
  • In this insightful episode, Andrea Kihlstedt and Dedee Wilner-Nugent dive into the transformative power of adopting a growth mindset, particularly in the context of capital campaigns.

    As fundraising professionals know, embarking on a capital campaign can be daunting, fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Dedee, a senior advisor at Capital Campaign Pro, shares her deep understanding of mindsets and explains how a growth mindset—characterized by resilience, adaptability, and positivity—can be the key to overcoming the inherent stresses of fundraising.

    Throughout the conversation, Andrea and Dedee explore practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset, from harnessing optimism and engaging in positive self-talk to thinking like a scientist when faced with setbacks.

    Dedee offers compelling anecdotes from her experience with various organizations, illustrating how shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset not only mitigates anxiety but also opens the door to greater opportunities and successes in capital campaigns.

    Whether you're a seasoned fundraiser or new to the field, this episode provides valuable insights into how a growth mindset can enhance both your personal and professional life.

  • In this episode of All About Capital Campaigns, hosts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt delve into the essential, yet often overlooked, aspect of fundraising: understanding why donors choose to give.

    Andrea starts by challenging the conventional focus on donors' financial capacities and emphasizes the importance of uncovering the underlying motivations behind their generosity. She points out that while organizations invest heavily in researching donors' financial backgrounds, they often neglect to explore the personal reasons that drive major gifts.

    They discuss several tactics to better understand donor motivations, such as analyzing previous donations, recognizing patterns in their philanthropy, and identifying personal connections to specific causes. Andrea likens this process to being a "Sherlock Holmes of fundraising," where every detail about a donor's interests and behaviors can provide valuable clues.

    Join Amy and Andrea in this engaging episode to gain valuable insights and practical strategies for unlocking the motivations of your major donors and transforming your fundraising efforts.

    Visit capitalcampaignpro.com for more free resources and to explore how our expert campaign advisors can assist in strategizing and executing effective capital campaigns.

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  • Join Andrea Kihlstedt, co-founder of Capital Campaign Pro, and her colleague, senior campaign advisor Richard Quinn, as they unravel the secrets behind successful capital campaigns and effective fundraising strategies.

    In each episode, Andrea and Richard delve into core principles of capital campaign fundraising, offering practical insights and real-world applications. Discover how to set ambitious goals, prioritize big donations, engage key donors, and create a timeline that ensures success.

    Through engaging discussions, Andrea and Richard reveal how these principles can transform annual fundraising efforts, turning conventional strategies on their head and injecting new life into your campaigns.

    Whether you're a seasoned fundraiser or new to the field, "Campaign Chronicles" provides the tools and inspiration you need to achieve your fundraising goals and elevate your organization's mission.

    Tune in to learn from the experts and revolutionize your approach to fundraising.

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt dive into the essentials of prioritizing major gift fundraising. If you are a development director feeling overwhelmed by urgent tasks, this episode is for you. .

    Amy and Andrea discuss how to shift your focus to the important work of cultivating and soliciting major gifts, which are crucial for successful fundraising and capital campaigns.

    Key Highlights:

    The importance of major gift fundraising in moving the needle for nonprofit organizations. Practical strategies for freeing up time in your schedule to focus on major donors. The three key activities for engaging major donors: cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship. How to identify and prioritize potential major donors. Tips for delegating tasks and eliminating less productive fundraising activities. Real-life examples and actionable advice on building strong donor relationships. The significance of involving your board and leveraging their support for major gift fundraising.

    This episode is packed with valuable insights for nonprofit leaders, executive directors, and development directors who are looking to enhance their fundraising efforts. Amy and Andrea offer clear and practical advice on how to manage your time better and focus on activities that will significantly boost your fundraising outcomes. Whether you're in the middle of a capital campaign or planning for one, these strategies will help you cultivate major donors effectively and ensure your organization's long-term success.

    Tune in to learn how to balance your urgent tasks with the crucial work of engaging major donors, and discover the steps you can take to double your fundraising revenue by prioritizing the right activities.

    Listen to the full episode for more tips and strategies on major gift fundraising!For more free capital campaign resources, visit https://capitalcampaignpro.com/campaign-resources.

  • Campaign experts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt question the traditional practice of naming buildings and room after large-gift donors. While that approach may be right for some organization, it may be worth reconsidering for others.

  • In this episode of All About Capital Campaigns, hosts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt tackle the complex relationship between fundraising campaigns and project financing. Do you need to raise all the money before the groundbreaking for your new project? How does the timing of your campaign affect its success? Buckle up as Amy and Andrea unravel these questions and provide actionable strategies for navigating the financial planning of your capital campaign.

    Key Highlights:

    Understanding Project vs. Campaign Funding: Learn why it’s a common misconception that all funds must be raised before breaking ground and explore alternative funding sources including reserves, government support, and financing options. Financial Planning Insights: Discover the importance of engaging financial experts early in the process to create multiple funding scenarios, considering factors like interest rates and cash reserves. Timing and Milestones: Understand the critical timing of fundraising milestones, including the significance of groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting events in your campaign timeline. Engaging Key Stakeholders: Tips on involving community leaders, board members, and potential donors in financial planning to build strong support and ensure campaign success. Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Hear about how organizations like hospitals and YMCAs structure their funding and campaigns to manage large projects successfully. Creating Flexible Plans: The importance of having Plan A, B, and C to adapt to different fundraising outcomes and financial scenarios.

    Andrea and Amy also emphasize the crucial role of early donor engagement and financial planning in ensuring the sustainability and success of your capital campaign. Whether you're in the pre-campaign planning phase or gearing up for your public launch, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the complexities of project and campaign funding.

    Join us for an enlightening discussion that will leave you better equipped to lead your capital campaign to success!

    For more free capital campaign resources, visit https://capitalcampaignpro.com/campaign-resources.

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," join Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt as they reveal a groundbreaking approach to capital campaign consulting that empowers nonprofits to take control of their fundraising efforts. Discover the transformative formula that steers away from traditional, costly consulting methods, and instead, leverages technology and community to provide a scalable, more effective form of support.

    Amy and Andrea dive deep into why traditional consulting often falls short, emphasizing how their method focuses on equipping organizations with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed independently. They detail their innovative online toolkit comprised of over 130 resources, designed to guide nonprofits through every phase of a campaign, from planning to execution.

    The discussion also covers the benefits of peer support groups and group coaching, explaining how these forums offer a platform for shared learning and problem-solving, enhancing the collective experience. Andrea shares insights into the dynamic nature of these groups, highlighting how they foster a collaborative environment where participants learn not only from experts but from each other's experiences and challenges.

    Moreover, the episode explores the pivotal role of technology in modernizing capital campaign strategies. Amy and Andrea discuss how digital tools have removed geographical and logistical barriers, enabling more frequent and cost-effective interactions that keep campaigns agile and responsive.

    Listeners will also get a firsthand look at the enriched training programs that the duo offers, including solicitation training and board training, which are crucial for building confidence and competence among nonprofit teams.

    The episode concludes with a call to action, inviting listeners to engage directly with Amy and Andrea through their website to explore how this innovative consulting model can be tailored to their organization's needs. Whether you're a seasoned nonprofit professional or new to the field of fundraising, this episode provides invaluable insights into making capital campaigns more accessible, less intimidating, and significantly more successful.

    Tune in to "All About Capital Campaigns" for a detailed discussion that promises not only to enlighten but also to inspire your next fundraising venture.

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," Andrea Kihlstedt, co-founder of Capital Campaign Pro, delves into the intriguing world of donor-advised funds and community foundations, breaking down their complexity and revealing how they can be a game-changer for your fundraising efforts.

    With guest expert Laura Young, a former vice president at the Maine Community Foundation and a seasoned capital campaign consultant, this episode offers a rare insight into both the advantages and the subtleties of engaging with community foundations.

    Laura shares her journey from consulting to managing philanthropic efforts and explains why donor-advised funds can be a smart choice for donors looking to make a significant impact while gaining tax advantages. The discussion also covers practical tips for development directors on how to navigate and leverage relationships with community foundations to support their organizations' goals.

    This episode is packed with actionable advice, including how to:

    Approach community foundations and integrate their focus areas with your organization's mission. Use donor-advised funds to streamline giving and engage younger generations in philanthropy. Build and maintain strong relationships with donors who contribute through community foundations.

