
  • The fire of the Anomie Patrol is lit once again. Ranger dives into the dangerous waters of Genesis chapter six to talk all things Angel. Around the fire stories of Watchers and Nephilim come alive to provide an understanding of a forgotten history. Things take an interesting turn as it seems this is not just forgotten history, but a possible glimpse into the future of mankind. As the world seems to be disappearing into a whirlpool of evil and confusion; humanity will be facing, not aliens from outer space, but once again have to deal with... the "fallen ones". Understanding these times, and our own fallen nature, is the key to finding the right path through some very dangerous terrain. Take a seat by the fire, to listen, and reflect. Let truth and clarity give you rest, in a world growing mad.

    The post SERAPHIM, NEPHILIM, AND DEMONS…OH MY s2ep10 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • The fire of the Anomie Patrol has been lit once again! To those who find themselves here, I salute you. Ranger is back after an extended patrol to find higher ground, better vision. The winds of change are blowing at gale force through the land, confusion is everywhere; doubt and fear rule our society. Take some rest by the fire, find hope and strength in this report. It is time to "have eyes to see and ears to hear" that the battle is not lost; and neither are you. It is time to accept a bigger picture in order to find clarity, it is time to see the un-masking of good and evil all around us. But for now, just rest; and listen.

    The post SOMETHING FUNNY HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO ARMAGEDDON s2 ep9 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

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  • Ranger once again kindles the fire of the Anomie Patrol. This is a long one, we talk about the "isms" of the modern world. Ranger introduces a new word to explain how the wool is being pulled over everyone's eyes, it's time to wake up before it is too late. History is being echoed again as the ruling class brings back the old Canaanite gods. There are solutions, and there is still hope, but we must find the old paths. Western civilization must shake off our normalcy bias and realize that WW3 is being waged against the common people. It is the system itself that is being weaponized, it's past time to build a parallel one. It is time to exit Babylon.


  • The darkness grows in the world, but the fire of the Anomie Patrol is once again lit. Ranger takes on a mass disappearance of people from the culture; the hippies; where did they go? As the lies and corruption take out our culture one pillar at a time, it leaves behind masses of people lost and broken. So many people who started out to build a collective utopia have been crushed and abandoned. It makes one wonder; who exactly is steering this sinking ship? Or, is it people in charge? Or is the control of our society not of this world. Taking a peak at the helm one sees more sinister forces at play. All this, and more, is discussed around the fire. Stake a seat, have rest from the confusion, and spend some time with the Anomie Patrol.


  • Welcome to WW3. Ranger is not talking about the Russian/Uke conflict, although that is part of it. No, that is symptom of a wider (and more confusing) conflict. You see; you, dear listener, are embroiled in the wider conflict. This is not a war of flags, uniforms, ideologies and ground maneuvers. This is a war for your mind and soul. This is a war that will test your courage, individuality and spirit. This is a war between the powers of good and evil. There will be kinetic elements to this war, as there already is in places, but the majority of the fighting will be for your perceptions, attitudes and beliefs. The Globalists desire you to be helpless, clueless and impotent. In the mind of these new powers like WEF you are a useless eater that must be controlled; maybe even exterminated. This is the nightmare you are awakening into, denial will not change that reality. This is not a conspiracy theory as these predators on the common people have boldly declared their intentions. Accepting the nightmare is the first step, finding understanding and courage is the next. This is dark, no doubt. That is why Ranger has again lit the fire, something to push back the darkness rolling in. Stay, sit awhile and let the fire of the Anomie Patrol illuminate your next path on this adventure.

    The post BOLDLY AWAKENING INTO THE NIGHTMARE! s2 ep6 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Many miles and more than a few technical glitches has kept Ranger from igniting the fire of the Anomie Patrol. Today we're going to do a deep dive into the results of an awakening amongst the common people, some of the pitfalls that can happen when an entire future suddenly realizes that not only have they been duped by the ruling class, but the ruling class is trying desperately to destroy everything normal people hold dear; up to, and including life itself.
    When reality closes in and the fear and anger coalesce there is the potential for violence and evil to flow in many directions. Can justice prevail? It is a question worthy of pursuit. So take a load off, pull up close too the fire and let us reason together in another session of the Anomie Patrol.

