Samlestur er hlaðvarpsþáttur þar sem við setjumst niður með öðrum sköpunarglöðum einstaklingu úr sem flestum kimum sviðslistarinnar og spjöllum um lífið bakvið tjöldin.
We're Courtney and we're Sara and we're Bodice Tipplers, the podcast where we read the romance novels we used to steal off our grandmothers' nightstands (and then we drink about it.) Join us each episode as we examine the good, the bad, and the throbbing of vintage romances.
"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, performed by Suitcase Theatre Company
Getting to the Heart, Soul, and drive of top performers in the entertainment industry. Clayton Howe’s guests share their paths, struggles, and lessons learned. Entertainmentx inspires, uplifts, and educates everyone interested in a deep dive look at entertainment professionals and industry luminaries.
Fjögurra manna hópur sem spilar Dreka & Dýflissur, fimmtu útgáfu. Spilið er hlutverkaspil sem byggir á spuna. Saman búum við til ævintýri með hjálp teninga. Hlaðvarpið er á íslensku, eða við reynum eftir fremsta megni að þýða það sem er á ensku. Aðal markmiðið er að hafa gaman og hlægja saman.
* Winner: Arts & Culture Award - Australian Podcast Awards 2021 *
The Best Movies That Hollywood NEVER Made. -
A dramatic approach to daily life issues.
See One Beautiful Soul is a Podcast which explores stories about the 3 F Words: Forgiveness, Failure, and Freedom. In each episode you heart will be lifted hearing about two unlikely souls forgiving one another and make sure to record the Tools you can use to live a life of more Freedom!
Finalist in PopCon 2022 Best Podcast in Spirituality and Religion Category -
This show will help singer artists evolve their mindset, practice, and business habits to build a career that will thrive!
How do I practice those high notes? How do I tackle all that rejection? How do I manage my time when singing is not my only job? Where do I start building my career after school?
Your host, Hrund Osk, is a freelance opera singer and vocal coach, and together with you, she will break drown these types of questions and so much more! She'll give actionable tips to help you along on your journey to building a thriving life as a singer! -
Broadway actors. Dungeons & Dragons. From Mischief Media
Town Players of New Canaan Radio Plays
Poems authentic and written by Rasta Jay
The Playful Musician dives deep into a musician’s journey, techniques and influences. From the first instrument they played to how they prepare for big concerts or recordings to how they find joy in the long practice hours, this podcast reveals the beautiful, and peculiar, details of an artist’s journey.
Whether you’re an aspiring musician looking for inspiration, a seasoned pro trying to find new techniques, or just a fan of the musical process, you’re going to love this podcast. -
A rude and lewd 5e D&D actual play podcast. Listen as my friends and I go on ridiculous adventures punctuated with poorly timed jokes, and fairly offensive behavior. We are Crude Characters... Enjoy.
*R Rated D&D Podcast* -
Zig at the gig is a long-form interview-style show. The host Dave Deitke is a full-time Musician from Cleveland, OH. Who plays in an original band called C-level and teaches an adapted music class. Zig at the gig started as a podcast for Negative Space, a non-profit art gallery, promoting events and artists from the galley. The show has grown to include all facets of entertainment, including artist authors and musicians.
This podcast is a collection of creative ideas, practical strategies, and thoughtful observations from the field of music teaching and learning. Music educator Ashley Danyew will dive into topics like how we learn, developing musicianship, time management, teaching sequences, planning tools and strategies, the art of teaching, practicing, and the creative process, and share personal stories from her own experiences and observations. You’ll find creative and pedagogically-sound teaching tips; fresh, new approaches you can use in your teaching; and insight into a few tried-and-true systems and creative processes designed to help you do your best work.
Brotkast er efnisveita þar sem dagskrárgerðarmenn eru óháðir auglýsendum og svara eingöngu til áskrifenda sinna. Þannig bjóðum við upp á heilbrigðari umræðu sem verður ekki nauðbeygð undir háværan hóp róttæklinga á Twitter.
Hægt er að kaupa áskrift á þar sem allt efnið er inni með aðeins einni áskrift. -
Between gee rahrgJ
My world, journey, experience.
A Walk in the Dark is a dark drama podcast series created in the spirit of the Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, and Stephen King and features science fiction, horror, suspense, and psychological thrillers that often conclude with a macabre or unexpected twist. The short story format takes listeners on strange and often scary journeys lasting between 5 and 15 minutes each.