    Whether you're a nonprofit leader, a development professional, or simply interested in the mechanics of philanthropic giving, this episode provides valuable insights into making the most of community foundations and donor-advised funds.

    Tune in to learn how these vehicles can provide strategic advantages to your fundraising efforts and help you connect more deeply with your donors.

  • Join hosts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt as they unravel the complexities of Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) in retirement accounts and how they can become a strategic opportunity for philanthropy.

    Learn why fundraisers must grasp this concept, empowering them to engage donors effectively and maximize charitable giving potential. Dive into real-life examples and practical insights to navigate RMDs confidently, ensuring donors' philanthropic goals align seamlessly with their financial planning.

  • In this episode, Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt provide more insight into engaging the wealthiest people in town for your campaign. Listen to learn how to identify, research, and cultivate them for your capital campaign.

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," hosts Andrea Kihlstedt and Amy Eisenstein tackle one of the most challenging aspects of capital campaigning: identifying and securing lead donors. If your nonprofit is grappling with a shortage of lead donors or struggling to predict where significant campaign contributions will come from, this episode is a must-listen.

    Andrea Kihlstedt sets the stage by explaining the importance of the gift range chart and the depth chart—two critical tools in capital campaign planning. She details how these tools help organizations strategize the number and size of donations needed to meet campaign goals, and more importantly, how they guide the identification of potential lead donors.

    Amy Eisenstein simplifies these concepts further, discussing how different types of organizations might adjust their gift charts based on their donor base. She uses relatable examples, like comparing donor bases of an animal shelter versus an independent school, to illustrate how these charts are modified.

    The conversation also covers the real-world challenges nonprofits face in filling the top tiers of their gift range charts. Amy and Andrea discuss strategies for engaging potential donors who may not initially seem capable of making top-tier donations but can become key contributors through strategic cultivation and multiple gift requests.

    Listeners will gain insight into the practical use of the depth chart, learning how to populate it with names against each gift level and how it serves as a dynamic tool guiding donor engagement throughout the campaign.

    This episode is packed with actionable advice, including how to:

    Use gift range and depth charts to strategically plan your capital campaign. Identify and engage potential lead donors based on their capacity and relationship with your organization. Adjust your fundraising strategies according to the breadth and depth of your donor base.

    For more resources, visit our website at capitalcampaignpro.com where you can access tools like our readiness assessment to help determine if your organization is prepared for a capital campaign.

    Whether you are a seasoned fundraiser or new to the field, understanding these fundamental aspects of campaign planning will enhance your ability to secure the vital lead gifts that drive campaign success. Tune in to empower your fundraising team with the knowledge and tools necessary to transform your campaign's potential into reality.

    To see if your organization is truly ready for a capital campaign, download this free Readiness Assessment https://capitalcampaignpro.com/assess - This guide will help you evaluate six aspects of your organization, including the board and your case for support.

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," we dive into an enlightening conversation with Esther Landau, the Senior Director of Advancement at The Arc of San Francisco. Join host Amy Eisenstein as she explores the strategic planning and execution behind successful capital campaigns, focusing on The Arc's innovative approach to expanding its programs and services.

    Esther shares the origins of their campaign, rooted in a strategic planning process with stakeholders, aimed at enhancing program accessibility by addressing staffing and compensation. We delve into the campaign's journey, highlighting its mid-point status and the critical role of a feasibility study in refining their messaging to resonate more deeply with potential donors.

    Esther's insights into the nuances of donor engagement, staff compensation, and the impact of waitlists on both the community served and potential supporters offer a rich narrative on the challenges and triumphs faced by nonprofits in the fundraising arena.

    Amy and Esther discuss the importance of maintaining annual fund contributions during a capital campaign, offering practical strategies for navigating donor expectations and ensuring sustained support for ongoing operations. They tackle the unforeseen hurdles of the campaign, sharing valuable lessons learned from engaging with donors and the community through innovative communication methods, including the strategic use of video testimonials and personalized outreach.

    As we journey through The Arc's campaign, this episode illuminates the complexities and rewards of capital campaigning, offering actionable advice and inspiration for nonprofit leaders looking to embark on their fundraising ventures. From the strategic use of donor discussion guides to the importance of board member engagement and leveraging technology for donor outreach, listeners will gain a comprehensive understanding of the ingredients for a successful capital campaign.

    Tune in to this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns" for a deep dive into how The Arc of San Francisco is transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and impact, setting a benchmark for excellence in nonprofit fundraising.

    To see how other nonprofit organizations have found success through Capital Campaign Pro's unique model, visit https://capitalcampaignpro.com/clients/

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," join fundraising experts Andrea Kihlstedt and Amy Eisenstein as they dive deep into the essence of giving through personal stories and insights.

    Discover the profound impact of building genuine relationships with donors and learn how personal connections can transform the landscape of fundraising.

    Andrea shares her touching experience with a theater company in New York, highlighting the strength of loyalty and the remarkable effect of personal care in donor relations. Amy adds to the conversation by recounting her involvement with a food pantry, demonstrating how emergencies can foster increased generosity among already supportive donors.

    Together, they explore the surprising revelations of their own philanthropic actions, shedding light on the unexpected joy and fulfillment that come from giving more than once a year. Through these personal anecdotes and expert advice, this episode offers valuable lessons on engaging donors, expressing gratitude, and the importance of maintaining communication, especially during challenging times.

    Whether you're a fundraiser looking to deepen your approach to donor engagement or a donor curious about the impact of your contributions, this episode will leave you inspired to foster stronger connections within your charitable endeavors.

    For more free capital campaign resources, visit https://capitalcampaignpro.com/campaign-resources

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt delve into the crucial yet often overlooked aspect of campaign goals versus project costs. While not the most glamorous topic, it's undeniably essential for any organization embarking on a fundraising endeavor. What do you do when your project costs exceed your fundraising potential?

    Join Amy and Andrea as they explore practical solutions for bridging funding gaps in capital campaigns. From leveraging cash reserves and exploring financing options to tapping into government funding, they provide valuable insights into alternative revenue streams that can supplement philanthropic contributions.

    Discover how to navigate the complexities of project financing, including considerations such as debt management, government grant policies, and the strategic allocation of funds. Whether you're a nonprofit, educational institution, or community organization, this episode offers actionable advice for optimizing your campaign's financial structure.

    Don't let funding challenges derail your project aspirations. Tune in to learn how to strategize effectively, engage your board, and unlock the diverse funding opportunities available to ensure the success of your capital campaign.

    Plus, find out how Capital Campaign Pro can provide personalized support and expertise to guide you through every stage of your campaign journey. Join the conversation and empower your organization to turn ambitious visions into tangible realities.

    To see if your organization is truly ready for a capital campaign, download this free Readiness Assessment. This guide will help you evaluate six aspects of your organization, including the board and your case for support.

  • In this episode of "All About Capital Campaigns," hosts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt delve into the critical components of accountability, habits, and motivation in the context of fundraising campaigns. Drawing on their extensive experience, they explore real-life scenarios highlighting the significance of staying accountable and cultivating productive habits.

    Discover the importance of taking concrete actions in fundraising endeavors, moving beyond procrastination and excuses. Eisenstein and Kihlstedt share practical insights on fostering motivation and developing consistent habits, essential for achieving success in capital campaigns.

    From scheduling donor calls to setting measurable goals, they offer actionable strategies for maintaining momentum and achieving fundraising targets. Learn how external accountability partners and structured systems can enhance campaign effectiveness, ensuring progress towards fundraising goals.

    Whether you're a development director, executive director, or involved in fundraising efforts, this episode provides invaluable guidance on navigating the challenges of capital campaigns. Tune in to gain actionable insights and elevate your fundraising initiatives to new heights.

    To see if your organization is truly ready for a capital campaign, download this free Readiness Assessment. This guide will help you evaluate six aspects of your organization, including the board and your case for support.

  • In this episode, Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt delve into the often misunderstood quiet phase of fundraising campaigns. Contrary to its name, the quiet phase doesn't mean complete silence. Instead, it's a strategic period where organizations focus on soliciting major gifts while keeping the campaign goal discreet.

    Amy and Andrea demystify the quiet phase, emphasizing the importance of discussing project details while keeping fundraising targets confidential. They highlight the significance of flexibility during this phase, allowing for adjustments to campaign goals based on early donor responses.

    Additionally, they stress the use of draft materials over elaborate brochures to accommodate evolving project plans. Through insightful examples and practical advice, Amy and Andrea provide clarity on navigating the quiet phase effectively, ensuring a strong foundation for a successful fundraising campaign.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights into managing the quiet phase and setting the stage for fundraising triumphs. If you're embarking on a capital campaign journey, this episode is a must-listen!

    To ensure your quiet phase leads to a loud celebration, download our free Capital Campaign Step-by-Step Guide & Checklist. This intuitive guide breaks down each step of your campaign, and the timeline allows you to visualize your whole campaign, from start to finish!

  • In this episode, Amy Eisenstein and special guest Sarah Plimpton, Director of Client Happiness, delve into the critical importance of thoughtful donor cultivation before soliciting gifts for a campaign.

    Discover the art of asking meaningful questions that inspire donors and prepare both parties for the big ask. From uncovering donors' philanthropic passions to exploring their visions for the organization's future, Amy and Sarah share invaluable insights and strategies to deepen donor relationships.

    Learn how to navigate conversations, foster donor generosity, and enhance the joy of giving, ultimately leading to more impactful campaign contributions. Whether you're embarking on a fundraising campaign or seeking to strengthen donor engagement, this episode offers practical tips and thought-provoking questions to elevate your fundraising efforts.

    Tune in to discover how you can unlock the potential of joyful giving in your nonprofit endeavors.

    For more free capital campaign resources, visit https://capitalcampaignpro.com/campaign-resources.

  • In this episode, hosts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt delve into the crucial indicators that your organization might not be prepared for a capital campaign. From lacking a clear vision to insufficient fundraising staff and history, they outline five telltale signs that necessitate strategic planning and preparation before embarking on such a significant fundraising endeavor.

    With insightful anecdotes and practical advice, Amy and Andrea offer guidance on how to assess your organization's readiness and take actionable steps to ensure a successful campaign in the future.

    Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of fundraising and set your organization on the path to fundraising success.

    To see if your organization is truly ready for a capital campaign, download this free Readiness Assessment - this guide will help you evaluate six aspects of your organization, including the board and your case for support.

  • In this episode, hosts Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt dissect the enigmatic message when donors express reluctance to meet. Through candid anecdotes and strategic insights, they unveil the layers beneath such responses and offer actionable steps for fundraisers.

    Discover why a "no" doesn't equate to rejection and learn how to navigate various scenarios with empathy and persistence. From deciphering genuine disinterest to uncovering hidden opportunities, this episode empowers fundraisers to forge meaningful connections and transform setbacks into triumphs.

    Tune in for invaluable tips on nurturing donor relationships and turning "nos" into "yeses" in your fundraising journey.

    For more free capital campaign resources, visit https://capitalcampaignpro.com/campaign-resources/

  • In this episode, Amy Eisenstein and Andrea Kihlstedt delve into the crucial aspects of successfully concluding your capital campaign. Celebrating five years of Capital Campaign Pro's business journey, they share insights on how to effectively wrap up your campaign and celebrate its accomplishments.

    Learn why the completion of a campaign is just the beginning, and discover strategies for ensuring lasting donor engagement and organizational success. From acknowledging hardworking staff to tying up loose ends with donors, volunteers, and committees, Amy and Andrea provide actionable tips for a seamless campaign wrap-up.

    Explore the significance of internal and external campaign reports, and understand their role in informing future fundraising efforts. Discover the importance of celebrations in smoothing out the bumps in your campaign journey and fostering a sense of accomplishment among stakeholders.

    Whether you're on the brink of completing your campaign or planning for future fundraising endeavors, this episode offers invaluable insights to guide you through the final stages of your capital campaign journey.

    Don't miss out on this episode filled with practical advice and inspiration for celebrating success in your fundraising endeavors!

    To ensure your campaign ends in a celebration, download our free Capital Campaign Step-by-Step Guide & Checklist - This intuitive guide breaks down each step of your campaign, and the timeline allows you to visualize your whole campaign, from start to finish!