Sarah talks through the hope of Easter with a reading of Anne Steele's poem, Redeeming Love. Easter might look different this year, but we can still celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, all things new, and the hope of glory.
Read more about Anne Steele at Hymnary or on the Indelible Grace website. I highly recommend the book, Refuge of My Weary Soul, Selected Works by Anne Steele edited by Alex Webster.
“We have to build a new vision for what life will be going forward - grieving what isn’t anymore, and building A NEW vision…”
Sarah Broady talks with Jonathan and Sarah McGuire about their ministry organization, Hope Anew, and the new online community that launches October 1, 2019. They share their story as autism parents, the isolation they experienced, the drought of rest Sarah went through, and how their family coped and handled those struggles.
Through everything, they’ve created a ministry to parents of children with unique needs and disability in their writing, speaking, podcasting, and are launching A NEW ministry specific to creating community. I’m so excited to introduce the McGuires to you if you don’t know them already, and I highly encourage you to check out the incredible resources on their website, Hope Anew.
You can connect with them on Facebook and on Twitter. Find their 5 Minute Vacations on their website via pop up, or watch the video on the show notes page.
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Sarah talks with autism dad and children’s pastor, Jared Kennedy, about creating inclusive classroom environments for children’s ministry. They discuss tools and strategies leaders and teachers can use with individuals with unique needs in their classes, as well as boundaries if a teacher suspects a diagnosis, but the parent has not provided any diagnosis, or there hasn’t been any testing yet. They talk through the books Jared has written and the free resources available on his website, Gospel Centered Family.
In addition to practical ideas and steps for ministry leaders and teachers to use with families, Sarah and Jared also talk through how spouses grieve differently, and the encouragement of hope we have in Christ as our High Priest who empathizes with us in our suffering.
Jared is the author of "The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible," fifty-two Bible stories retold in a simple and compelling way for toddlers and preschoolers. and "Before the Lord, Before the Church," a book on planning a child dedication service.
As a special needs parent, have you felt fear about your child’s future? Do you struggle with doubts about decisions you’ve made, grief over the fact that you even had to make those very decisions? Do you feel guilty for either how you’ve handled a situation, or even your own emotions?
Sarah Broady talks with Deb Abbs about “the other ‘R’ word,” as Deb puts it, Residential, through their family’s story of transitioning their teenage son Luke from home to a residential boarding school for children with disabilities. They talk through the all-encompassing fear, grief, and guilt that Deb's family faced as special needs parents and the hope they have held onto throughout it all.
Jolene Philo and Dr. Gary Chapman have co-authored a book on the 5 love languages just for special needs families and it is finally here! Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities is available for purchase through Jolene's website, or on Amazon.
Host Sarah Broady talks with Jolene about the book, how it came into being, all the ideas for families to use the 5 love languages with their families - with spouses, typical siblings, and children with disabilities, and the hope Jolene has to share through it all. So many books written for parents, while excellent resources, can't really be put to use by special needs families for a vast variety of reasons. This book has been requested time and time again, and providentially, Jolene Philo is answering the call and addressing these specific needs for special needs families. Thank you Jolene for the work and heart you poured into this, and thank you especially to Dr. Gary Chapman for saying yes to this book!
Lorna Bradley's research focuses on how churches can provide a holistic welcome to families raising children with special needs by meeting the emotional and spiritual needs within the entire family. She is the author of Special Needs Parenting: From Coping to Thriving, has led parent support groups for seven years and worked in welcoming ministries for ten years. Sarah and Lorna discuss specific ways churches can minister to *and with* special needs families and share stories of hope as families are welcomed into true community within the church.
As a special needs parent, sometimes there are just some things we can't share. What if people don't understand? Some things are too private and would be embarrassing to our child if we talked about it. But it's still something we as a parent are experiencing and need to process. How do we talk about the really hard things without really talking about it? Is that even possible?
This is a solo episode by host Sarah Broady as she talks through reasons we can't talk about hard things, and what we can do about it.
Get the show notes here!
Make sure to follow A Special Hope Podcast on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for updates. Subscribe for podcast updates on the Hope in Autism website.
This special Father's Day episode is dedicated to the memory of Jeff Davidson. Becky talks through their story and the genesis of Rising Above Ministries, as well as the beautiful but heart-breaking story of how Jeff's last legacy, Common Man, Extraordinary Call-Thriving as a Dad of a Child with Special Needs, came into being two years after his passing. Today's story is one of beauty mixed with grief encased in hope. Stay tuned for a message from Jeff and a shout out to dads, especially special needs fathers, everywhere. Happy Father's Day!
