
  • Lara Watson is your host for this chat with Pastor J.D. Greear.

    It’s not unusual to have questions about life. For believers living in a fallen world, many wrestle with challenging questions that seem impossible to answer. Why isn’t God answering my prayers? How can I know God’s will for my life? How should Christians handle political differences? The list goes on and on.

    In 12 Truths and a Lie: Answers to Life's Biggest Questions Pastor, Author and apologist J.D. Greear tackles some of the most frequently asked questions he’s received throughout his ministry and offers thoughtful, scriptural and practical insight.  

  • Have you ever wondered what happens in the moments after someone passes away? Do you wonder if there is truly life after death? Today on the podcast, New York Times Best-Selling Author John Burke shares from his book, “Imagine the God of Heaven” and details stories and experiences from various voices of people who have lived through a near-death experience. John shares on what defines a “near-death experience”, the different stories he has heard from people of varying religious backgrounds and the commonalities their stories share with each other’s. He shares what led to his interest in the topic, and the evidence he has found to prove the truth behind these stories, and how through them all God shares his love, grace, and forgiveness.Guest Website: www.imagineheaven.net Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer 

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  • Dan Carter is the mayor of Oshawa a bustling city centre in the heart of Ontario, he joins us on the podcast to share his vision for unity in Canada and his personal story of heartache, healing and redemption. He discusses one of the biggest problems facing Canadians today with affordability, how Canadians need to come together in these difficult times. Dan also shares his personal story from growing up with a severe learning disability and struggling with his self-esteem, the death of his brother and the pain that led to drug and alcohol abuse, the death of his sister and how through all the pain he discovered that God had a plan and could save his life. Guest Website: www.oshawa.ca Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • If you are in a season of suffering and you need encouragement then this conversation is for you. On the podcast we have Best-Selling Author and Thinker Philip Yancey. Philip has more than 17 million books in print, in over 50 languages and joins us to share about his life-changing devotional, “Undone: A Modern Rendering of John Donne’s Devotions.” A 30 day devotional based on a 400 year old manuscript (Devotions Upon Emergent Occasion) written by a scholar and poet named John Donne. Philip wanted to bring his wisdom to more people and share that the journey is the same today when it comes to a person and how they wrestle with God. We all have the same sort of questions for God, universal human themes about finding meaning and suffering. We all have the same promise of hope. Phil also shares his journey of being recently diagnosed with Parkinsons disease and making the decision to trust God with it, trusting that he could grow closer to God through his challenge. He shares how we can all stay motivated through suffering if we truly believe that God can work in what is going on around us. Guest Website: https://philipyancey.com Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • When Jesus was dying on the cross, he prayed one of the most powerful prayers recorded in human history. He said “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” But, how do you forgive someone when they know what they are doing. Today on the podcast Joe Amaral speaks with Orlando Bowen who shares his story as a new immigrant from Jamaica, to his time as a football player in the CFL. He goes on to share on very scary night when he was approached by two armed men, beaten, resulting in his football career coming to an end, discovering those who harmed him were some of the people he had mentored, and the road he took to forgiveness. Guest Website: www.orlandobowen.com Prayer Lines: 1-866-273-4444 Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • Often we are afraid to touch on the topic of grief with someone facing it, or even giving ourselves time to face it. Worried to say the wrong thing, or not say enough, worried to upset the person even more, worried that we won't be able to hold ourselves together, or that we are grieving in the "wrong way". Today on the podcast prolific author and speaker and former Grief Counsellor, Dr. Bill Webster joins us to share from his book, "Grief: The Unwelcome Journey". He shares about what it means to grieve, the normality of journeying through grief, how we all grieve differently and at different times, the position of guilt when it comes to grief, and the reality that you never truly get over grief but through it. Guest Website: www.griefjourney.com Prayer Lines: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer 

  • Today on the podcast we hear stories of the impact God can have when facing health challenges in our lives.
    Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada and Janet Campbell joins us to share her journey facing stage 3 cancer , she shares on getting her diagnosis cancer, preparing for surgery and treatment, and how she felt Gods hand upon her through it all and how her faith carried her through that journey to healing.

    Time Hague Sr. joins us to share his personal story of getting diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. Having watched his father go through the same diagnosis Tim was scared but he chose to trust God in his health crisis, he talks about not asking "why me" and embracing his diagnosis as something other than a curse. Join Lara Watson as she shares these inspiring stories with you.

