
  • We talk with the brilliant Mufti Muhammad Muneer for an off-the-cuff 40 minute long chat while he was visiting Columbus. Fahad was with him in person while Ammar was in his bedroom somewhere in Arkansas.

    We discuss his 'methodology' on fiqh, how an Islamic fiqhi school of thought is like a martial art, and why we shouldn't zealously cling to one fiqh school, and we chat a bit at the end why he carried a particular worn out book (other than the Quran of course) everywhere while he was here.

    Follow our page on twitter: @AlFursaninitia1Follow his page on Facebook:

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  • This week we bring the nightmare of atheists, Asadullah Al Andalusi. With his knowledge of philosophy and religion, he refutes atheism and ex-Muslims alike. Today we get to interview him to get a closer look into his personality and also address why Muslims are typically leaving Islam.

    We talk about why Ex-Muslims are stupid, Scientific Miracles, Philosophical Pragmatism, Islamic Futurism, Robert Spencer, and the struggles in being Muslim academic trying to promote educated discourse.

    We touch on all of this with Asadullah Ali Al-Andalusi.

    Asadullah Ali Al-Andalusi is a fellow at Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. He acquired a Bachelors of Arts from Benedictine University in Western Philosophy, Masters from the International Islamic University of Malaysia in Philosophy, Phd. Candidate at University of Georgia in Islamic Studies. He is currently pursuing his second masters in library science.

    Check him out!

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  • If you're looking for some halal loans of between 50,000 and 5,000 and you live in America and have a job, check out!

    There's a lot of buzzwords in this podcast.

    Ismail Royer is an American convert to Islam and joined the Bosnian Jihad and after which, he went to Kashmir trying to get to Chechnya. Then he returned to the United States where he was imprisoned for 14 years for helping someone get to Kashmir. 14 years is a long time. In 2017, he was released from prison and began to start his life anew. We talk to Br. Ismail about his time in Bosnia, the modern history of Jihad and how it changed over time to just become terrorism, lessons he learned in prison, and how Islam in America changed during his time in prison. @IsmailRoyer tells his story (and many smaller stories) to the young ones @AmericanZabiha and @BroBuffBeard.

    Find him on twitter: @ismailroyer

    And his website:

  • is your source for halal financing that doesn't use riba. Loans up to $50,000 in the USA for a percentage of your income for a set amount of time. Check it out!

    Due to the recent events in Christ Church, we decided to take practical steps so that an incident like that would never happen again. We decided to talk about mosque security, personal security, guns, and the security mindset. We also discussed what went wrong at Christ Church to begin with through the whole incident. We discussed these topics with security expert Leon Smith.

    Hailing from the hills of Vermont, Br Leon H Smith has 10 years of experience in the field of physical security, many of those years in a supervisory role. A 2000 graduate of the University of Vermont, Br Leon has dabbled in many arenas over the years and brings a diverse and extensive range of knowledge to his current role as the Facilities Manager for a non-profit organization. Br Leon resides in Vermont with his wife, two teenage sons and cat, Ertugrul.

    There were a couple of links we mentioned.

    One was of the timeline of the events.

    One was Leon's facebook post criticizing ICNA.

    The second was the video of the Somali man who fought off carjackers after getting shot 3 times.

    The last was the different color codes for the different alert mindsets:

    If you want to reach out to Br. Leon Smith, here's his Facebook!

    Don't forget to follow us on twitter:


    To the victims of the attack, we say inna lilahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.

  • Welcome to the Second Episode of the Fahad and Ammar Podcast! In this episode we bring on Abu American Little! Abu American Little is an African American revert to Islam who lives in Germany who is known for his insights on intergender dynamics and the fact that he's polygynous. In this episode we discuss polygyny, monogamy, red flags when looking for a partner, positive qualities you try to look for in a spouse, how young men can develop themselves further, (a rant about feminism), how he failed and how from those insights he succeeded, how polygyny affected the first wife and how polygyny affected his relationship with his children, white-knightery and MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!

    Follow him on Twitter: @AbuAmerican

    Follow us on Twitter: @AmericanZabiha and @BroBuffBeard

    Don't Miss Out! Follow him @AbuAmerican on Twitter!

    Follow Ammar @BroBuffBeard on Twitter!

    Follow Fahad @AmericanZabiha on Twitter!

  • #TeddyBearIslam is not only just a clever gimmick but it is in fact a thoughtful metaphor for the socioreligious phenomena of avoiding the uncomfortable truths and topics associated with Islam by Muslim community leaders; leaders hide these truths simply because they don't want to cause discomfort. In this podcast, we bring on Imam Youssef Soussi who is an Imam in Minneapolis, Minnesota who has experience in community leadership. These are some of the questions we tackle in this video:

    Why do we call it #teddybearislam, what is it?
    Where did #teddybearislam come from, why does it exist?
    Why is #teddybearislam a problem?
    Why are the leaders of #teddybearislam perpetuating #teddybearislam?
    How are leaders being affected by #teddybearislam?
    Isn't #teddybearislam part of the sunnah?
    From a practical perspective, how can we get rid of #teddybearislam, what steps can WE take and what should our leaders do?

    This podcast will hopefully change what it means to be to be truly unapologetically Muslim.

    Follow us on Twitter!

    Follow Imam Youssef Soussi everywhere!
    Youssef Soussi
    Email: [email protected]

    Sign Up for the Muslim Male Monday Mail!

  • Need financing without the interest? is a startup financier that operates on an income share model. They invest in you (give you a sum of money), and they ask you for a payment that's a percentage of your income for a fixed amount of time so that the payments are always affordable! At Muslim Male's Monday Mail, we highly support creative solutions to contemporary issues rather than sitting around and complaining about the society around us.

    Check the site out!

    Fahim Faruk is a polymath. He boxes, has interests in political philosophy, studies Islamic knowledge part time, runs a business, and is currently doing a masters in clinical psychology and studies kinesiology to aid his business, Focus 180, which is life-coaching for Muslim men.

    According to his Facebook page, he writes about Focus 180:

    Our Mission:

    "Focus-180 is a holistic platform designed to meet the individual – and group – needs of the 21st Century mindset; we have a comprehensive program that athletically tackles the modern day juggernaut of career, education, and family. Our focus emphasizes the comprehensive nature of health and social training, and fuses fundamental mixed martial arts training, strength and conditioning, rehabilitation clinics and social training to offer a complete formula for personal growth. Whether your goals are to enhance your MMA skills, attain greater fitness. or confidence via COMPETENCE and AUTHENTICITY in meeting your social needs, we have you covered!"

    We interview him about this! We truly believe he's a role model for Muslims to aspire towards. In this podcast, Fahim explores how he addressed his spiritual, security and cultural crises that lead him to develop a brand that surrounds personal development. We talk about culture, self development, and personal accountability!

    Follow Fahim on

    Instagram: mr.focus180

    Twitter: @comeletusseek


    Follow Fahad and Ammar on twitter:



    And lastly, subscribe to our FREE weekly email newsletter that may or may not arrive on time:

  • A controversial figure to some, a bearer of light for others, Daniel Haqiqatjou is well known in the Muslim community for his Facebook posts and his work with the Muslim Skeptic and his role in breaking down prevailing ideologies in an unapologetic manner, and now his work with Al-Asna! In this podcast we discuss his approach to dealing with progressivism, the traditional conception of Islamic knowledge, how Muslim societies in the West can rectify themselves (Traditional Education, Family, and Philosophical Works), Fahad's... marriage?, the role of culture and heuristics in dawah, how Daniel deals with haters and why he is so 'polarizing' (or not), how dawah changed before and after 9/11, Khabib, Ertugrul, the Mohammad Hijab and David Wood debate, whether Muslim students in university should study philosophy or not, and much more! Within all these topics we discuss them in relation to the #TheHaqiqatjouMindset

    You don't have to like or subscribe, but do leave a comment inshallah!

    Follow us on Twitter! @BroBuffBeard @AmericanZabiha @Haqiqatjou

    Follow Daniel Haqiqatjou everywhere! Sign Up for the Muslim Male Monday Mail!