Where is God when your child is hurting? How do we pray for them? How do we cope in the face of crisis and chronic illness? Evana Sandusky talks about her children's medical complexities, stories of their life, how her faith was challenged, and how she overcame doubts about God.
Evana is a God-fearing wife and mother of two children. Her daughter has Down syndrome and a complex medical history. Professionally, Evana is a pediatric speech-language pathologist in private practice.
Read the show notes on Hope in Autism.
Find Evana on Facebook, Twitter, and her website.
What does it feel like to truly belong? Cara Milne talks with Sarah Broady about her book, "Building Community: Practical Ways to Build Inclusive Communities for People Who are Vulnerable". We discuss Cara's story of entering the disability field, what "community" really looks like, belonging, and the intersection of faith and disability. Read Cara's interview show notes to read more about Cara.
Find Cara on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and her website, MPowered Planning.
Jason and Sarah discuss Jason’s book, Aching Joy, and we dive deep into being transparent, choosing joy, embracing pain, and especially finding hope.
Bronwyn Murphy is both the mother of a child with special needs as well as a ministry leader in her church, and founder of a special needs support group for moms in California. We talk about strategies both parents and ministry leaders can use to welcome individuals with special needs into the church and how to openly communicate needs. She offers wonderful hope and encouragement for both parents and ministry leaders to persevere even when things are hard.
Bronwyn serves as the Inclusion Coordinator at University Covenant Church (UCC) in Davis, CA and is the co-facilitator of Me Too!, a support group for mothers of children with special needs. She also serves as a board member for University Covenant Nursery School, UCC's inclusive weekday preschool. She is married with three children and has sat on both sides of the IEP table both as a special education teacher and as a parent.
Sarah and Melanie discuss special needs motherhood and Melanie's devotional, Bundle of Joy.
Married for 25 years, Melanie is the mom of two young men, one of whom was born with a rare genetic disorder. Their family resides in sunny South Florida where she attempts to balance a full-time career, in Human Resources, full-time caregiving, and full-time passion for ministry to other special needs parents. You can find her writing on the Special Needs Parenting blog at Key Ministry and her website is Redefine Special.
Melanie and Sarah will both be speaking at Key Ministry's Inclusion Fusion Live! Conference on April 5th-6th in Bay Village, OH. Register for the conference and join A Special Hope Podcast in person for some off-the-cuff interviews!
Regardless of the size of the church, community outreach to the disability community is not only possible, but commanded by Jesus himself.
We are here to help.
Most churches aren’t opposed to the idea of getting involved in Disability Ministry, they just don’t know where to start. We can come up with a customized plan for any church.
Ability Ministry Website
Jenn shares her story dealing with grief after an autism diagnosis, how God met her on the beach, and how she has moved forward in hope.
Jenn Soehnlin is a middle school English teacher, writer, and mother to two sons, whom she describes as “precious little lads who are precious blessings and who both have special needs.”
Her heart is to share encouragement and God's truths with moms who are also traveling the special needs parenting journey. When she’s not busy taking her boys to yet another appointment, she enjoys hiking, reading, writing, and blogging on her website at embracing - dot - life. embracing.life.
If you’d like to connect with Jenn, you can find her on
Facebook: @embracingthisspeciallife
Twitter: @Jenn-Soehnlin
Instagram: @jennembracinglife
Don’t forget to check out her book, Embracing This Special Life, on Amazon, or find the link on her website, embracing.life.
John Felageller discusses his journey as a dad with his son's autism, how it affected their marriage, his relationship with his son, their friends, and how deeply it impacted him as a dad. So many people can hear their own story in his, and despite struggles, there is beautiful hope to hold onto.
Find John on Facebook @johnsspecialneedsblog, on Twitter @jfelageller74, and Instagram @jfelageller. You can check out his blog posts on Key Ministry's Special Needs Parenting blog, https://keyministry.org/specialneedsparenting.
A Special Hope kicks off with a very special guest: Samuel Broady. I had the pleasure of interviewing my own son for Episode 1 of this podcast. Sam talks about what it's like having autism, what he hopes for his future, his faith, trying not to break the TV, and (bonus content!) how to make stovetop popcorn with even more foodie bonus content to follow.
Listen to clips from upcoming episodes of A Special Hope
Check out this short intro to this brand new podcast!