
  • Mr.Black has two cats.One is big and the other is small.He likes them very much.One day,his friend Mr.Green comes to see him.Mr Green is very surprised.He finds there are two holes in the door,a big hole and a small one.He says,"Why are there two holes in your door?"
    "To let my cats in and out."Mr.Black answers.
    "Why not one?"asks his friend.
    "Can the big cat go through the small hole?" Mr.Black says.

    one...the other...:一个是···另一个是···
    surprised [sɚ'praɪzd]:吃惊的
    go through:通过,经受

  • A man was very hungry,and he went to buy cakes at a snack bar.When he ate the first cake,he found he was still hungry,and so he ate a second one.He felt so hungry.After seven cakes,he was not hungry.Suddenly,he had an idea."Ah,if I eat the seventh one first,I only need to buy one cake,and I can save six yuan."

    suddenly ['sʌdənli]:突然
    sudden death :突然死亡法(足球术语,常用于淘汰赛。)
    second ['sɛkənd]:第二,秒
    snack [snæk]:零食

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  • Look at this man.What is he doing?He's carrying a very big box.The box is full of big apples.He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home.Can he do that?No,I don't think so.Why not?Because the box is too full and too heavy.Look!What's wrong?He drops the box.A poor man!


    poor [pʊr]:可怜的
    carry ['kæri]:携带
    bike=bicycle ['baɪsɪkl]:自行车
    drop [drɑp]:掉落
    eyedrop ['aɪ,drɑp]:泪滴

  • Mary is six years old.It's nine o'clock at night.She is going home.
    Mary is walking home this evening.Suddenly she finds a girl is behind her.She runs,and the girl runs.She stops,and the girl stops,too."Who are you?What are you doing?"Mary asks.There is no answer.Mary begins to run."Don't run after me.Go away."
    The girl is still running after her.She shouts,"Help,Help!"Mary runs back home."Dad,help me,there is a girl always behind me.You see."Father takes a look and smiles.'Mary,don't worry.The girl is you.That's your shadow."
    玛丽今年6岁了。一天晚上9点的时候,她独自一人走在回家的路上,突然,她发现有个女孩子跟在她身后。玛丽跑,她也跟着跑,玛丽停,她也跟着停。“你是谁?你要干啥?”玛丽问道,但没有人回答。玛丽开始跑,“不要再跟着我了,快走开!” 那个女孩仍然在尾随着她。玛丽吓得大叫;"救命啊!救命啊!" 跑回了家。“爸爸!救我,有个女孩总是跟着我,你快来看!”玛丽的爸爸看了一眼,笑着说:“不要怕,那个女孩就是你自己,那是你的影子呀!”

    shadow ['ʃædo]:影子,阴影
    run [rʌn]:跑,经营,竞选
    run after :追逐
    shout [ʃaʊt]:大喊大叫,请客
    my shout :我请客

  • My favorite sport is swimming.I often swim in the pool.I swim every week.When I am swiming in the pool,I am very happy.I look like a lovely fish in the pool.
    I enjoy swimming,because swimming can make me strong and healthy.It can also bring me a lot of happiness.Of course,I like watching this sport.I hope I will become a swimmer in the future.
    lovely ['lʌvli]:可爱的
    favorite ['fevərɪt]:最喜欢的
    pool [pul]:水池

  • Today is Sunday.Bob is going to the zoo with his classmates.He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap.He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home.He is going to meet his classmates there.The zoo is very far,but a No.57 bus will take them right there.The children are going to see a lot of animals at the zoo and they are going to have a good time.

