Na conversa de hoje, a Ariel e Geórgia conversam sobre como a técnica alexander nos ajuda na conexão psico-física e com o todo.
Eu, Ariel Pinho e minha professora Geórgia Dias, conversamos como envelhecer bem com a técnica alexander.
Estão a faltar episódios?
Uma conversa aberta sobre o que é meditação, consciência plena e como viver a vida de uma forma consciente.
Como a técnica alexander me ajudar na transformação de mulher para mãe.
Convidei a minha querida professora da técnica alexander, Geórgia Dias para conversar um pouco sobre a nossa relação com a técnica e o que ela significa para nossas vidas.
I always say that self practice is the best practice. Learning how to sit with yourself and do your own practice can be extremely beneficial to your life. Today I’m sharing the kundalini yoga way to start a practice, which is by chanting the Adi Mantra (I bow to the divine teacher within). Try this at home if you are looking for ways to tune in to your self practice.
This breathing technique works really well during the first stage of labor. Come learn and practice with me.
Finding bliss through easy and intuitive movement and mindfulness
This is an adapted Alexander Technique Lie Down for pregnant mamas. The first 6 minutes we focus on releasing tension in order to embody the moment. We then meditate to find more space by connecting with the here and now.
Fear kicks in during pregnancy but it’s important to find ways to move pass it. This meditation will help you release fear and connect with your baby.
Last Ribirth krya from our training
Great Krya By Gurushabd
Our teacher Amanbir leads us in a krya to balance everything
Great krya with our teacher Amanbir
Amanbir talks about what makes a good teacher
Gurushabd lecture and class
Wonderful talk and krya that takes you back to childhood
nice talk from Gurmukh
Wonderful krya and talk with Gurmukh
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