In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Jeremiah with questions centered around the widely quoted Jeremiah 1:5, who is the “queen of heaven”, and the meaning of the ruined loincloth and the full jars of wine. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Lissa Wray Beal to get your questions answered!
To check out some of Dr. Wray Beals's resources, visit:
Additional resources referenced in this episode include:
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Isaiah with questions centered around King Ahaz, Sennacherib, the suffering servant, and what we should take away from the end of Isaiah. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Matthew Lynch to get your questions answered!
To check out some of Dr. Lynch’s resources, visit: https://hebraicthought.org/authors/dr-matthew-lynch/
Missing episodes?
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Isaiah with questions centered around how God’s wrath and mercy can co-exist, what makes Isaiah worthy to be called a prophet, and how we should interpret certain parts of the book (literally or ironically). Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Matthew Lynch to get your questions answered!
To check out some of Dr. Lynch’s resources, visit: https://hebraicthought.org/authors/dr-matthew-lynch/
Resources referenced in this podcast include:
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of II Kings with questions centered around Elisha, the Shunammite Woman, Naaman, and Jehu. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. David Lamb to get your questions answered!
To check out all the resources that Dr. Lamb references in this podcast, visit: https://davidtlamb.com/
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of I Kings with questions centered around the overall message of I & II Kings, the Temple furnishings, Ahab, and Elijah. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. David Lamb to get your questions answered!
To check out all the resources that Dr. Lamb references in this podcast, visit: https://davidtlamb.com/
In this episode, we will discuss the Books of I & II Samuel with questions centered around whether it was wrong for the Israelites to ask for a king, why Saul was rejected and David wasn’t, and David and Jonathan’s relationship. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Phil Long to get your questions answered!
Check out resources by Dr. Long:
1 and 2 Samuel: An Introduction and Commentary
The Art of Biblical History
A Biblical History of Israel
The Reign and Rejection of King Saul
In this episode, we will discuss the Books of Joshua and Judges with questions centered around Joshua’s last speech, Jephthah’s terrible decision, and the concubine who suffered greatly. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Matthew Lynch and Dr. Michelle Knight to get your questions answered!
In this episode, we will discuss the Books of Joshua and Judges with questions centered around key characters in the narrative such as Rahab, Achan, Deborah, and the Angel of the Lord. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Matthew Lynch and Dr. Michelle Knight to get your questions answered!
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Deuteronomy with questions centered around the concept of holy war and various questions about Deuteronomy 32. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Ronn Johnson to get your questions answered!
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Deuteronomy with questions centered around the mention of giants, the difference in the laws presented here versus what is presented in Leviticus and Numbers, and the importance of the Shema. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Ronn Johnson to get your questions answered!
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Numbers with questions centered around the story of Korah, the tithe that the Israelites were instructed to give, and Moses' big mistake. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Dru Johnson to get your questions answered!
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Leviticus with questions centered around the different types of offerings, atonement, festivals, and holy days. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Jay Sklar to get your questions answered!
Links to additional resources Dr. Sklar recommends within the podcast:
Website Dr. Sklar has put together with resources for teaching and preaching the Pentateuch
Teaching Leviticus by Geoffrey Harper
Leviticus (Tyndale) by Jay Sklar
Leviticus (ZECOT) by Jay Sklar
Numbers (Story of God) by Jay Sklar
In this episode, we will discuss the Book of Leviticus with questions centered around the laws regarding unclean things and dietary restrictions and the importance that Leviticus plays within the Torah. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Jay Sklar to get your questions answered!
Links to additional resources Dr. Sklar recommends within the podcast:
Website Dr. Sklar has put together with resources for teaching and preaching the Pentateuch
Teaching Leviticus by Geoffrey Harper
Leviticus (Tyndale) by Jay Sklar
Leviticus (ZECOT) by Jay Sklar
Numbers (Story of God) by Jay Sklar
In this episode, we will continue our discussion on the Book of Genesis with questions centered around idols, Jacob, Joseph, and more. Join Karla and Mike as they converse with Dr. Ronn Johsnon to get your questions answered!
In this episode, we get your questions about the beginning of the Book of Genesis answered by Dr. Ronn Johnson and Mike Chu. With questions on creation, the Garden of Eden, and the real issue of eating the fruit, we'll focus our discussions around Genesis 1-3.