Связанные с
The Michael Shermer Show is a series of long-form conversations between Dr. Michael Shermer and leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers and thinkers about the most important issues of our time.
Learn how to grow your own genetically-diverse, locally-adapted crops at Going To Seed - Seeds, Courses, Community, Farmer Support.
Learn about all things animalia in this family friendly podcast. Each week Joe and Carlos dive deep into nature to find animals that have at least one amazing talent they use to survive. Gather up some animal knowledge and crazy nature facts to drop on your friends at parties with each new episode of Life, Death, and Taxonomy.
Fascinující svět přírody a rozhovory s vědci.
Všechno z tématu Příroda můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz. -
Welcome to the Cannabis Cultivation and Science podcast, I’m your host, Tad Hussey of KIS Organics. This is the podcast where we discuss the cutting edge of organic growing from a science based perspective and draw in top experts from around the industry to share their wisdom and knowledge. If you want to hear the latest in growing technology and methods, this is the place..
We hope you enjoy these in-depth discussions of recently published BioScience articles and other science stories. Each episode of our interview series delves into the research behind a highlighted story, giving listeners unique insight into scientists' work.
Tune in every week to hear real news and real stories from meteorologists, scientists, field reporters, weather survivors, and a slate of surprise guests. We report on breaking weather across the US and discuss how weather intersects with everything under the sun, including sports, science, history, hobbies, and travel. No matter who you are or how you listen, there’s something in this show for you.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Yara is the world's crop nutrition leader with over 100 years of experience. In collaboration with customers and partners, Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet, to fulfill its vision of a collaborative society, a world without hunger and a planet respected.
Our crop nutrition solutions and precision farming offerings allow farmers to increase yields and improve product quality while reducing environmental impact.
Yara is the world's crop nutrition leader with over 100 years of experience. In collaboration with customers and partners, Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet, to fulfill its vision of a collaborative society, a world without hunger and a planet respected.
Our crop nutrition solutions and precision farming offerings allow farmers to increase yields and improve product quality while reducing environmental impact.
*This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional advice or recommendations for listeners. The views expressed in this podcast by guests are not necessarily endorsed by Yara North America. -
Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan Yaran Leipä leveämmäksi -podcastia! Sarjassa pääset syventymään kasvinravitsemuksen ja lannoituksen monipuoliseen maailmaan, uuteen teknologiaan ja tulevaisuuden suuntaviivoihin. Yaran podcastissa voit myös kuunnella valikoituja Leipä leveämmäksi -lehden artikkeleja äänikirjoina!
A podcast about the paranormal, the credibility of the creepy, and the science of the spooky, Superduperstitious is a podcast that looks at the mysterious world of the paranormal and says, "Wait. What?" Hosts Wyatt Shell and Jake Withee use their science backgrounds to tease apart possible explanations for bizarre, supernatural, and otherwise strange phenomena.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Underwater science podcast which dives into the latest aquatic themed research, hosted by biologists Dr Laura Cappelatti and Dr Ben Whittaker. For anyone who's interested in science and nature!
To The Spirit is a podcast in which we discuss all things paranormal. Rebecca O’Donnell explores the supernatural with introspection and laughter. Beck is the author of “Look Up-The Journey of a Soul Satellite” and an electronic voice phenomenon researcher for over a decade. Join in as Beck tries to unravel life’s mysteries through stories and guest interviews.
Juuso Joona ja Tuomas Mattila rupattelevat maan viljelystä, tieteestä ja maaperästä. Hyttisessiot jatkona YLE Areenan podcastille 2019.
Kasvuohjelma Podcast -sarja paneutuu laajasti suomalaiseen kasvintuotantoon tuotantopanosten ja täsmäviljelyn palveluiden näkökulmasta. Podcastissa ääneen pääsevät Hankkijan tutkimustoiminnassa ja panoskaupassa työskentelevät henkilöt, joilla on usean vuoden kokemus maataloudesta ja useat heistä toimivat myös itse maanviljelijöinä.
Teologi-pastori Janne Saarelan 10-osaisessa podcastissa tutustutaan apologetiikkaan, eli kristinuskon puolustamiseen.
The podcast where scientists review movies about prehistoric people.
Skype a Scientist connects people with scientists! These are recorded Q&A sessions with scientists. Listeners submit the questions!
Apu Juniorin tieteellisen tarkassa lasten podcastissa paljastetaan huijareita! Asiantuntijat kertovat monista maailman mysteereistä kuten aivoista, lihansyöjäkasveista ja eläinten kakoista – ainoa vain, että toinen “asiantuntijoista” huijaa! Podissa lapset selvittävät, kumpi onkin vain juksaamisen mestari.
Koko perheen podcastissa kuulijat saavat arvailla, kuka puhuu totta ja kuka tuubaa.
Podcastin on tuottanut F-tuotanto, julkaisija A-lehdet.