Ben & Joe discuss the app name, tuplet theory, and gripe about Testflight.
Ben & Joe solve the 2-note per string issue, have fun with run loops, and discuss the MVP for the scale trainer app.
Episodi mancanti?
Ben & Joe discuss rating systems, uncomfortable forced language on UIs, and ponder some critical feedback on the app concept.
Ben ponders the theory behind how many notes per string to play in a given scale and position. Joe draws his hand. They discuss light versus dark themes, theory versus practicality, and the review flow.
Ben & Joe discuss their experience and thoughts from WWDC 2018. Ben talks about using CADisplayLink to synchronize the audio and UI updates. Joe talks UX of guided practice and his initial take on some of the feedback symbology.
Pondering business models, thoughts on setting up a business with 2 founders, some thoughts on modeling & rendering different instruments, and design around guided practice.
Ben & Joe discuss the impetus for this new app, how they will work together, and a tip toe into the AVAudioEngine API for playing guitar sounds programmatically.