    Guest Websites: Janet Campbell: www.joysmithfoundation.com / Tim Hague Sr.: www.uturnparkinsons.org
    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • Joe Amaral joins us for the first time on the podcast to dive into the connection between Passover and Easter. Although many may wonder why these two events should hold the same space, one being a Jewish holiday and one being a Christian holiday. Joe delves into the fact that many forget about the deep and enduring connection that Christianity and first temple Judaism have. He shares some history and background to help us understand the connection deeper.

    24/7 Prayer Line: 1-866-273-4444


  • How can someone find peace when faced with great turmoil, in the midst of war?

    Today on the podcast we bring you inspiring stories from Ukraine.

    Natasha was in Ukraine when Russia attacked in February of 2022. As a person with a disability, she could not flee on her own, she quickly connected with an aid organization she knew from her days as a child in an orphanage through a ministry called “Loads of Love”. Through this organization not only did Natasha find peace and a way out of her war-torn country but also her purpose in life through art. She shares more of her miracle story and how she discovered the peace that could only come from a relationship with God.

    We also bring you the story of Olga who had to flee her home country and went to Ukraine only to have to flee again when the war broke out. She stayed in the Ukraine during the war with nothing but prayer to keep her safe until she made the difficult decision to leave. The journey to Canada was anything but easy but she shares with us her story of finding hope and peace.

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • "What does it mean to face depression while living out God's calling on your life. Would your friends and family stand by your side?

    Mark and Janet were born and raised in the United Kingdom. While living in the UK, Mark served as a police officer for five years followed by seven years as a pastor.

    In 2005, in response to a call to pastor a church in Niagara Falls, Mark, his wife Janet, and their five children emigrated to Canada.

    Pastoring the church resulted in some good years of seeing growth and restoration within the church; however, Mark began to struggle with a severe medicine-resistant depression. Though he battled, the struggle became overwhelming and Mark was admitted to hospital for medical help. This resulted in a difficult, but necessary decision to step down from his role as pastor.

    Unable to function well in any area of employment over these years, Mark describes this time where he felt like he walked into hell and could not find a way out. Throughout it all, his wife, supportive friends and family, and a variety of health professionals provided much-needed support and prayer.

    Mark and Janet share with Mark Masri on the podcast today about this season of their marriage and how this time allowed them, Janet in particular, to live out their marriage vows in a powerful way.

    Website: www.livingwellcoaching.ca; www.marksoppitt.com

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer"

  • We live in a culture that tells us money, fame, and success won’t only make us worthy but make us feel worthy. Today on the podcast Ken Shigematsu joins us to share from his book, “Now I Become Myself” and shares why that is farthest from the truth. Ken shares how we all face the fear of not being enough, how shame can be both good and bad in our lives, the false sense of self we at times all face and how a relationship with Jesus is the only way that can help us define who we truly are. He will help us let go of the shame and find the peace that can only come from being in God’s presence to become who we were before the world told us who we had to be.

    Guest Website:

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • Are you ready for a duck invasion? A Duck Dynasty Invasion to be exact? Today on the podcast we bring you two interviews from some well-known voices of famous family.  Sadie Robertson Huff is a Speaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Influencer, and Founder of Live Original. Sadie is on a mission to use her influence to reach her generation with the message of Christ.Her husband Christian Huff is the host of the 4:8 Men Podcast, harnessing his passion for faith, family, and fitness to inspire others to train physically and spiritually.Together they have written, “How To Put Love First” inviting readers to participate in a 90-day challenge that will help them embrace a life-giving relationship with God and help them experience authentic, healthy relationships. Also joining us on the podcast is Willie and Korie Robertson. They are stars of A&E’s hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty (and Safie Robertson’s mom and dad). They recently executive produced the film, “The Blind”, which is the amazing true story of the Robertson family. They share about why they felt lead to start producing faith based content, God’s faithfulness to their family, the importance of being vulnerable with their story, and the hope that is found in Jesus!  Guest Websites:Sadie Robertson Huff & Christian Huff: www.liveoriginal.comWillie & Korie Robertson: www.theblindmovie.com Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • Is it possible for a book written nearly 2,000 years ago to maintain its intrinsic and vital impact? Is there a demarcation point when literature is deemed old-fashioned or even archaic?

    The book of 1 Peter was written nearly two millennia ago—rarely does a book of that age speak to a current generation of readers. However, the book of 1 Peter is practical, hopeful, and as up-to-date as anything written today.

