A new conversation with Sean Eckmann from Mythos & Logos, where we're looking at the role of emotion, passion, and intervention of the metaphorical Gods in the Ancient Epics of the Iliad, Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid.
Sean's youtube channel is here: mythosandlogos.net - and the first of his three videos on these great epics is coming out in a few weeks.
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A special thanks goes out to our Top Patrons: Caldazar, Seán Eckmann, Laura Daligan, Michael Leighty, Claudia, Aidan Chavasse, Mitchel V, James W and Santheep on patreon.com/ancientworld - thank you!
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The Pilgrim and Virgil run over to Lucifer, and start climbing down his giant body. At the midpoint the whole world flips upside-down, and after climbing up a small tunnel, they come out - and once again can see the stars.
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The Pilgrim and Virgil start walking on the Lake of Ice, and deeper into the darkness. They meet Ugolino and Ruggieri, and then later in the distance - something looking like a giant windmill. Then they see that it's Lucifer, with his enormous wings.
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The Pilgrim and Virgil move on through the ten ditches of Fraud, and learn some important lessons about lies, and about Intellectual Hubris. Then they come to the Well with the Giants.
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Virgil explains the overall structure of the Inferno to the Pilgrim, and the three deepest circles. Then they walk through the seventh circle, and meet the monster Geryon, flying them down into the Abyss.
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Virgil tries to open up the Gates to the Underworld, but the demons slam the door in his face. Then comes the Help, walking across the River Styx.
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The Pilgrim and Virgil travel through the four circles of Incontinence, and speak with the souls who were controlled by their passions, rather than reason, in life.
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The Pilgrim wakes up on the other side of the river Acheron, and enters the first Circle, with Limbo. We'll also look at the overall structure of Dante's Inferno and Aristotle's Moral Philosophy.
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Virgil and the Pilgrim pass through the Gate, and reach the river Acheron, with the boatman Charon. The horrors of Inferno makes the Pilgrim pass out at the shores.
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After deciding to go with Virgil, the Pilgrim is suddenly full of doubts and changes his mind. Then Virgil explains why he has come, and who is supporting them.
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A new series! We'll look at the first book in Dante's Divine Comedy, with brief overviews and highlights - and how this work is relevant for understanding life and navigating the world better. In this episode we'll look at the opening, in chapter 1.
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How the Ancient Wisdom is sometimes also Current Wisdom - a second excerpt from the interview we did with Adam Bishop, host of the Unlimited Opinions Podcast earlier this week.
Full interview is here:
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The role of myth and stories in the understanding of Ancient Cultures - a quick excerpt from an interview we did with Adam Bishop, host of the Unlimited Opinions Podcast this week.
Full interview is here:
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The origins of the words "Easter", "Pasqua" (In the Italian), and "Equinox".
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A look at the Sordello's most famous Provençal Poem "Blacatz" (c. 1240), and how Dante draws inspiration from this poem in his description of the Valley of Princes in Canto VII of the Purgatory.
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We're currently publishing a 10 episode series on the "Aeneid" by Virgil (from 29-19 BC) on the subscription podcast for the Ancient World, and its influence and connections with Dante's Divine Comedy. ($2/mnth: https://patreon.com/ancientworld)
This episode is a brief summary of some of the highlights, and excerpts from Virgil's Epic - which was massively influential on the Roman and European Culture in the Ancient and Medieval Times.
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In this episode we'll be talking about the great literary epic of J.R.R. Tolkien: "The Lord of the Rings" with podcaster and student of linguistics in Missouri, Adam Bishop. The focus of the conversation is his favorite parts of the books, and the impact they've had on his life and outlook on the world.
Adam's Philosophy and Mythology Podcast "Unlimited Opinions" is here: https://open.spotify.com/show/4J1YVPSzSINtmNZJn5HAvl
And for more episodes, visit our subscription podcast on patreon.com/ancientworld!
Thanks for listening!
Music credits:
"Our Story Begins" by Kevin MacLeod, Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4181-our-story-begins
"Long Road Ahead B" by Kevin MacLeod, Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3995-long-road-ahead-b
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
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Join us for an excellent conversation with Ivy League Professor Dr. Phil Cary, about the structure of Dante's Cosmology and the 24 wise people in the sphere of the Sun.
We'll also talk about the movement of the souls, and his favorite moments of wisdom and beauty from the Divine Comedy.
And for more episodes, visit our subscription podcast on patreon.com/ancientworld!
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Dr. Phillip Cary is Professor of Philosophy at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, where he is also Scholar-in-Residence at the Templeton Honors College. After receiving his B.A. in English Literature and Philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis, Professor Cary earned his M.A. in Philosophy and Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religious Studies from Yale University. Professor Cary is a recent winner of the Lindback Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching at Eastern University. He has also taught at Yale University, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Hartford. As the Arthur J. Ennis Post-Doctoral Fellow at Villanova University, he taught the nationally recognized undergraduate Core Humanities seminars on ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and modern thought. As a scholar, Professor Cary's specialty is the thought of Augustine, but he has also published scholarly articles on Luther, the doctrine of the Trinity, and personal knowledge. His most recent books include two on Augustine, Inner Grace and Outward Signs, both published by Oxford University Press in 2008, as well as a commentary on the book of Jonah, also in 2008, published by Brazos Press.
A special thanks goes out to our very generous Patrons: Caldazar, Seán Eckmann, Laura Daligan, Michael Leighty, Claudia, Aidan Chavasse and Santheep on patreon.com/ancientworld - thank you!
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In the second Dream of the Purgatory, Dante is giving us a practical suggestion as to how we could escape the temptations and being in the thrall of the destructive Sirens. He then sums it all up in one verse line.
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For more episodes, visit our $2 tier on patreon.com/ancientworld
A special thanks goes out to our very generous Patrons: Caldazar, Seán Eckmann, Laura Daligan, Michael Leighty, Claudia, Aidan Chavasse and Santheep on patreon.com/ancientworld - thank you!
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In the very heart of the Divine Comedy, Virgil explains the nature and source of our motivations, and how they can be misguided even if they feel good.
This also lies at the center of the overall argument in the Comedy, that the path to Happiness comes through deeping self-insight, and through choosing the constructive actions to create a great life and future.
Thanks for listening!
A special thanks goes out to our very generous Patrons: Caldazar, Seán Eckmann, Laura Daligan, Michael Leighty, Claudia, Aidan Chavasse and Santheep on patreon.com/ancientworld - thank you!
And we have a new twitter, join us at https://twitter.com/AncientWorldOrg!
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