the book of 2 FeetDeep chapter 2 verse 4 says, 'a car need all 4 wheels to move or atleast 3."
The book of 2 FeetDeep chapter 2 verse 3 says, " before you can know your favorite you have to sample a lot of food before, and you cant eat chapati by itself it has to be accompanied by something.
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The Book of 2 FeetDeep Podcast Chapter 2 Verse 2 says, "even after Jesus came to earth he still went to his fathers house."
the book of 2 Feet Deep Chapter 2 Verse 1 says, "even a man cries when cutting an onion."
The book of 2 Feet Deep Chapter 1 verses 12 says " An outlet has three holes and it supplies an extension that supports a profusion of devices."
The book of 2 Feet Deep chapter 1 verse 11 says, even tomatoes aren't sold individually, the come as a trio
The book of 2 feetdeep chapter 1 verse 10 says, "Even a company has a CEO, CFO, MD, and a Board of Members to keep the company running
the book of 2FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 9 says, "To avoid Kwashiorkor and marasmus you cant eat the same food for morning lunch and supper everyday. you have to change up."
The Book of 2FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 8 says, " every muscle needs to be worked to be stronger and work for longer so if your muscle doesn't perform for a long time then your should exercise it more."
The book 2FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 7 says, "Even a burger has to have an accompanying side like fries an a drink."
the book of 2FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 6 says, "even when you go car shopping, you drive with a car to the dealership. when when you see a potential car to buy you still have to drive it and check under the hood."
The Book of 2FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 5 says, "watch carefully milk that is on the stove because when you look away thats when the boils and pours out of the pan."
The book of 2 FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 4 says, " Even barber doesn't cut one person's hair."
The book of 2 FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 3 says, " if you go to feed your donkey water at the end of the day and you hadn't fed it all day and the donkey doesn't drink, then someone else has been feeding it water." #freezone
The book of 2 FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 2 says, "if you put your key inside your padlock and it falls out by itself, then someone else has been messing with your padlock" #freezone
The book of 2 FeetDeep chapter 1 verse 1 says, "A padlock can be unlocked by many keys but there is only one master key." #freezone