    “Through the living and enduring Word of God.” (1 Peter 1:23)

    The stunning component that sets the Word of God apart from other pieces of literature is that the Holy Spirit wrote it. The Bible is divinely inspired by the unction of the Holy Spirit and written on paper through the hands of ordinary men.

    The words that the Holy Spirit spoke through Peter, the rock upon which Christ would build His church, so long ago hold dynamicpower for your life today.


    Website: https://www.carolmcleodministries.com/

    Instagram: carolmcleod

    Twitter: carolmcleod_

    Facebook: carolmcleodministries


  • Jesus said we are to love our enemies, but that radical teaching didn’t go over well with Maher El Hajj. He knew it was in the Bible but didn’t want to apply it to a certain group of people in his life. Today on the podcast Maher joins Greg Musselman to share his story of growing up and finding Jesus, the years where Syria occupied Lebanon and living through harsh treatment from them but how God changed his heart and made him love the ones he once hated. You will be inspired that no matter what you are facing today there is hope found in the promises of Jesus.  Guest Website:www.yfclebanon.org Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • The rate of people facing daily struggles with anxiety is growing. People are constantly questionning whether they have control, if they're safe, and if they have the power to change their future.

    Anxiety often creates an intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear that makes normal day-to-day life feel challenging and overwhelming. What if there was a way to calm your anxious thoughts and grow closer to the one who created your inmost being?

    Pastor and bestselling author, Robert J. Morgan joins Mark Masri on the podcast as he shares his own lifelong struggle with anxiety.
    He shares how he has worked towards a life of peace as he has sought out Biblical practices directly from the Bible to cope with anxiety and develop healthy habits that have not only quieted his anxious thoughts but created new joy, and a fresh nearness to God.

  • If you have ever wondered if your dream can be a reality, then today’s podcast is for you. Lara Watson speaks with celebrated Ojibwe Singer-Songwriter, 6-time Country Music Alberta Nominee, and a beloved officer in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Stirling John. He shares about his upbringing, his passions, and putting those passions on hold to because of life Talks about putting passions on hold because of life getting in the way. He openly shares the difficulty he had in sharing his love and the PTSD he faced after his work with the RCMP. However, after many encounters with God he learned how to face the roadblocks in life and pursue passion and purpose.

  • In society today there is often a negative stigma connected to fear. Today on the podcast gifted communicator, and best-selling author John Bevere joins us to share from his book, “The Awe of God”. John tackles what it means to “fear God” and how many of us as Christians may be missing the mark in this specific area. He tackles understanding the dynamics of Godly fear, and shares distinct benefits of what it means to walk in the holy fear of God. Sharing that there are destructive fears but also constructive fears that can bring you into a closer more intimate relationship with God.

    Guest Website:

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • We all have a story of God's faithfulness in our lives. A story thast shows Gods great plan for each and every one of us.
    The story of two-time Grammy award winner Jason Crabb is no different, and he joins us on the podcast to share his story. Lara Watson talks to Jason about growing up in Kentucky as a pastors kid until his family faced complete chaos when his family fell apart. Jason became frustrated and bitter and started making poor choices for his life. With the help of a praying grandmother Jason came back to church and God reached him through a music program one day. He shares on how God continued to pursue him even when he was far away, and how amazing God is to work everything together for good and what happens when we fully surrender to God's will for oursa lives!

    Guest Website:

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

  • "Billie Jauss found herself exhausted from constantly traveling with her husband who was a major league baseball coach. The jet lag was brutal. But she eventually realized that spiritual jet lag was a greater problem. She went through a season of feeling unsettled and uncertain, and chose to simplify her schedule and take control of the chaos but that didn’t solve it all. She realized it wasn’t the external distractions but the emotional barriers producing feelings of discouragement and defeat.

    Billie shares on the podcast today how she detoxed from the emotional toxins, realigned her priorities, and created a spiritual health plan, and how she discovered God’s best things.

    Guest Website: http://www.billiejauss.com

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer"

  • "Renowned Christian music artist and former youth pastor Micah Tyler joins us on today’s podcast as he shares from his new book, “Walking Free: Taking Small Steps to a Big God”.

    He shares how we can all have a free and meaningful life, and encourages believers to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus, regardless of external circumstances.

    The journey from where we are to where God wants us to be is filled with challenges and obstacles, but God will always walk with us and never leave us behind. It will inspire you to overcome life’s challenges by taking small steps to experience the mercy and mission of a closer connection with God.

    Guest Website: http://www.micahtyler.com

    Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer"