Each week, Allen, Josef, and Jonathan discuss a comic book character (or team). Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents the character, their powers, and their history. Josef, who's only ever read one comic book and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. And Allen, level headed voice of reason, mediates the mess.
@MarvelMarveling -
Vi får besøg af mange interessante personer på Holbæk Radio - Det er som regel nogen der har indflydelse på hvad der sker i Holbæk Kommune - Spændende kulturpersonligheder, politikere og deres embedsfolk, iværksættere og andet godtfolk fortællerderes historier og indsigter - Du kan derfor genhøre nogle af de mange samtaler og programmer her i vores Talkshows
En gaming podcast med Mads Gelting og Nikolaj Jensen. Vi snakker om alle de nyeste spil, teknologier og gennemgår de seneste gaming. Alt det og meget mere!
Tune into Dvalin's Tavern, a gaming podcast, for bi-weekly episodes filled with news, reviews, exclusive interviews, and round table discussions about the latest in gaming and entertainment. Join your host, Dvalin, as he explores the most exciting trends and updates in the gaming world.
Best in Tabletop is an entertainment network dedictated to inspiring players to be their best in every aspect of their game.
En spin-off til Han Duo podcasten, hvor Elias Eliot og Jacob Ege Hinchely udvider holdet med Maria Månson, og Danmarks dygtigste Gamemaster Morten Greis, og spiller forskellige rollespil.
Sith Takers Snap Shots is a podcast dedicated to the X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games run by the Sith Takers based in Stockport, North West UK. The goal of the podcast is to release three podcasts a week of a short duration (approx 10-15 mins) discussing a single topic in detail with different members of the Sith Takers team.
We will discuss news on upcoming releases and their impact on the game, our experiences attending and preparing for tournaments around the world, list creation and tweaking, meta breakdowns, and much more. -
TUSMØRKETIMEN er en podcast om dét, der gemmer sig i skumringen. I første sæson dykker vi dybt ned i den danske folklore. Vi undersøger forskellige væsner fra folketroen – fra oldtid til nutid. Ét væsen per episode. Podcasten er udarbejdet af forfatterne Sidsel Katrine Slej og Haidi Wigger Klaris som hver især interesserer sig for henholdsvis det historiske aspekt og den spirituelle vinkel.
Christoffer Greenfort og gæster går i dybden med transport, infrastruktur og den teknologiske udvikling, der skaber fremtidens grønne mobilitet
Tune into the evolving flow of the Cosmos and let Astrology help you navigate the collective frequencies. Delightful discussions with guests to deepen your connection to the magic of Astrology’s sacred geometry. Its everywhere Everyday. If you know you know😉
A monthly recorded show in an actual play format where a group of great role-players serve up their character's experiences in new and published scenarios. Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Vampire the Masquerade (V5), and many more!
Michael Diamond (@diamond_writing) is the Keeper of Arcane Lore and eagerly prepares each session for your listening enjoyment! -
A Delta Green actual play podcast featuring a bunch of chuckleheads laughing nervously in the face of uncaring cosmic horror. With new episodes every other week!
Glem alt om dagens store overskrifter. I Danmarks Mindste Nyheder får du præsenteret de historier, der betyder mest for den enkelte dansker.
Hver uge præsenterer vi sammen med en kendt gæstevært små nyheder fra danskernes hverdag. Vi rykker ud med vores reportagevogn, vi har gæster i studiet og på telefon; vi er med andre ord alle vegne, hvor der er småt nyt.
Danmarks Mindste Nyheder er dit nyhedsprogram med historier, som ikke finder vej til den traditionelle presse.
Falder du over en nyhed, historie eller en person, som skal med i #DanmarksMindsteNyheder, så brug hashtagget.
Værter: Anton Ringdal og Kristoffer Kristensen -
Her udgives podcast fra Radio SLR som er en underholdende radio til voksne med hovedvægt på lokale og regionale nyheder. Vi er en del af - Sjællandske Nyheder
Vi sender til størstedelen af Region Sjælland på FM, DAB+ samt på app og stream.
Radio SLR ejes 100% af Sjællandske Medier A/S -
To lærere. En snak om nyheder og andet. Alle er velkomne. Totalt uforberedt.
Weekly, episodes about board games and the board game hobby.
We dive in to a wide selection of game mechanics, themes, and reviews. We discuss game news, gaming highlights, and the people who make our games amazing.
Come join us at the game table.
Hosted by Nathan Howard, Andy Holliday, Douglas Stewart, David Holliday, and Logan Howard. -
A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition podcast where co-hosts, Will and Brian, explore all things D&D including lore, game mechanics, character creation, and lots of other creative concepts. Join in on conversation about the world's most popular tabletop role playing game in a casual, educational, and humorous conversation in an inclusive setting. Together we'll delve into the endless possibilities and unforeseen challenges of role playing, creating characters, and dungeon mastering. New episodes of The Dungeoncast will air every Monday on YouTube, iTunes or anywhere else podcasts can be found!
Hosted by Myelin Games and LogPowerslave Destiny Down Under is your weekly guide to all things Destiny, except Australian!
Three best friends gather to play video games and talk gaming news and culture.
A show that's a mix of escape room puzzles and tabletop role-playing.