Episode #194
Revelation is the BOOKEND of Genesis. What was LOST in the Garden (Genesis 1-3) will be RESTORED with the return of Christ and the Judgment of the rebellious world system called BABYLON. Paradise lost… Paradise redeemed. So much to look at in the words of Jesus spoken to and recorded by the Apostle John. What the Lord began is now restored. Satan’s work is Vanquished. We will rule and reign again in the Kingdom of our Christ!! HALLELUJAH!!
Episode #193
Imposter will come. Wearing sheep skins they will try to sneak in to the church families— to pollute the Faith, seduce the Faithful and substitute a spirit of Jezebel for the Holy Spirit. THIS is the message of JUDE! Don’t be deceived. This is a ‘spiritual battle’ so keep you ‘spiritual eyes’ open.
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Episode #192
In these 3 short letters, penned by the Apostle John, it is easy to see the heart of this aged saint! John is almost 90 years of age. He is the only disciple and possible the only eyewitness left of the events of the Cross! As an old man and a ‘grandfather‘ in the faith, John has deep and personal words to share with his young readers. Those words? Love the Lord… and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Episode # 191
Peter had some very public ‘failures’— his thrice denial of Jesus, his rebuke by Jesus, even his rescue from stormy waters after walking upon the sea. Peter was, however, PERSISTENT! He didn’t give up. That resilient and overcoming spirit is evident in 1 and 2 Peter, as he encourages the church to ‘hang in there’ against the very real persecution of King Nero and Roman society. Your faithfulness, Peter reminds them (and us) will be richly REWARDED!
Episode #190
Practical, down to earth, black and white! That is the book of James. A simple letter to the church, written by the half-brother of Jesus, encouraging us to avoid the lust of the flesh and follow the ‘straight and narrow’ way of the Cross.
Episode #189
For 400 years the Second Temple (the Temple of Jesus’ timeframe) served Israel as the center of Worship. That was about to come to an end. The destruction of the Temple at the hands of the Roman General Titus in 70AD, would signal a change. It would be the end of the Jewish Temple Worship practices— but was the destruction (prophesied by Jesus) a SIGN to Jew and Gentile alike, of a ‘new covenant’ and a new and living way. The book of Hebrews was written to confirm that, Yes, Jesus has fulfilled the Old Testament promises. All the promises of God find their ‘yes’ in Him!
The book of Philemon highlights a very important issue in Bible days… and in our culture today. That issue is SLAVERY! While slavery was a common practice in the New Testament world (approximately one third of the Roman world were slaves), the mission of the Gospel was not to end ‘institutional slavery’ (which it eventually did) but to end ‘personal slavery’ by destroying the darkness of our sin. Hope you enjoy the small but profound book of Philemon!
Episode #186
No business, no sports dynasty, no political movement is of any consequence unless it outlives its predecessor. That is equally true of the church of Jesus. Mentoring ‘leaders’ and ‘handing off the baton’ to a new generation is of ultimate importance. In the books of Timothy and Titus, the focus of Paul’s letters is training and empowering new church leaders (Timothy and Titus) who will carry on the Gospel work of Jesus!
Episode # 186
Whether now or 2000 years ago, the promised RETURN of Jesus was of great interest to all Believers. That was especially true of the church of Thessaloniki. Paul wrote two letters to this church (and to us) giving us Holy Spirit insights about the ‘how and when’ of the event— as well as encouraging us to not get ‘lazy’ in the ‘present’ while looking for the Glory of the future.
Episode # 185
It seems that ‘prison’ is the ‘birthplace’ of some great writing— Pilgrim’s Progress (John Bunyan), Civil Disobedience (Henry David Thoreau) and Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes) to name a few. By the same token, God wrote three powerful and inspired New Testament books — Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians— through the Paul’s incarceration. Known as the ‘prison epistles’, these books give us insight, practical wisdom and lessons in the joy of overcoming our difficult circumstances with the power of the Spirit.
Episode # 184
Sometimes it takes stern language to get attention. That is the case with with the book of Galatians. The churches of Galatia were being drawn back into legalism and a salvation based on works. In unmistakable terms, Paul says ‘no’. Grace and the atoning work of alone are the means of our salvation!
Episode #183
Paul’s letters to the church at Corinth are instructive and uniquely personal. Instructive in that Paul addresses a multitude of subjects to the church family living in Corinth. He speaks of divisions and lawsuits, sexuality and marriage, spiritual gifts and resurrection bodies. Then there are the personal stories Paul’s shares about himself that he share no where else— his persecution and shipwrecks, his deprivations and pressures… and of course his out of body ‘journey to Heaven’. The incredible letters of Paul to Corinth. Enjoy!
Episode #182
Romans is the most complete book in the Bible. It is a 'precept upon precept' description of God's plan through the ages: his Redemption of mankind from the grips of sin. No other book so succinctly and methodically speaks to the ways and means of the Salvation plan. It is Paul's 'opus' -- his most important work of the New Testament.
Episode #181
When a movie is a box office 'hit,' there is almost always a sequel. In a sense, Luke's book of Acts is just that - a sequel to the Gospel account of Luke. In his gospel, Luke tells the story of Jesus. In Acts, Luke tells the story of the glorious Church birthed by Jesus' victory over sin and the freedom released into the world because of it.
Episode #186
Isn’t it amazing how much one’s perspective of earth changes when traveling by air. Looking down from the heights bring a whole new appreciation to our everyday view of things. Well… welcome to the Gospel of John! John’s Gospel gives us a high and lofty view of Jesus and his life. John is often called the ‘Eagle gospel’. It is the last Gospel written. Ninety per cent of the material is John is not recorded in the other three gospels. Enjoy the ‘flight’ as you listen through this lesson on JOHN!
Episode #179
Jesus’ Gospel story is told, by God’s design, from 4 different perspectives. Matthew tells if a Lion of Judah— a Jewish perspective. Mark emphasizes Jesus as the ‘sacrifice’ for sin. John reveals Jesus from a ‘heavenly view (which is shying is called the ‘Eagle Gospel’. Then there is Luke! The only non-Jewish author in the Bible — Luke, the doctor and historian— writes of Jesus from a ‘human perspective’. His life, his family, his friends. Luke is written to show Jesus came to die for ALL MANKIND.
Episode #178
The main theme in the Gospel of Mark is ‘hurry’. Over 34 times Mark uses the term ‘immediately’ (‘straightway’ in King James Version). Mark was a young man… he was often in the presence of Jesus and the disciples… his home was probably the place we know of as the Upper Room. His is the shortest and the most ‘action filled’ gospel. Enjoy this podcast on the Gospel of Mark.
Episode # 177
Matthew’s Gospel, the first book of the New Testament, shouts the message loud and clear: the KING OF THE JEWS has come. In this very ‘Jewish’ book (Matthew quotes the Jewish Old Testament 43 times), it is easy to see the main point of this Gospel. What God Promised Abraham so many years ago is now fulfilled on earth. The KING of KINGS has come!
Episode #176
The 12 books called the Minor Prophets are placed in the Bible in chronological order. The last two books END the Old Testament and prepare for a ‘New Day’. Both books speak in powerful ways about the ‘Coming King’. Zechariah gives us specific ‘visions’ of the Coming King. And Malachi prophecies of the coming of John the Baptist— one who will ‘bridge’ the gap from the Old to the New Testament. This prophet will announce the most important event in human history: the coming of the Lamb of God.
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