PAX Melbourne is almost upon us, and as such we’ve been kicked about the ear, nose and throat with scheduling and prep insanity. BUT! We have hand-woven this basket of astisinal madness for you: an extra-long, extra-chunky episode of 28 Plays Later in which we discuss (among other things) Gambit’s …
Money talks, and Paul walks — directly into traffic in this call-in podcast about how to make our PAX Australia show a truly special one. Problem-solve along with us as we strut and fret about our hour upon the stage.
Episodi mancanti?
Because you demanded it, Paul shares an excerpt from his interview of Nicolas Cage for the movie Mandy — plus, Destiny 2: Forsaken, and what makes an actual hero, besides murdering thousands of henchmen and for some reason sparing the head villain for courts to deal with? Also: John Wick takes …
Paul and Kris swing through the delightfully friendly neighborhood Spider-Man from Insomniac Games, and Kris bares his secret Destiny 2: Forsaken shame.
In this horrifying episode, Paul calls Kris just as he’s passing through an atmospheric disturbance, and they begin to switch bodies. Will they be able to prepare one another in time? What hijinks will ensue? Will said hijinks be strictly legal? All hail the blood moon! All hail C’Nth’fth’gn, high …
There’s SO MUCH in this crammed episode! Here’s a rundown for you: Paul’s new book, Loose Units, is available NOW! We chat about the rigors of churning out a book, especially one as gritty and challenging as this one. For our overseas listeners, you can – and should – pick …
In light — get it, like Dr. Light?! — of the Mega Man X Legacy Collection out on Switch, Paul asks Kris about what power Mega Man would get from killing Kris Straub Man. Then Paul teases a dad… his dad! Not what I meant.
Violence. Treason. Lies. War. The world is showing all the telltale signs of a Fallout cinematic cutscene waiting to begin, but there’s still games to be played! This week, Kris and Paul ask the heavy questions, specifically… how the hell will games make this nightmarish era of history “fun”? Hell, …
Do you want to overwrite this? Paul and Kris take a trip down Corrupted Save File Lane and ask, if you could reload part of your life, which area would you choose? PLUS: a Frank Herbert massage, Paul’s embarrassing love story, and would Andie MacDowell be Gwyn or Solaire?
This week, Paul and Kris talk Fortnite, true. Then they chat about what they’re playing at the moment. That stuff is all there. But they also brainstorm an idea they want you to be part of. America is going through some stuff right now, with children being separated from families, …
There are so many fantastic games being unveiled at E3 this year! Are Kris and Paul there in person? WHO KNOWS! …They aren’t. BUT, they’re reporting on all the stuff they’re excited about! First, though, they geek out about the sublime Hollow Knight getting a Switch release, then they gasbag …
When Batman strings a brigand up by their legs, where does he hang them? Gargoyles. And who controls gargoyles? BIG GARGOYLE. This week, Kris and Paul kick down the door of THE ESTABLISHMENT to get to THE TRUTH. They also talk vampire games (specifically Paul’s hopes for Vampyr), and they …
There was literally never been a weirder episode of 28 Plays Later. Deciding to pivot towards the insane, the boys discuss Detroit: Become Human, zombie aliens, ethics and of course the infamous Alaskan Shit Knife. If you like Paul and Kris, you’re SURE to tolerate this musclebound brute of an …
Kris has taken his filthy bindle of belongings and bolted! He’s at PAX East in BAAAAAHSTUHN for the next few days. And Paul is apparently spending the week working in… advertising?! So Paul whipped you up an episode ON THE STREET (literally), talking Far Cry 5, Watch Dogs 2, the …
ARRRRRR the boys any good at pirating? Thrill as Kris reveals his deathly illness and how he (mostly) overcame it! Gasp as Paul reveals he’s played more Sea of Thieves than he should have! Shudder as the lads make plans to hop into this gorgeous, confusing open world seascape and …
Kris is ill. Has been for weeks now. But the show must go on, dammit! So Paul decides to do something deeply foolish: THE DEAD AIR CHALLENGE. Sitting by himself and talking non-stop about video games for twenty minutes straight. Can he reach the finish line? Will his discussions of …
This week on 28 Plays Later, Paul and Kris delve into the wonders of Egypt! The new game mode for Assassins Creed: Origins is here – can it rouse Paul from an educational slumber? Can video games teach us about anything other than how to kill? CAN THEY TEACH US …
This week on 28 Plays Later, Paul and Kris discuss teaching your grandma to suck eggs! Is it erotic as it sounds? Or is it, in fact, an analogy for teaching old people how to get into new stuff? We checked: it isn’t. But we use this disgusting image as …
On what is meant to be an episode about game music and chiptunes, Kris and Paul manage to dilly-dally outside various pit stops along the way. Thrill as the boys take you on a trip down memory lane past some very specific games – Jill of the Jungle, Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure, Commander Keen and Bionic …
After a frankly odd discussion about Celeste, Downwell, Mario and how to make a mobile game about the return of Jesus, Paul and Kris sink their teeth into Monster Hunter: World! Is the wholesale slaughter of an entire ecosystem really a great idea? Are freshly-shorn bone-pauldrons going to be all …
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