Every Friday, usually when my dad is waiting for his takeaway curry to be made and he's sat in the pub opposite having a pint, he texts me a collection of brilliantly terrible jokes he's collated that week from various places.
This is me reading them out for the first time. -
It is a one sided love story.. Of me and one girl
In which I had destroyed my tenth class.. 😂😂🙃🙃😍🥰🥰 -
Eai gente blz?
Esse podcast foi criado com um único intuito que é falar merda e ganhar dinheiro,então espero que vocês gostem,se não gosta também foda-se! -
Topics plssss
Hello and welcome to mistakes we’ve made and debts we’ve paid. A podcast about a lifetime of mistakes, mishaps, and poor choices. Where we really lean into the pain and laugh at all our cringy moments. Big and small we tell them all.
From all walks of life , you can be happy as long as you WOKE. Interesting stuff, interesting people, and a fun inside joke that we won't discuss that you'll have to listen carefully to tell what it is 😉 I hope you all have a seat , grab the biggest bag of nonfat butter popcorn you can, and enjoy the work of Woke Enterprises.
Three former podcasts, four degenerate podcasters, and a lot of raunchy...
Formerly of the Fraternize with These Guys podcast: Beezy. Formerly of Bleach Bros Podcast: B-Word. And Two of the former hosts of Dads on Dayquill: Gnome and Stoned.
The Raunchy Regret Podcast brings a comedic look at life, sports, and entertainment. Premiering soon and airing weekly.
#GiveEmHell #RaunchyRegret #PodernFamily #PodNation -
we r bored and dumb.
Hetente jelentkező magasfeszültségű podcast
Sok podcast látott már vendégül hírességeket, de a barátaikat még egy sem. Kovács András Péter minden héten mikrofon elé ülteti valamelyik kedvenc hírességét – és az ő legjobb barátját, hogy aztán a vendégről kizárólag a barátot kérdezze. A vendég életét ezúttal a barát szemszögéből láthatjuk, ez a szemszög pedig gyakran más és meglepő – még a vendég számára is. Közös évtizedek, régi és új félreértések, szembesülések és felismerések olyan beszélgetésekben, melyek előnyére válnak minden barátságnak.
The Reviews Are In is a podcast that features the funniest reviews from around the internet. In each episode, hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson will talk about reviews that you won't believe someone typed up. Anything that you can leave a review on is fair game; products, movies, restaurants, etc.
A kabaré rádiója.
Podcast by Bochkor
Nicole Rafiee and Jake Thatcher love the sound of their voice so much, they decided to monetize off of it every other Monday.For advertising opportunities: [email protected]:// Support this podcast:
Az Értékes Humor Podcastja
Csak igazi mai sláger megy!
Ideree's podcast та бүхэнд 7 хоног бүр сонирхолтой содон зочдын ярилцлагыг хөтлөгч Идэрээгийн хамт хүргэх болно! Таалагдсан бол найзуудтайгаа хуваалцана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна. Subscribe!
Az új sorozat célja többek között, hogy több oldalukról ismerjétek meg népszerű hírességeket. Nem titkolt célom, hogy olyan személyeket mutassak be felnőtt közönségemnek, akiket úgy gondolom, hogy valamiért érdemes követni. A szimpátiám okát sok minden kiválthatja, a döntés minden esetben egyedi, a lényeg hogy a jelenléte valami pluszt adjon.
[email protected]
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The #1 show in late night delivered straight to your ears, every day. Keep up with all the whip-smart writing, hilarious monologues, and revealing conversations with celebrity guests, only on The Late Show Pod Show with Stephen Colbert.
Late Show Pod Show listeners can use discount code "TLS20” for 20% off all The Late Show with Stephen Colbert products on
Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35/10:35c on CBS or stream it on Paramount+. -
Modern Muckraker is an investigative journalism podcast about pop culture questions no one has dared to ask. With the help of actual, highly-qualified experts, host Mike Schubert will apply excruciatingly thorough research methods and intense scrutiny to get to the bottom of these seemingly unanswerable questions. Season 1 releases new episodes on Mondays from Oct. 11 to Nov. 1 2021. Learn more at