
  • I wanted to interview Susie the moment I listed to her podcast "The Mystics Path" which I found on Spotify. I truly felt she understood and had embodied the transformational process that can come from Pilgrimages. 

    This episode delivers that and so much more. I found Susie's story to be so relatable and I know my audience will connect with her message. There is a few audio glitches as she was in England and myself in Australia. But the wisdom and insights will hopefully be so profound that you don't even hear it!

    Susie Hemsted is a Quantum Energy Healer, & Spiritual Business Mentor, whose mission here on earth, is to raise the collective consciousness, by activating as many light-workers as possible. Susie supports her clients through quantum energy healings, spiritual business mentorship, ceremonies, in-person retreats and sacred pilgrimages.

    Find all of Susie's updated freebies and offerings here: www.susiehemsted.com/links

    About the Host:

    I am obsessed about personal Alchemy and our journey of transformation. Our healing journey, our conviction to never give up in the pursuit of our goals. I help people in all areas of transformation and I am constantly striving to find new ways to help my audience and clients.

    Join my free Facebook Group to keep up to date with my latest offerings - https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy

    Follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/jessbeard.inneralchemist/

    Find more from me here: www.jessbeard.online/connect

    Watch this on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/MtrVlzi00IU

    Jess Xx

  • For those who have followed me for awhile you would have heard me say at some stage: "You cannot control another's actions but you can control your reactions".

    This is the story behind how I learned this lesson, what it meant to me and the energetical impact afterwards!!!

    Please join me FB group to connect with me for my latest news: https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy

    Follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/jessbeard.inneralchemist/

    Check out my website here: www.jessbeard.online 

  • Missing episodes?

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  • What a fabulous interview with an incredible woman. Emily has helped THOUSANDS of women in her career and is an expert when it comes to the conversation about Feeling Worthy. 

    This episode digs into why this is such a HUGE problem in today's society and tips on how to help you start to shift your mindset.


    Emily Diamond - Change-Maker, Elite Coach and Personal Transformation Specialist.

    With close to 2 decades as a coach, Emily holds qualifications in Coaching,
    Behavioural Profiling, DeMartini Method, Consulting, Training, Neuro-Linguitics,
    Neuro-Repatterning and her "past life" in the medical world that gave her firm
    foundations in mental health and codes of conduct.

    Aside from the pieces of paper, Emily’s personal journey covers her own chronic
    illness, a spinal injury, sexual abuse, addiction, co-dependency and a whole lot of
    searching for the BEST tools for transformation and self-sufficiency.

    Emily's gifting you her Mindset Miracles Manifesto!
    Her guide to immediately upgrade your mind, body and behaviours to turn your
    burning desires into everyday realities.

    Claim your free copy HERE through this link!
    Follow Emily on Instagram by clicking HERE


    Jess Beard is passionately obsessed with transformation and loves finding amazing people to interview for this podcast and to share her own experiences.

    She has multiple online courses and coaching programs designed to support your transformational journey. The best way to stay up to date with her latest news and offerings is to sign up to her newsletter or join her FB group.

    Click HERE to join her Archetypes and Alchemy Facebook group.
    Visit www.jessbeard.online/connect to find out more ways to connect with her.



  • Feel free to comment and tell me your story! We all have so many interesting stories of the lead up to a Spiritual Awakening and our growth and changes that comes afterwards.

    Mine was relatively 'easy' in the fact it wasn't a prolonged Dark Night of the Soul. But I was dark place before hand and an amazing place afterwards.

    Over the years I have been asked this question so many times and I decided to tell it all in an episode.

    Here is my free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessbeard.inneralchemist/


    See this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/6wnlQkSC5cE


  • Kara Udziela is a multi talented and incredible friend who I admire tremendously. She is an extremely talented Animal Communicator (who has the best reels on TikTok and IG) but she also has a wealth of knowledge about Western Mysticism and has trained in multiple traditions.

    She joins me today to talk about Directed Will. What it is and how to use it as a profound and powerful transformational tool. I was so inspired by her personal stories and I thank her for sharing them so generously with us.

    You can find her and her ebook here: https://www.petseyeview.com/

    You can follow her on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/petseyeview/

    About the Host Jess Beard:

    I am obsessed and beyond passionate about helping people to transform and empower themselves. I use my unique Archetypal Empowerment program and online courses to help people change their sabotaging patterns, limiting self beliefs and release old traumas and wounds. I want this podcast to be filled with amazing people who have amazing stories that inspire you.

    You can find me at www.jessbeard.online

    Follow me on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/jessbeard.inneralchemist/

    or join my free Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy

    If you loved this episode please review, comment and follow the video of us will be added to Youtube tomorrow.
    Jess Xx

  • Here is link to other Narcissist Episode mentioned: https://youtu.be/oQXL91SG6xs

    In this episode we look at what you need to do after you have Survived a Narcissist. There is so much more the simply saying you need to 'heal' and if you just think of yourself as broken you will just keep attracting more Narcissists.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts, please like and subscribe.

    Resources discussed in episode:

    Stop the People Pleaser Course - https://www.jessbeard.online/offers/gL6XCgDy

    Empower the Empath Course - https://www.jessbeard.online/offers/99Pe8Ke9

    Free Webinar: The consequences of people pleasing: https://www.jessbeard.online/consequencesofpeoplepleasing

    Join my free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy

    My website is: www.jessbeard.online

    I hope this has helped you
    hugs Jess

  • Join me for and interview with Krystina Amos and hear about her amazing story. She had an infant, worked two jobs, studied full time and never gave up on her goals.

    Krystina is an oil and gas professional specializing in well control training. She is also a personal empowerment coach who works with people who are ready to overcome limiting beliefs, exit their current undesired circumstances, and start living life on their own terms.

    This is the link to her most popular free resource, 10 Steps to Start (and Complete) Your Big Goal - https://contrivetothrive.ck.page/achieve-your-goals-checklist

    Find more resources on her website: www.contrivetothrive.com

    At the menu, click on "Everything (Start Here)"

    If you want to know more about the Host, Jess Beard:
    Join her Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy
    You can find more about her at www.jessbeard.online

    Episode will also be added to her Youtube channel if you would like to watch the interview here: https://youtu.be/0gpoJvTaXaI


  • This is a huge topic to try and unpack for people and I have done many bootcamps and teachings on the Narcissist and Empath relationships. So I am very aware that there is different types or 'levels' of Narcissists.

    There is the Malignant Narcissist - which I refer in my teachings as the Sociopathic Narcissist. Depending on how bad they are is going to be relevant to how much you need to stand up to them. So if they are psychotic and dangerous then running away and creating the life you need...IS STANDING UP TO THEM.

    Its the biggest FU you can give them. I have a past training on Standing up to a Narcissist that I will upload or rerecord if I cannot find it. I have so many past teaching in my Facebook group that I need to repurpose or redo again. Please don't hesitate to ask for more information or ask questions. It will inspire me to create more videos.

    Resources that might help:

    You can find me and past videos in my Facebook Group - Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/archetypesandalchemy

    If you want to watch or comment on this episode on Youtube, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/oQXL91SG6xs

    Problems with being seen, heard and known tie in with the people pleasing and the witch wound, here is two resources that might help: 1) free webinar: Consequences of People Pleasing - https://www.jessbeard.online/consequencesofpeoplepleasing

    2) Stop the People Pleasing course for only $27 - https://www.jessbeard.online/offers/gL6XCgDy

    Also if you would like my Empower the Empath course which teachings about the Narcissist, Empath and Energy Vampire archetypes, click here to find out more: https://www.jessbeard.online/offers/99Pe8Ke9



  • This interview was so fascinating for me because I didn't really understand what a profound calling Occupational Therapists have and the transformation and comfort they can bring to their clients.

    Join me as I interview Josie Jarvis and we have a wonderful conversation about navigating ageing, illnesses, disabilities and change.

    If you know anyone or you have an injury, disability, navigating old age or facing sudden life changes. You will find Josie so inspiring to listen to and learn from.

    Josie Jarvis is an occupational therapist who is has been supporting individuals experiencing illness, injury, and disability in navigating major life transitions across the lifespan as a clinician since 2014, back in 2019 she decided she needed to face some her own fears and divisions re-enter academia from a more empowered position there she discovered the power of transformational learning experiences, occupational science, and integrating right and left brain modes of reasoning for holistic empowerment and problem solving. She is graduating with her doctorate later this month and excited to share the importance of integrating wisdom to transform our challenges in to momentum for personal and professional growth.

    Engaging Occupational Science Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1628914

    Connect further with Josie here: www.swiy.co/engagingoslinktree

    If you would like get to know more about the host Jess Beard you can visit her website for access to free resources, join her newsletter and discover her online courses and service.

    Find her here: www.jessbeard.online


  • What is Shadow Work and Why is it VITAL?

    I was recently asked to define what is Shadow Work for those who are new to their term. I believe Shadow Work is absolutely vital to Soul Alchemy and our journey of self transformation.

    As a society which has been trained to expect instant gratification. Shadow Work can be seen as uncomfortable and hard. But we need to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

    It is in the discomfort that we find out triggers and wounds. Once we find what is at the root cause we can then start the healing process.

    If you would like to watch this on Youtube, please visit here: https://youtu.be/sFiqz12smhw

    The blog post mentioned at the end of the episode - Embracing the Void. Can be found here: https://www.jessbeard.online/blog/embracingthevoid

    If you would like to know more about me, please visit: www.jessbeard.online

    I hope you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful.

    Jess Xx

  • Why do I say Heaven and Hell is within us? How can we map our Ascension through our Chakras? Why do we seem to be going really great and then boom we get a lesson and feel like we are back in hell?

    If you would like to view this episode on Youtube - please click here: https://youtu.be/gDN6v2gESG8

    If you would like to know more about the Witch Wound and Shapeshifter Archetype course I have for $27 AUD, please click here: https://www.jessbeard.online/offers/gL6XCgDy

    To find out more about me and the different courses, memberships and services, please visit my website: www.jessbeard.online

    Hugs Jess Xx