    roommate ['rummet]:室友
    mate [met]:伙伴
    cap [kæp]:帽子
    right [raɪt]:右边,正确的

  • I fell in love with you watching Casablanca
    Back row of the drive in show in the flickering light
    Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars became champagne and caviar
    Making love on a long hot summers night
    I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca
    Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's Candle lit cafe
    Hiding in the shadows from the spies
    Moroccan moonlight in your eyes
    Making magic at the movies in my old chevorlet
    Oh A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
    But A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
    Please come back to me in Casablanca
    I love you more and more each day as time goes by
    I guess there're many broken hearts in Casablanca
    You know I've never really been there
    So I don't know
    I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen
    But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go
    Oh A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
    But A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
    Please come back to me in Casablanca
    I love you more and more each day as time goes by
    Oh A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
    But A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
    Please come back to me in Casablanca
    I love you more and more each day as time goes by
    I love you more and more each day as time goes by

    fall in :坠入
    sigh [saɪ]:叹息
    watch [wɑtʃ]:看,观察,手表

  • Two friends are having a holiday.Their names are Frank and Henry,and Henry is very lazy.
    On the first evening of their holiday,Frank said to Henry,"Here's some money.Go and buy some meat."
    "I'm too tired,"answers Henry,"You go."
    So Frank wen to buy some meat.Later he came back and said to Hery,"Here's the meat.Please cook it."
    But Henry answered,"No,I'm not good at cooking.You do it."
    So Frank cooked the meat.Then he said to Henry,"Go and get some water.""No,I don't want to get my clothes dirty."Henry answerd.
    Finally,Frank said,"The meat is ready.Come and get it."
    "OK"answered Henry,"I don't like saying 'No' all the time

    lazy ['lezi]:懒惰的
    meat [mit]:肉
    dirty [ˈdɝtɪ]:脏的
    ready ['rɛdi]:准备好的

  • There is a bird in a small cage who sings at night.
    One night a bat came and asked,"Why do you only sing at night?"
    "I used to sing in the daytime,but a man caught me and put me in a cage.So I only sing at night,"the bird said.
    "But you are in a cage now,you should have thought of that before you got caught!"the bat said.

    bat [bæt]:蝙蝠,球拍
    cage [kedʒ]:笼子,监狱
    used to:过去经常...
    daytime ['detaɪm]:白天
    get caught:被抓

  • Mr.Wang is shortsighted.But he doesn't like wearing glasses when he eats.Mr.Wang has a son.His name is Wang Dong.He is a middle school student.He likes talking when eating."Don't talk when you eat."Mr.Wang always says to Wang Dong,"Be a good boy."
    One day,when they were having supper,Wang Dong saw a fly in his father's bowl.He wanted to tell him,"Dad,there is ..."His father looked at him and said,"Stop talking!"After supper his father asked him,"Well,my boy.What is it?""There was a fly in your bowl.But you didn't want me to tell you."
    有一天,他们一起吃晚饭,王先生看到一只苍蝇飞到了他爸爸的碗里。他想提醒爸爸。“爸爸,有一只...” 可话还没说出口,就被训斥了一顿:“吃饭的时候不要讲话!” 晚饭以后,爸爸问他:“儿子,刚才你想说什么来着?” “你碗里有一只苍蝇,但你不让我告诉你。”

    shortsighted ['ʃɔː'saɪtɪd]:近视
    supper ['sʌpɚ]:晚餐
    bowl [bol]:碗
    fly [flaɪ]:飞,苍蝇

  • Harry is a small boy,and he hates soap and water.Three or four times every day his mother asks him to wash hands.but Harry only puts his hand in the water for a few seconds and then takes them out.
    One day Harry's uncle and aunt bring their small son Tom to Harry's home.Tom is one year older than Harry,and he doesn't like soap and water,either.
    When Tom sees Harry,he looks at Harry's hands and then says,"My hands are dirtier than yours!"
    "Of course they are."Harry answers angrily."You are one year older than I am."

    soap [sop]:肥皂
    take out:拿出来
    either ['iðɚ]:也(表否定)

  • There are many colours in our life.What colour do you like best?
    Maybe red,white,black,yellow,or green.But what colour is easy to see?Do you know?Many students think red can be seen very easily.And what colour can you see best from far away?Green?Yellow?or Red?
    It is yellow.
    Wear a yellow coat and hat when you walk in the forest,because people can find you easily.Wear a yellow raincoat when you ride a bike because people in the cars can see you easily.Please remember:Be safe,wear yellow.

