL's Lunch Hour Lecture Series is an opportunity for anyone to sample the exceptional research work taking place at the university, in bite-size chunks. Speakers are drawn from across UCL and lectures frequently showcase new research and recent academic publications. Lunch Hour Lectures require no pre-booking, are free to attend and are open to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis.