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Рассказы, истории, байки из серии Истории Деда Захара в авторском исполнении Сергея Голикова.
Знакомьтесь! Дед
Захар - мудрец от сохи. Всю жизнь на "земле" в трудах да заботах!Сермяжная правда жизни - другой правды для него не существует."Давно живу. Много чего повидал. Люблю послушать, но и сам порассказать могу."
Ну, тут Дед Захар, думаю, слукавил - любит он поговорить, любит Дед когда его слушают.
И сам напридумает, насочиняет. И других на свой лад переврет да за свое выкажет. -
"The Secret Adversary" is a mystery novel by Agatha Christie, first published in 1922. It introduces the characters of Tommy and Tuppence, a pair of clever, adventurous young people who form a partnership, calling themselves "Young Adventurers Ltd." The story is set in post-World War I Britain, where economic hardship and political unrest are prevalent.The plot revolves around a missing woman named Jane Finn, who was entrusted with sensitive government documents but disappeared five years earlier. Tommy and Tuppence, in need of money and excitement, embark on a quest to find Jane Finn and the documents, which are of vital importance to the British government.Their investigation leads them into a world of espionage and political intrigue, involving various shadowy figures and a mysterious mastermind known only as "Mr. Brown." Throughout the novel, Christie weaves a complex web of red herrings, unexpected twists, and turns, culminating in a surprising revelation of the true identity of the secret adversary.The book is notable for its witty dialogue, fast-paced action, and the charming partnership of Tommy and Tuppence, which set it apart from Christie's other works that typically feature a solitary detective figure. "The Secret Adversary" marked the beginning of a series of novels and short stories featuring these characters, showcasing Christie's versatility as a writer beyond her famous Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple series.
Myth Making, Spell Breaking.It’s about knowing our psyche as a treasure chest and using story as a map.Not for children. Fuck.
sarahmooney.substack.com -
For the best in Horror listen to our newest podcast series 'Dark Minds' Here we talk with the creators of some of the most ingenious suspense, horror, and dark fantasy writing to find out how they get there. We will go through their process and what influenced them to get into writing and keeps them interested. From the makers of the House of Mystery radio show Alan R Warren.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Journey into the wild with "White Fang" by Jack London. Follow the life of a wolf-dog navigating the harsh environments of the Yukon Territory. This gripping novel explores themes of survival, nature, and the human-animal bond, making it a timeless adventure.
Коли нам добре або погано ми звертаємось до одного з ідеальних винаходів людства — книжки. Чи є місце для читання під час війни? На які книги варто звернути увагу зараз, а про які краще забути назавжди? Як змінюється сучасна українська література під впливом війни? Ці та інші питання Олена Гусейнова обговорює з відомими письменниками, видавцями, критиками, літературознавцями та іншими гостями подкасту «Книгосховище».
Kuuldemängud ja järjejutud.
Eesti- ja välismaisetelt parimatelt põnevus-, õudus- ja ulmekirjanikelt. -
Discussing the essays of George Orwell.
Jutusaade kirjandusest, kultuurist, maailmast.
A podcast about reading books at the right time. Kirsty Doole and Naomi Frisby read and discuss paperbacks from the past 20 years.
Artwork by S.J. Hawkins. -
The Deckameron: A Year of Otherwordly Tales is a 10 minute weekly serialized story by Seana Kozar, featuring four characters from folklore who are stuck in our world during lockdown and decide to tell parts of an ongoing story every week on a text-based adventure site. As the story progresses, listeners will be able to vote on where the story goes next. Choose your own adventure meets the luck of the draw...
Podcast "Müüdid ja muinasjutud" toob kuulajateni lugusid maailma eri paigust. Helina jutustab sulle nii klassikaks kujunenud muinasjutte kui ka vähemtuntud lugusid.
Weekly long-form discussions about books with authors, translators and critics from around the world.
یا بگذرد یا بشکند کشتی در این گرداب ها
Le mie poesie.
Nel periodo più buio della mia vita ho iniziato a scrivere. Un lungo viaggio interiore ascoltando le mie emozioni e descrivendole in strofe.
Ognuna di esse corrisponde ad un preciso momento vissuto con lo stesso stato d’animo che le parole raccontano. Alcune potrebbero sembrarvi forti e talvolta irrispettose ma detesto sia la falsità che l’ipocrisia.
Spero possano aiutare molti di voi a sentirsi meno soli nei momenti di difficoltà. -
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective. The title character was named after famous American poet Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
View our entire collection of podcasts at www.solgood.org
This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.
This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5110802/advertisement -
New mystery and suspense stories released daily!
View our entire collection of podcasts at www.solgood.org
All Librivox recordings are in the public domain -
A very bookish podcast by your two older sisters. Molly and Alyssa are here on a fantasy quest of their own, discussing all things tropes, magic, hobbits, enemies-to-lovers, and of course, book boyfriends.
The Hatchards Podcast is a conversation show about books brought to you by England’s oldest bookshop. Featuring interviews with some of our favourite authors, bookish waffle, and the occasional glass of wine. Hosted by Ryan Edgington and Matt Hennessey.
«Рэтс ин Хэтс» - уютный книжный подкаст, в котором мы, двое друзей, болтаем на литературные темы, исследуем новинки и тренды книгоиздания, устраиваем совместные чтения и, конечно, делимся эмоциями от прочитанных книг.