    The post WHEN THE NORMAL BRINGS THE THUNDER s2 ep5 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Ranger is back, after a long hiatus, to kindle another fire of the anomie patrol. It is time to circle back and take a look at the Canadian trucker protest. Let's take a look at how a peaceful, grassroots protest was crushed by powerful elite forces that pull the strings from the shadows. It's time analyze what the honking of the big rigs revealed. Who are the elite class anyway? Why do some get away with protests, but not others?
    So many events have happened since the "great honking" it is good to slow down and gain some insight from an incident long forgotten by the mainstream; some things should never be forgotten, sometimes the clues to the future are found in the recen past. Step out of the current of overblown and artificially conjured fear to sit by the fire of the Anomie Patrol, let's discern together

    The post HONKING THE ELITE…ANALYSIS OF THE CLOUD PEOPLE s2 ep4 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • The "new normal" is bad, but was the recent concept of normal "good" ? Ranger takes a look at a very important concept required for the survival of any culture. The concept of men and women pairing up to procreate and raise the next generation. The family is the foundation which everything in our society rests on, no matter what the twisted progressives hiss out to the contrary. 100 years ago a movement started to "free" woman from the bondage of a male dominated society. The woman's suffrage movement marched so that women could vote, it has now degenerated into a philosophy of raw bitterness and mistrust between the sexes. All is not as it appears about this, there are some interesting twists and turns. How does one try to untie the putrid Gordian knot of feminism?The fire of the Anomie Patrol will attempt to shed some light on the issue in hopes that some will find their way toward a better future.


  • The fire of the Anomie Patrol once again shines some light into the confusing darkness of these times. All the conflicting news and constant fear mongering has turned the world into a cheesy funhouse of horror...and it's working. So many folks out there being herded along, pushed by their own terror and hoping for some relief by being compliant with the madness.
    Take break from it, have a seat by the fire, allow the Anomic Ranger some time to explain how this works. You can reclaim your sovereignty, and your sanity, by looking at the big picture. You can get out of this "funhouse" by renewing your mind. The Anomie Patrol focuses on three questions, "how'd we get here?" "Where are we going?" and "what am I supposed to do?" The goal is to find some clarity and sanity in a world spinning out of control. Have a seat, you deserve some rest (and quiet reflection) before you carry on with your adventure.

    The post 2022…WHERE THE FUN BEGINS, AND THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS;UNLESS YOU BREAK OUT s2 ep2 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Welcome to the very first episode of season 2, have a seat by the fire where it is warm. Life is moving at a blurring pace these days, all the so called "experts" pushing humanity forward with a lying media screaming FEAR! It is beyond time to slow down and think about how absurd it has gotten, it is beyond time to find common sense and courage. The clowns running this circus have become so ridiculous even the sleepiest citizens are waking up, there is hope.
    This could be the apocalypse or it could just be God sending us a wake-up call to find the courage to wrestle the control away from these globalist lunatics.
    Today Ranger takes a look at heroes and how the concept has been baked into the clay of humanity since God first fired the oven. If you need a quiet place to sit and ponder, to hear "how we got here", "where we're headed", and "what to do" about it; you've found it. Take a seat by the fire of the Anomie Patrol.

    The post THE DEATH OF HEROES s2 ep1 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Oh Jesus... what happened to us? Is a song by the artist Five Times August. The video to that song is a prayer about the direction our society is headed. I thought it was a fitting tribute to the introduction of season 2 of the Anomie Patrol. The world is spinning out of control at a high rate of speed, it's time to stop being subtle, and to speak plainly, there is not much time left. Have a seat by the fire and have a listen to what Ranger has to say about an uncertain future.