    forest ['fɔrɪst]:森林
    raincoat [ˈreɪnkoʊt]:雨衣

  • Sam lives in the countryside.One day he went to town to have dinner.So he went to a restaurant and sat down at a table.When he looked around,he saw many old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers,so after lunch he went to buy some glasses.
    The man in the shop let him try on a lot of glasses,but Sam always said,"No,I can't read with these."
    The man was more and more surprised.Finally,he said,"Excuse me,but can you read?"
    "No,of course I can't!"Sam said,"That's why I want to buy glasses.I think they can help me read."
    countryside ['kʌntrɪsaɪd]:乡下
    glass [ɡlæs]:玻璃
    glasses ['glæsɪz]:眼镜
    surprised [sɚ'praɪzd]:惊喜
    put on:穿上,戴上

  • Mr.White has a big garden.There are lots of flowers in it.But he has only a few trees.Mr Black is Mr.White's neighbour.Mr Black,has a garden,too.Mr Black's garden is smaller that Mr.White's garden.He has fewer flowers than Mr.White,but more trees.
    Mr.White's another neighbour Mr.Brown's garden is the smallest garden of the three.He has the fewest flowers of them all,but the weeds in his garden are the longest.There is alwanys a lot of work in the garden,but Mr.Brown doesn't have enough time to work in his garden.So his garden is the worst.

    flower ['flaʊɚ]:花
    neighbour ['neɪbə]:邻居

  • It's afternoon so Helen has no class today.She got up early to go see her aunt and she is walking there now.As she was walking she came to a river.There was a board over the river,so Helen started to walk across.Suddenly,she fell into the river."Help!Help!"Helen cried.But nothing happened to her in the river,and she stood up.To her surprise,the water was not very deep.It only came up to her knees.

    Help [hɛlp]:帮助,救命
    get up: 起来
    board [bɔrd]:木板,上船
    walk across: 走过去
    come up to: 达到

  • If you have a headache and a sore throat you have the flu.If you have the flu,you usually have a fever and need to go to see a doctor.You should take some medicine and drink lots of water.You should stay in bed for a few days and then you will feel better.

    headache [ˈhɛdˌek]:头痛
    sore [sɔr]:疼痛的
    throat [θrot]:咽喉
    fever ['fivɚ]:发烧
    medicine ['mɛdsn]:药

  • Last weekend we had a birthday party for our classmate Lily.She is younger than me,but I am shorter than her.She is very pretty and has a nice smile.We went to a shop to buy a present for her.We bought a doll because she told me,"I want a beautiful doll for my bedroom."When she got our present she was very excited.For her party,we went to the zoo and saw pandas.We wanted to row a boat in a park,but it was late and we had to go home.We had a great time that day.

    classmate ['klæsmet]:同学
    doll [dɑl]:玩偶
    panda ['pændə]:熊猫
    row [ro]:划船,一行,排
    present ['prɛznt]:礼物,现在

  • One day a man put a fish on a mousetrap to catch a rat.The cat saw the fish and came out to eat it.
    A cat was in the room,too.He saw the rat and wanted to eat it.
    "Don't eat me,"said the rat to the cat,"You like fish.I have a nice fish for you.Look,there it is."
    So the cat walked over the mousetrap.He tried to eat the fish,but got his paw stuck in the mousetrap.

    mouse [maʊs]:老鼠,鼠标
    trap [træp]:陷阱
    mousetrap ['maʊstræp]:老鼠夹
    rat [ræt]:耗子
    paw [pɔ]:爪子,手
    stuck [stʌk]:被卡住的

  • Every morning Mike goes to work by train.He has a long trip,so he always buys a newspaper.It helps to make the time pass more quickly.
    One Tuesday morning,he turned to the sports page.He wanted to read an article about an important football match.The article was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station.He didn't know it until he saw the sea.
    He got off at the next station,and had to wait for a long time for a train to go back.He got to the office very late.His boss was very angry.

    interest ['ɪntrəst]:兴趣,利息
    train [tren]:训练,火车
    station [ˈsteɪʃən]:车站
    article ['ɑrtɪkl]:文章
    get off :下车