If you enjoy drinking cold coffee (not to be confused with iced coffee), never sleeping, and peeing in your pants as a full-grown adult then we highly recommend listening to this episode of RWTYM.
Welcome to adulthood, you now close your legs when you sneeze, avoid trampolines, stop drinking long before going to sleep and are a spectator during cardio classes. In this episode Donna & Adinah get down and dirty with a pelvic floor consultant Physical Therapist and all around incontinence guru, Loni Hersh..
Do you love Father's Day as much as we do? We cook, clean, work, carpool, feed, bathe, love, teach...and all they want is DADDY. Perfect. So, now we celebrate. Said no mom, ever. We're wondering what's so great about daddy anyway? So, we took to the streets of NYC and found 3 exceptional dads with very different life situations. Join us as we journey into the land of fatherhood - a first (and maybe last) for Are We There Yet Moms. Happy Father's Day!
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Nerf battles. Peppa Pig. Adoption. Mother's Day. We cover it all in our one year anniversary podcast episode! So much has happened this year but we're still up to our necks in motherhood s**t with no real end in sight. Excited for you to meet our guest, Ann, as she explains how she's saving the world one newborn baby at a time. And, check out our NEW website: www.arewethereyetmoms.com.
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Being a mom is easy, right? Except when you have to think about what they eat, wear, play with...now add their mental health to that equation and you have a recipe for disaster! Check out our latest episode where we interview child psychiatrist, Dr. Anna Rosen and discuss raising toddlers through teens and explore the benefits of medicating mommy vs. child. Another fun episode with Adinah & Donna on Are We There Yet Moms. Happy Journeying!
Another meal? Didn’t we just eat? The food episode is an honest approach to the stress of food prep. Rushing breakfast, packing lunches, dinner planning hell. Snacks snacks and more effing snacks. Jamie Feit, NY based Registered Dietician and nutritionist, works with moms to make kids eat healthy and have a positive relationship with food. Join Are We There Yet Moms as we stress eat over meal prep!
It's how we got into this mess! Some have more, some have less but one thing we know for sure - everyone lies! Check out our latest episode, Un-Sex and hear from a fellow mom about her sex life. Enjoy an interview with Certified Sex Therapist, or as she calls herself the goddess of sex, Suri Halpern. Sit back, relax and enjoy! Don't forget to write a review and share your thoughts.
Remember the last time you got a good night sleep? Right, neither do we! These kids have destroyed any memory of what it meant to be rested. In this very honest episode we discuss the impact of not sleeping on our mental state. We also interview, Johanna Snyder, child sleep expert in NY who gives us some great tips on getting some R&R. Enjoy the episode and please leave us feedback & subscribe! Are you there yet? Happy Listening!
Are we there yet moms is semi-regular podcast (when the kids are occupied/asleep) of two moms, Adinah & Donna (or ADonna) being real about motherhood. We interview other moms and experts because we certainly aren't experts. We keep it fun, light and after listening you will certainly feel like you have it together. Join us on this psychotic journey!
A very happy un-mother's day to all. Enjoy some levity on this hallmark holiday.