In this episode Lara Rabb talks with Parent Talk podcast hosts Genevieve Kyle and Heather Fox. This episode discusses toddler sleep specifically. We look at strategies for bedtime behaviour, common toddler sleep challenges, the importance of supporting our kiddos big emotions, and how to get your partner more involved in the sleep routines in your home. More toddler sleep resources can be found on our blog: https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/blog/ As well as in our Night Weaning for Toddlers course: https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/night-weaning-for-toddlers/
In this episode I am diving into some of the expectations I had as a new mother. I had seen babies, I am a goal crusher, I thought I had this in the bag! When my newborn expectations didn't exactly match reality I started to spiral a bit. Luckily I had some awesome people in my life who pulled me out of the darkness. Check out the blog for more newborn expectations vs reality goodness https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/blog/
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When your kiddos are young, improving their sleep isn't always an option. Sometimes it is not the right time to make changes, other times you don't have the right support. Perhaps your child has a medical challenge that makes sleep difficult regardless of what you do! It is important as parents that we look for ways to maximize our own rest which is what this episode is dedicated to. Looking for more peaceful parenting tips? Check out our blog https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/blog/
This is totally a phenomenon. You just get your new baby to sleep, and then BOOM your toddler is up.. AGAIN! Why is my toddler sleeping worse than my newborn? In this episode we dive into why this happens, and a bit about what you can do to help your big kiddo through this transition. Check out more tips on our blog @ https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/blog/ or daily on instagram stories @ https://www.instagram.com/heavyeyeshappyhearts/
Have you heard that your baby should be able to self-soothe? Is this a skill you are trying to teach your baby so that they can sleep well? What if I told you your baby had a better chance of sprouting wings and flying than they had of self-soothing. Would you believe me? Have a listen of this podcast and find out more about this topic. Find out more about our sleep course, Sleep from the Heart @ https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/sleep-from-the-heart/
Why are the parents I work with so concerned about their baby sleeping well? Often it is because they feel SHAME over the fact that they cannot get their child to sleep in way that the "experts" say that baby should be sleeping. Yet I meet the baby, look at the adorable little thing, and it is THRIVING! We need to stop shaming tired parents, and help them instead. Find out about our alternative to Cry-it-Out, Sleep from the Heart here @ https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/sleep-from-the-heart/ Or come hang with us on IG @ https://www.instagram.com/heavyeyeshappyhearts or FB @ https://www.facebook.com/heavyeyeshappyheartssleep/?ref=bookmarks
Newsflash! I sleep trained my baby.. in a way I wasn't comfortable with, and still regret. I share this info even though it brings me a bit of guilt because I want other parents who have this same guilt to be able to move past it, and also find alternative solutions that work! Find out about our alternative to Cry-it-Out, Sleep from the Heart here @ https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/sleep-from-the-heart/ Chat with us on IG @ https://www.instagram.com/heavyeyeshappyhearts Or fb @ https://www.facebook.com/heavyeyeshappyheartssleep/?ref=bookmarks
Confess to someone at the grocery store that you were up all night with your baby, and you guessed it... they are going to tell you to sleep train! Of course this is well meaning advice from people who say it worked great for them, but what we need to understand is that ALL babies are unique, all families are unique, and everyone has different things that are important to them when it comes to considering their child's sleep. Want to continue the discussion? Join us over on IG @ https://www.instagram.com/heavyeyeshappyhearts/?hl=en Check out SLEEP FROM THE HEART SLEEP COURSE @ https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/sleep-from-the-heart/ or read the BLOG @ https://heavyeyeshappyhearts.com/blog/
Travelling with your little ones this holiday season, or in the very near future? Sharing some of my thoughts on how to best prepare, what is worth worrying about, and what is really not. You'll hear Lara share some of her tried and true mama tricks for changing time zones, and whipping up a separate sleep space in a pinch.
Recently I had a conversation with a dad that revealed many of his thoughts on attachment parenting.. most versed in stereotypes! Attachment parents all co-sleep and breastfeed til self weaning right? Spoiler alert - that is wrong. Let's take a look at attachment parenting, and how it might apply to sleep work.
Okay great! So we've decided on sleep coaching without controlled crying.. does this mean there won't be any crying? Have a listen to hear what we have to say on the topic of babies, tears, and healthy emotional release.