This episode originally aired on Aqueduct Project as a product of Dr. Jonathan J. Armstrong.
Aqueduct Project exists to see the worldwide Christian church visibly united in faith in Jesus Christ. They create online prayer rooms, educational courses, and inspiring Bible lessons free of charge for the global church.
Check them out at https://www.aqueductproject.org/
This episode can be found in video format here:
This episode originally aired on Aqueduct Project as a product of Dr. Jonathan J. Armstrong.
Aqueduct Project exists to see the worldwide Christian church visibly united in faith in Jesus Christ. They create online prayer rooms, educational courses, and inspiring Bible lessons free of charge for the global church.
Check them out at https://www.aqueductproject.org/
This episode can be found in video format here:
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This episode originally aired on Aqueduct Project as a product of Dr. Jonathan J. Armstrong.
Aqueduct Project exists to see the worldwide Christian church visibly united in faith in Jesus Christ. They create online prayer rooms, educational courses, and inspiring Bible lessons free of charge for the global church.
Check them out at https://www.aqueductproject.org/
This episode can be found in video format here:
Founder of the 10 Days prayer movement, Jonathan Friz, has written a book about what he has experienced and learned during his time following God into the calling of 10 Days. We hope this will be a helpful and inspiring tool too future generations of those who seek to wholeheartedly follow the call of God in their own lives.
Link to the book:
Founder of Presence Pioneers, Matthew Lilley, has compiled what he has learned from following God's call in his life to the place of prayer and leading others in prayer. We hope that this book is helpful to bring readers into a fully joyful and intimate relationship with God.
Links to the book are below:
Liz Adleta shares with us practical advice with examples of how prayer and missions can and should be a unified movement and a unified effort.
Derek Sanderson shares with us how to rely on God when our love is weak.
Joel Richardson Shares some instruction mixed with personal stories to help us see more clearly and act in greater wisdom in our efforts to bring the Gospel of the Messiah to the Jewish people.
Jordan shares with us about the various dimensions in which God is growing His Kingdom and how we are invited to join in.
Brion Burkett talks to us about leading the next generation into the love of Christ.
Stuart Grieves takes us through the scriptures to show God's involvement in the affairs of men and His desire to be involved.
Saat Scrivner walks us through some key passages in the book of Malachi to help us look toward our coming King and His vision for His church.
David Sepuya from Uganda presents to us a powerful message on the Holy Spirit.
Andrew Burchett presents to us a message on the Love of God and what it is to live from this Love.
Jonathan Hamill shares with us rejoicing in what God has done and also looking toward and longing for a blessed hope.
Gaylord Enns answers some questions about faith, hope, and love.
Avi shares with us a powerful testimony of how God has been moving among the modern Hebrew people.
Edward Matovu outlines for us the current season of the Global Church and the assignments we have as global believers in this time.
Jonathan Friz gives more explanation on the simple nature and execution of 10 Days.
Gaylord Enns leads us through the most fundamental and essential teachings of the new testament concerning what God desires from us and for us.
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