Toddlers are creatures sent from below to ruin your life and make you feel like you’re a terrible person. They’ll look you in the eye and scream that you’re terrible all because you wouldn’t let them have a third slice of cake. THIRD!
Nick is tired and feeling defeated by his tiny human after two weeks of solo parenting so the dads are discussing how to overcome the constant onslaught of having your child scream at you.
Special Thanks to:
Intro Music: Pure Grease - "Nature's Nectar"
Outro Music: Audiobringer - "Chill Mode"
You can find us: @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer @2_Dumb_Dads
As always check us out on Itunes and 2dumbdads.com!
We're revisiting an old topic this week! Last year had a big argument over whether or not we'd ever watch football again and...well, football is back. What are we doing?
Also...I don't know, Nick baked something.
Special Thanks to:
Intro Music: Pure Grease - "Nature's Nectar"
Outro Music: Audiobringer - "Chill Mode"
You can find us: @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer @2_Dumb_Dads
As always check us out on Itunes and 2dumbdads.com!
Estão a faltar episódios?
Thea's turning 2 and Nick wants to know all about it!
This week on the show we're having a bit of a parenting retrospective as Nick interviews Chris about the first 2 years of being a father. How have things changed? What do you miss? Can you still convince your wife to wake up in the middle of the night everything and how did you do it? These are just some of the questions Nick is hounding him on.
Also...theme park discussion. It's a terrifying world out there.
Special Thanks to:
Intro Music: Pure Grease - "Nature's Nectar"
Outro Music: Audiobringer - "Chill Mode"
You can find us: @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer @2_Dumb_Dads
As always check us out on Itunes and 2dumbdads.com!
It's finally here!!! And it's long!!!
The guys are back with their monthly discussion of a video game. This month their talking The Last of Us, Naughty Dog's famous tale of bonding over zombies...well, basically zombies.
Chris has been dying to talk about this game with Nick since it came out so this episode is a little long but bare with us cause it's a classic!
We're back!
It was a long week of sick kids, visiting grandparents, and utter exhaustion but we're but at the mics and ready to talk about a new thought that's been on our minds -- dealing with divorced grandparents. It's something Chris has been thinking about a lot this last week and he wanted to talk it through to see what we could come up with. Will we have a strong thoughtful discussion or wind up making poop jokes for an hour? Come on...you already know the answer to that.
As promised we're also giving an update on our last episode...well, the episode from almost a year ago...about baby-proofing. Oh how much has changed. Sorta?
Special Thanks to:
Intro Music: Pure Grease - "Nature's Nectar"
Outro Music: Audiobringer - "Chill Mode"
You can find us: @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer @2_Dumb_Dads
As always check us out on Itunes and 2dumbdads.com!
Kids are sick, family is in town, and everyone is exhausted so we're re-releasing one of our favorite episodes this week.
In this episode from our infancy, we're talking about baby-proofing for kids. If it wasn't pertinent then, it sure is now. Take a listen to this episode and then listen in as week give a brief update on how we ended up tackling the problem and how it went in our episode next week.
Special Thanks to:
Intro Music: Pure Grease - "Nature's Nectar"
Outro Music: Audiobringer - "Chill Mode"
You can find us: @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer @2_Dumb_Dads
As always check us out on Itunes and 2dumbdads.com!
This week the Dads are discussing the ubiquitous statement every parent has made to their child, "Don't you want to be big and...?" Nick's wondering if you're subliminally shaming your child and creating a guilt complex while Chris just wants his kid to go on the frickin' slide.
They'll also discuss a child named Fic, somebody who refuses to believe Carry Fisher is going to be in the next Star Wars, and how you should(n't!!!) crop dust people while suggesting our podcast to them. This episode goes some places.
Special Thanks to:
Intro Music: Pure Grease - "Nature's Nectar"
Outro Music: Audiobringer - "Chill Mode"
You can find us: @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer @2_Dumb_Dads
As always check us out on Itunes and 2dumbdads.com!
This week on the podcast, Nick explains to Chris how to manage his anxiety over hiring his first babysitter for his daughter. Nick details each and every minutia of how a babysitter in nice simple words while Chris tries to debate that he should be able to stalk the babysitter on the nanny-cam.
Somebody please send Chris help. He might be losing it.
They'll also talk a bit about how to talk to a neighbor about their dog constantly pooping in your yard and how Nick doesn't understand what bagels are.
Send us your thoughts at [email protected]!!!
This week we're talking about the latest offering from Marvel, Ant-Man and The Wasp! Were we stung by the latest film or did we fly high with it. Only a listen will tell!
Also, we have a major update for Nick's Baketastic Ballyhoo! You'll have to listen to believe it!
As always, you can check us out at 2DumbDads.com and on twitter @2_Dumb_Dads.
Find Nick @NWestemeyer and Chris @ChrisMossAgain
This week the dads discuss whether or not Mac & Cheese is deviously coming to wreak your child. Nick has had some personal issues with the gooey demon which has haunted his dreams since childhood but Chris literally lets his kid eat it for every meal of the day. Who is right? Does it matter? Where are #cinnamonrolls!
...honestly, we're probably not gonna answer any of those questions but listen anyway.
And don't forget to check the website!
@2_Dumb_Dads @ChrisMossAgain @NWestemeyer
This week on the podcast the dads are debating how to handle the infamous dinner debate. Do you still tell kids about the starving children overseas or just let them do their thing? They have opinions.
Also, turns out Nick is off in Illinois this week and he wants to tell you all about the amazing and wonderful breads he's taking with him but still refuses to make cinnamon rolls.
Also...Chris says something I suppose.
Find us on Twitter @2dumbdads, @ChrisMossAgain, and @NWestemeyer
It's a bonus episode!
In this episode of Monthly Download we're talking about Beyond Good & Evil. It's a game we'd been hearing great things about for 15 years but hadn't played for ourselves. We finally dove in and, frankly, we have thoughts. Find out what they are inside!
We'd also like to say thank you to @ChrisJFinlay and @JadeDomingos for their help with a bit of perspective on the game. You can find Jade's film company Amarillo on Youtube at https://bit.ly/2lHO6fz.
This week the dads are talking about how to deal with celebrities who fall from grace. Not that Rosanne was ever really what you'd call graceful...but wow, that's a pretty steep cliff to tumble off. We also discuss various other celebrities, Chris cries over #notcinnamonrolls, and Nick doesn't understand the idea of "keep talking."
None of this makes sense? Listen to this week's episode and it'll all be clear.
We're talking Father's Day!
Turns out we have some strange perceptions on the holiday in general so we thought we'd let you listen as we argue our way through our thoughts.
The important thing though, is that cinnamon rolls may finally be on the way! Eventually...maybe...I mean probably not but we can dream can't we?
Give it a listen and don't forget to share it with a friend! :-)
This week the dads are discussing their concerns about how their own issues with body image could be passed on to their kids. Swim lessons are starting soon and that means shirts off in front of other people. How will they handle it?
There's also a bit of discussion about Chris' trip home to the family and lots of curiosity surrounding Nick's refusal to make cinnamon rolls. Keep up the onslaught of cinnamon rolls posts!
Follow us on Facebook at the new Group and at our website 2dumbdads.com
This week we're discussing how we've considered the prospect of having (not having?) a second child. Whose ready to clean up vomit all day every day? Listen to find out!
Tell us about your struggles thinking about having multiple children and how you avoided jumping off a bridge at [email protected] and at the 2 Dumb Dads Facebook group (which Nick promises he's going to make by the time this posts)!
It's a bonus podcast!
This is the first rendition of our new (hopefully) ongoing series Monthly Download. Each month we'll play through a new video game and have a chat about it. Maybe it's a way of seeing how being a parent has changed our perception of our favorite games or maybe it's a way of finding an excuse to fit a game in every month...either way it should be tons of fun!
This month we're playing the incredibly indie game Gone Home! If you haven't played it yet I'll recommend playing through it before listening or watch Chris' playthrough on Twitch at rampant55 or on the 2 Dumb Dads youtube channel.
Email us your recommendations for games you'd like to see us play and discuss in the future!
This week we're talking about family trips. Chris has one coming up next week and Nick's been trying to figure out his summer schedule as well. Listen to us do it on the podcast and then argue about why DisneyWorld costs so much!
We're also talking about several new updates to the website and lots of other good stuff on the episode this week. To keep up with all of it visit 2dumbdads.com and our facebook page!
Park conversations are hard y'all! There's all these unwritten rules about what you are and aren't able to talk about with people at the park. Can you talk to other people's kids? Can you ask them questions? Do you throw yourself in front of a car when the parents give you the death glare? We talk about all of it this week!
Also on the episode the dads chat about Chris making his kid a bully, Nick finally screwing up a bread thing, and we admit to still not having our articles done.
Listen and then check in on 2dumbdads.com website and facebook page to chat about it!
We spoil the crap out of the biggest movie of the decade! We talk about everything, especially the ending...actually, mostly the ending. You've been warned!
Also this week, the Dads talk about Mother's Day, Nick's latest baking, and more!
Remember to check out the new website at 2dumbdads.com for all the updates and articles from your favorite dads.
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