Family is more complicated than ever. Episodes of “It’s a family matter.” features Dr. Michael C. Blackwell, noted family advocate and president/CEO of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, as he interviews guests on the leading edge of relationship issues involving parenting and family. Whether you are looking for guidance or just want to hear some great conversation on families, this is the podcast for you.
در هر قسمت از پادکست خواهرانه در نظر داریم موضوعی مرتبط با دنیای زنان، چالش ها، موفقیت ها، موضوعات روز جهانی، مسائل روحانی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی و غیره را در یک گپ کاملا دوستانه و صمیمی مورد بررسی قرار دهیم و از نظرات و شیوه زندگی اشخاص مختلف بیاموزیم
🍒 "Осанна в вишнях" - подкаст о вере, детстве и Православной Церкви.
Задумывались ли вы о том, как отличается мировосприятие человека, который был воцерковлён с детства от человека, который воцерковился во взрослом возрасте?
Как взрослые дети верующих родителей воспринимают Бога? Когда появляется осознанность веры? Какие ошибки родителей могут заставить ребёнка отвернуться от Бога и Церкви?
Эти и другие вопросы обсужу я - Анна Ососкова - со своими приглашёнными героями, которые также как и я возрастали в лоне Церкви!
Я уверена, что этот подкаст будет интересен не только для тех, кто сейчас воспитывает своих детей в вере, но и всем, кто сейчас растит своего внутреннего ребёнка на пути к Богу.
"истинно говорю вам, если не обратитесь и не будете как дети, не войдете в Царство Небесное" - Мф. 18:3.
What is God about? Why did He create man? How do I get closer to God? Why is Christianity the right faith? These are just some of the big questions that leading man of God, Obed Obeng-Addae, digs into on the top-ranked Good Word of God Podcast. In addition to biblical masterclasses and step-by-step guides, each episode gives you a handy up-to-date truth from the Word of God. Pastor Obed’s specialties are getting into life’s trenches with you, making the Word practical, and teaching you to become a firsthand eyewitness of the gospel of Christ. Got questions? Want to become a master of the Word?
The Masculine Journey a 30 min radio show. God designed men to be dangerous, says John Eldredge in his book Wild at Heart. Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy: To be a hero, to be a warrior, to live a life of adventure and risk. Sadly, most men abandon those dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more than pressure to be a "nice guy." It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death. A radio show designed to give men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free. Listen in with Sam Main, Robby Dilmore, Dennis Breeden, Vinnie Mannino and Al Hendly as they use movie clips and their stories to chronicle The Masculine Journey
Antalya İncil Kiliseleri dil, din, ırk ve görüş ayrılığı gözetmeksizin toplumun her kesiminden herkese açıktır.
Kiliselerimiz, Kaleiçi ve Lara'da Türkçe ibadet eden yerel topluluklardır. Kiliselerimiz her gün 10:00 - 18:00 saatler arası ziyarete açıktır. Sizleri samimi bir yürek ve sıcak bir çay ile bekliyor olacağız. -
The mission of East Booneville Baptist church is simple. Connect with Jesus. Connect with each other. Help others do the same. We hope the content offered here will help you do just that. If you are in the greater Booneville, Mississippi area- know you are welcome to worship with us in person. Service times are available at
A podcast to help Christians think, live, and love Biblically while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. -
White Oak Baptist Church of Stratford, CT is a loving, Christ-centered Church engaging our community in a powerful way. To learn more about our church and how you can connect, please visit
Great Oaks Community Church Weekly Sermon Podcast.
Listen to our Sunday morning and Sunday evening sermons.
Une Parole pour Toi (UpT), est une plateforme qui nous permet de partager une pensée qui libère et édifie autour de la bible.
We want to help Christians discover the grace of God and knowledge of Jesus, so that they know what they have in Christ. We also want to help point unbelievers to Christ, so that they can be saved and have a place in heaven one day.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
Have a question about a podcast, a Bible verse, salvation, forgiveness, eternal life of something else? Let's set up a
no obligation phone call.
Just email us at [email protected]. -
The vision of the podcast is to captivate man's heart by inspiring them through the word of God.
Welcome to a unique, vibrant and ecstatic community of a young generation resonating at the love frequency of God. Equipped to restructure the mindset of the human race, we share insights and scintillating revelations to the truth that never was told. We are AlightHouse!!!
زندگی شاد روزانه یک برنامه رادیویی و تلویزیونی است که بصورت روزانه پخش میشود. این برنامه توسط خدمات جویس مایر تهیه شده است.
rav·el /ˈravəl/ verb 1. untangle or unravel something.
noun 1. a tangle or cluster.
The message of the Bible is simple enough for a child to understand but complex enough to keep scholars exploring for a lifetime. Like a beautifully woven tapestry, it’s made up of many threads that come together to form a beautiful whole. Ravel is a podcast where we explore the scriptures in a new and exciting way, examining the threads to gain a brighter view of THE BIG PICTURE. Ravel dives into the deep waters of society, scripture and scandal, seeking to bring new perspectives on ancient issues and explore the broad range of the Christian experience and it's many forms. Join Basil and Christopher as they (un)ravel these threads and discover what may have been left out on Sunday morning! -
Rab'bin Söz'ünü öğretmeye çalışan bir kişi olarak daha öncesinde kendimi geliştirmek için aldığım vaaz ses kayıtlarını burada paylaşıyorum.
Sorularınız ve iletişim için: [email protected]
透過紫微斗數,了解自己,了解身邊的人!命理就好比出門看導航,有了清楚的方向指南,讓你不再迷惑徬徨!在人與人之間,無論交友,感情,親子關係的經營,理解了對方的天性,在磨合中求進步的最佳指南!關於孩童教養,懂得寶貝天性,因才施教,順勢而為,增進了感情,減少了摩擦!左右昌曲的命定理論,知道此生為何而來,畫出人生重點,使我的人生不再迷惘!十天干識人術,透過生年天干所擁有的特殊天性,只要知道對方的出生年(不需生日,時辰)迅速掌握對方喜好的獨家祕技!蘇菲師承華山欽天紫微高師YouTube :你的紫微姐妹蘇菲官方網站:臉書搜尋:你的紫微姐妹蘇菲--Hosting provided by SoundOn