    The post OH JESUS…..WHAT HAPPENED TO US? s1 ep21 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • It's like all the forces of evil stupidity sucked up the world (into a vortex of lunacy) and dropped it into the land of idiocy. Your neck is getting sore from head-shaking disbelief and you have to keep wiping all that jaw-dropping sand off your chin; this is the long form of saying the world is flying apart spectacularly! Or is it? What if that is a feature, not a bug. There are those out there who crave ultimate power (seen a few of those lately? hollow people craving power?)
    Come and sit by the fire of the Anomie Patrol, and take a listen. Ranger explores the relationship between fear and confusion, courage and love; and many other things. You'll need these things, undertaking the adventure that awaits. Spend some time here, let Ranger guide you down the old paths, toward a new direction.

    The post GAINING 20/20 VISION FROM 2020 CONFUSION s1 ep20 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Ranger takes a dive away from being a strict reality scout to jump into the cultural phenomenon of the the zombie genre. In the hope of finding some truth, from a society that seems to be losing cohesion, the attraction of "othering" crowds turns up in the fiction of the zombie apocalypse. While it seems to be a cheap thrill to lose oneself in the adventure and spookiness of a zombie occupied planet, a stain on the human soul begins to show itself. It comes down to normal humanity handling the fear of the unknown.
    This dovetails nicely into "the lies in society" section where the question of "are there too many people on the planet?" is explored.
    In the last section of Anomie Patrol, some practical steps, we find ourselves studying common currency, and all the myriad of ideas and concerns that follow. Join us, around the fire, of the Anomie Patrol.

    The post THE SOPHISTICATED ZOMBIE…UNDERSTANDING THE UNDEAD s1 ep12 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.


    The world seems to be going upside down, the Communist Chinese Party has cursed us with “interesting times” a’ la Wuhan Flu, and it seems every left wing nut job is desperate to compound the crazy. The Anomic Ranger sets the tone for this talk around the fire of the Anomie Patrol by going a little more off the cuff. No Answers, but maybe a way to think so one can ask the right questions. Ranger talks about seven things that a normal man must learn to do when confronted with the “abnormal”, turns out we’re a little spoiled, history is littered with “abnormal times”. Does that mean the “new normal” is just the old, old abnormal? See what I mean about questions?
    For the “lie of the day” Ranger looks at a very subtle but prevalent lie, the lie that somehow you deserve to have your life unfold the way you want it to. This lie is buried in every self-help book and motivational speech expert; all the hyped up positivity-make-a-million-live-your-dream crap has this lie buried in it’s centre. It’s made money all right, for the lie/dream pedlars. When things go sideways, this lie will burn your soul like acid, and it seems that things are going sideways on a global scale.
    Some big challenges in the practical steps, get ready to do some work. The practical steps this time will be oh so necessary if the world continues on this track, the fire, and thoughts, of the Anomie Patrol pays dividends.


  • The fire burns low, but ranger throws some wood on. It’s time to talk history, or at least about history. How important is our heritage anyway? Is it worth defending? The firelight flickers, and the truth comes out. History, heritage and the past, actually matters a lot. Time to pay attention. History has a way of predicting the future, and Ranger touches on that. Many a rabbit trail is followed, down the hole of marxism. When we get to the lie lie of the day? Well the SHTF, it’s all connected. Hey and a good thing? Old Ranger finally solves his sound problems. Y’know the music too loud? Yeah. He finally did that; the ol’ tech curmudgeon.

    The post A Beginners Guide To The War In The Fourth Dimension s1 ep10 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • You had better pull in close to the fire of the Anomie Patrol today, Ranger is giving some info on how to handle the craziness of these trying times… and is re-introducing a word you may not have heard much lately. It doesn’t seem that there is much political will out there to confront the crazies that are hellbent on destroying western civilization, and all the glorious things that it has wrought. Maybe that means it’s really up to us, the common ordinary people, to defend the family, the community, and ultimately the nation. Maybe it’s time to take a look at this new/old word, and plumb the depths of its strengths.
    Ranger then takes on the concept of the source of our human rights, and, as always; there are some practical exercises that will help you to think more independently….or at least think differently.

