In this episode of the Air Combat Sim Podcast, the team interviews with Steve Davies and Metal2Mesh about the F-15E. The team discusses the upcoming F-15E module and Baltic Dragon's training materials as well. Show Notes:Steve Davies 10 Percent True Podcast Steve Davies Books on Amazon Metal2Mesh Images Baltic Dragon's YouTube Channel Casmo's Channel Tricker's Channel
In this episode, Casmo, Tricker and Baltic Dragon discuss the Tornado module development as well as Multi-Threading in DCS.
Episodes manquant?
In this episode, Baltic Dragon and Tricker chat with RAZBAM about the status of the upcoming F-15E Module. And in the hardware interview, Casmo chats with the guys from "The Unbound System" , a kickstarter project to "Convert your desk chair to a powerful gaming or work station with modular attachments using our quick connect system."
In this episode, Casmo, Tricker, Baltic Dragon and Rob discuss what's new as well as a segment on the MB-339 from IndiaFoxtEcho
In this episode, with our new format, Casmo, Tricker, Baltic Dragon and Rob discuss what's new. Additionally, the team has interviews with Mooch at the Tailhook conference as well as the Total Controls team.
Total Controls
Ward "Mooch" Carroll
In this episode Baltic Dragon and Bel Geode chat with Nicholas Dackard of Heatblur Simulations about the existing and upcoming products including the F-4
In this week's episode, Tricker and Sport interview Rudel and Hiromachi from Magnitude 3. They discuss the development of the F4U Corsair module and Essex class carrier.
Thanks to Rudel and Hiromachi for providing these screenshots
Be sure to check out Tricker's YouTube Channel
Be sure to check out Sport's YouTube Channel
In this episode, the team talks with Reflected and Ground Pounder Sims about developing campaigns for DCS.
In this episode the Tricker, Sport and Goat meet with the BMS team to discuss the 4.36 features and the state of the sim.
Tricker and Goat are joined by Nomad and Bowser to discuss the first impressions of the DCS AH-64D module. Tricker discussed his special time with Casmo
Chuck's Guides
This week the team meets with Matt Wagner to discuss the impending release of the Apache. Joining the team this week are "Juice" and Bel Giode
In this episode, the team met with Ward "Mooch" Carroll.
Ret. Navy Commander Ward Carroll is a former Tomcat RIO, host of a popular YouTube channel that focuses on military aviation.
Carroll flew F-14 Tomcats for 15 years after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy.
Carroll as named Naval Institute Press Author of the Year in 2001 for his novel “Punk’s War.”
The team met to discuss the upcoming AH-64D. Casmo (Low Level Hell Podcast), an experienced AH-64D pilot, gives his view on the upcoming DCS module.
Check out more Casmo content on YouTube
In this episode the team meets with Heatblur to discuss the upcoming Eurofighter module.
Jabbers and Baltic Dragon meet with the team from DCS Liberation
In this episode, the ACS team, with new members Tricker and Casmo, interview Unofficial mod makers.
NOTE: We've had some technical issues recently that have hurt the quality of the episodes. This should be the last episode that was problematic.
Links to the mods:
JAS-39 Gripen Mod
C-130J-30 Mod
T-45 Goshawk
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