Interested in human behavior and how people think? The Measure of Everyday Life explores ideas about how we live and why people act as they do. Independent Weekly has called the show "unexpected" and "diverse" and says the show "brings big questions to radio." Join host Dr. Brian Southwell (@BrianSouthwell) as he explores the human condition.
Episodes air each Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the Raleigh-Durham broadcast market and a podcast of each show is available online the Wednesday following. The show is made possible by RTI International. -
Found in Estonia bi-weekly podcast is sharing conversations with internationals who have made Estonia their home.
It’s here to inspire more open-mindedness, bring people together and turn "anonymous foreigner" stereotypes into real-life humans.
Foreigners are sharing their experiences, useful tips, recommendations, and hilarious thoughts about Estonians and life in Estonia.
Learn more about all the episodes and join the monthly newsletter: -
Join Lex Pelger on his weekly quest to learn more about cannabinoids, plant medicines & the important things in life. Spanning traditional healing to the newest scientific breakthroughs, experts share their insights into the thoughts & tools to better our lives.
Season 2 is finished. Season 3 coming soon...
Book cannabinoid education sessions with Lex here...
& join his cannabinoid science newsletter here... -
"MAHE: puhta saagi allikas" on Eestimaa mahetootjatele - teravilja- ja loomakasvatuse kogemused ja arutelud. Mahesaated valmistab ette Baltic Agro.
Praktilist infot leiab ja mahejutte -
Planet: Critical is the podcast for a world in crisis. We face severe climate, energy, economic and political breakdown. Journalist Rachel Donald interviews those confronting the crisis, revealing what's really going on—and what needs to be done. -
Ghouls Trip is a paranormal podcast hosted by two ghost hunters (and self-proclaimed "skeptical believers") Hannah and Ivy! Tune in every Monday as one of the ghouls shares a favorite haunting, cryptid, or other creepy tales with just enough debunking and banter to keep the goosebumps at bay. Whether you are a ghost hunter yourself, or simply enjoy discussions on what goes bump in the night...this podcast has you covered. We hope you join us for our Ghouls Trip! (Some episodes contain mature content - listener discretion is advised!)
Rukkirääk on Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseumi ja botaanikaaia podcast, kus räägivad nii asutusesisesed kui ka -välised eksperdid meist ümbritsevast loodusest. Saatekülalised muljetavad loodusest, töökogemustest, seikadest ning Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseumi ja botaanikaaia tegemistest. Iga saate lõpus esitame viktoriiniküsimuse, millele saab vastuse järgmise saate alguses. Loodustemaatilisi saateid lansseerime kuu viimasel teisipäeval. Saatejuht on Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseumi ürituste koordinaator Carlotta Põdra.
From our very beginnings to spreading across the Earth, we as Humans have always looked to the stars and wondered. Now we are traveling to the stars. One thing has and will always remain true - Humans take their humanity wherever we go. As we begin this new journey from our Earthbound existence, we have to ask ourselves what it will mean to be Human Everywhere.
Season 2's theme is all about preparing humans for space. We will explore what it means to take our bodies into space, and how we can prepare here on Earth, with guests who are studying how humans move in space, have completed analogs, oversee experiments on the International Space Station, and advocate for ALL people with different abilities get into space. Hosted by Jason Batt and UB Ciminieri, with occasional co-host Alires Almon, the Human Everywhere Podcast is produced by Deep Space Predictive, on a mission to help Humanity safely navigate the stars while securing our humanity and evolving as a species.
Tere tulemast kuulama Saaremaagia podcasti.
Selles saates räägime vahvate Saaremaa inimestega. Jagame nende lugusid, et inspireerida saarlasi ennast rohkem meie kogukonda märkama, innustama ja tunnustama. Mandri-eestlastele pakume võimalust tutvuda Saaremaa olemusega läbi siin askeldavate või siit pärit inimeste lugude.
Podcaster - Liis Järvamägi
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Social Cohesion: What holds us together? What keeps us apart?
Over the course of a year, academics, journalists, philosophers, and artists from around the world came together to explore the question of social cohesion: what it means, how we can achieve it, and whether it is possible or even desirable. In a four-part podcast series, members of the Humboldt Residency Programme discuss how aspects of diversity, nationalism and populism, technology, and the power of arts and culture contribute to the (un)making of communities.
This podcast series was produced and hosted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s 2022 Residency Programme.
The Humboldt Residency Programme:
Headed by annually changing hosts, the Humboldt Residency Programme seeks to bring together Humboldtians and other researchers with actors in civil society, journalists, entrepreneurs and artists to work on a common topic. In virtual meetings and a residency period in Berlin, members of the programme explore novel ways of communicating pressing issues of our time.
The 2022 Residency cohort focused on the topic of social cohesion, which included current trends in social division but also new forms of (digital) communality from the perspective of research, journalism and art. -
Laisk Seikleja on rändur, kes naudib rohkem hetkes olemist ja erinevate paikadega suhestumist. Talle meeldib olla vaatleja ja sisse hingata kohalikku hõngu. Ta ei pea lugu erinevate tuuride võtmisest ega tihedate ajakavade järgimisest. Vaid püsib pikemalt ühe kohapeal ja kasutab kõiki oma meeli, et talletada endasse ümbrust ja kõike sellega kaasnevat.
Laisad Seiklejad Minna ja Taavi jutustavad teile oma reisiseiklustest ja rännakutest oma sise kosmosesse. Võta kõik oma meeled ühes ja tule meiega reisile. -
Travel & Cruise Industry News offers daily news, updates, insights and recommendations for the cruise traveler. Host Chillie Falls stays on top of everything the cruise industry has to offer, from weather conditions and cancellations to new routes, new ships and new opportunities. A frequent cruise traveler in his own right, Falls is also an expert on accessible travel. Find him online at
Just 3 geography nuts drinking beers and sharing memories about traveling the world
Жизнь на архипелаге Шпицберген глазами резидента.
A saga of an 18 year old, hitch hiking around the globe, from sleeping on the streets, to squatting in abandoned strip clubs.
Come and experience a new way to get jobs abroad with Indian Diaries.Going Abroad Made EasyPlanning to go abroad and do jobs, but don't know how to start and from where to start. Just watch Indian Diaries videos and get complete knowledge that which country is the best for you and for your job. Support this podcast:
Travel Pod is a podcast for travel companies and travellers. We host guests who are travel experts from around the world. In each episode, we speak to our guests who are travel agents or travel bloggers, who have rich knowledge about a destination. Our episodes help travellers to choose the next destination. We talk about places to visit, travel tips, food, transport, and more. Tune in today, choose a destination, and start listening. Our website is Music Credit: Guiton Sketch by Kevin MacLeodLink:
OF THE EARTH is a podcast to re-inspire your innate connection to Mother Nature so you can find deeper meaning in life and truly remember why you’re here. -
A talk show about travel, with all kinds of guests!