    The post UNLEASHING THE ORDINARY s1 ep9 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • In a world that is seeming to go crazy, a species of bird provides the perfect analogy to explain how we got here...the cuckoo bird. Ranger tells the story of a parasitic ideology, and why it is protected by so many. Learn to think independently from the mob and gain insight into this world built on lies and false narratives. In a society shaking with madness, find some calm that comes with clarity at the fire of the Anomie Patrol, then go higher....

    The post CUCKOOS ARE PROGRESSIVE…AND VICE VERSA s1 ep8 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Summary:
    We may need an extra armload of wood for the fire of the Anomie Patrol as Ranger went long in the analysis of the millennial generation. All the idiotic put-downs of the millennials are quickly dispensed with, and Ranger’s rustic reflections point to a shocking truth. The millennials may be the very first socially engineered generation. As you get into the hinterland headspace around the fire, you can come to your own conclusions. Ranger takes a look at the millennial world events and changes, who is responsible for their “narrative”; and then starts making connections and pointing out traits. Trying to see all the connections is complicated and convoluted. As always, Ranger strives for understanding, rather than blame. In trying to understand the manufactured millennial mind, one can gain a greater wisdom in plotting the outcome of the society as a whole. The fire of the Anomie Patrol throws light on the human soul, regardless of age.

    The post THE MAKING OF THE MILLENNIAL MIND s1 ep7 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • Summary:
    Around the fire of the Anomie Patrol today Ranger discusses the normal inclination for mankind to improve his world. The drive toward better living conditions, social conditioning, and understanding reality has taken us from hunter gathering tribes to space walking nations. But the dream of “utopia”, while providing much, has its pitfalls. The practical need to “change things” can fall prey to “wishful thinking”, and a personal “dystopia” can be the result. Ranger’s societal “lie of the day” study today is:
    Emotions=>truth (thats “emotions are equal to or greater than truth”). And as always Ranger finishes up with some practical steps to increase your personal agency.

    The post WISHFUL SINKING s1 ep6 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.

  • The topic of this fireside chat with Ranger are the baby boomers. The boomer demographic wowed the world with its revolutionary rebellions and wild philosophies. Everything the “me” generation did was front and centre; art, style, ideas, and thoughts were breathlessly reported, studied, and adopted. Even though the boomer demographic thoroughly believed that they were the hope of all mankind, hind site has shown us that they were the “patient zero” in the philosophical pandemic currently poisoning mankind. Unaware of the mental contagion they carried, the boomers sought to transform the world into a place of peace and love, instead they laid the groundwork for the destruction of civilization. While some seek to simply heap blame on the boomers, Ranger comes at it with the aim of understanding what formed such a naive and dangerous subculture. To round out this talk, Ranger then takes a swing at the lie of the inherent goodness of “peoplekind,” and offers some practical tips to increase your powers of independent thinking.


    The veneration of the normal man

    The generation that went boom, the narcissistic willful ignorance of the "me" generationThe faults and mistakes made by the parents of the boomer generationThe inherent weakness of growing up in a time of “plenty”When you surf the top of a demographic wave, all else is in shadowThe emergence of the “teenager”The importance of the ability to “prove yourself”The haunted house of higher educationThe carnage that is built into the philosophy of fundamentally “changing” a societyThe effects of growing up in a world shadowed by imminent nuclear destruction

    The lies in society

    The lie of the day: “people, at heart, are fundamentally good.”People are good when times are good-a full belly breeds benevolencePeople are good to avoid judgment/punishmentPeople are good to gain social status-or at least to avoid social distancingPeople are at their best when they are aware of their own tendencies toward evil but strive toward a transcended goodnessIn order to aim at a transcended goodness, people must look beyond their own selfish heart and mind.

    Some practical stepsA few exercises to gain personal agency and independent thinking.

    The post A Generation Goes Boom…The Willful Ignorance of the 60’s s1 ep5 first appeared on The Anomic Ranger.