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Dissatisfied with the standard analytical framework which treats politics, history, biology and evolution as if they were separate, here’s a tentative effort to bring them together into a common narrative. What do you think?
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The approach is simple but difficult, often painful but with perseverance: always rewarding.
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Continuing along similar lines to last episode…
There's just no way for me to not see things the way I see them.
That’s not because I’ve always had the same perspective. Quite the contrary. My POV has changed radically so many times, I have no idea how I would see things if I still saw them the way I once did.
Seeing a terrible future is very motivating. But when one can see no reasonable course of action we are left to contemplate unreasonable options (this is perhaps the only fortunate dimension to the fact that the world does not operate on reasonableness).
One unreasonable option is to try to fend off dark visions by articulating them as if they were going to happen. This leverages the indisputable fact that most predictions are laughably wrong.
You may criticize this as mere superstition but I don't care. If I turn out to be wrong I'll know I was right.
I don't see anything on the horizon that might change my present POV. I'm looking for it and will let you know if I find something.
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I often find when I finally take a stand on something, it goes the other way. And so it comes as no surprise to me that my hopes for an Independent president have evaporated. Hopefully a similar fate awaits my present politically hopeless stance.
I would love to believe the energy we've spent battling politics may ultimately result in meaningful positive reform. But what I've observed from recent experience in political action, it's a vanishingly small likelihood any of our efforts will result in meaningful change. The best we can hope for (imho) are superficial short-term palliatives. I'll be delighted to be proven wrong.
If the situation is as hopeless as it appears - what to do? That's the focus of this new Season X of the Assembly of Silence.
X represents the unknown factor. Our world is already burdened with devastatingly profound unknowns. Major instabilities on all fronts: biological, geopolitical, economic, political, social, technical, philosophical etc.
We don't even know how much faith we can reasonable place in any data. The Cartesian Crisis goes far beyond the deep fakes and garbage information jamming the internet and legacy media outlets. It's in many of the academic journals of essentially every field. It's in the studies and experimental data (look up “reproducibility crisis"). It's in our personal, identitarian and national myths.
AI generated content has only just begun to blow what remains of our minds. We are defenseless in the face of AI manipulation - even the experts cannot understand what LLMs are actually doing. AI is a black box with unknown consequences that's already plugged into the central nervous system of our global civilization matrix. It is now developing at a breakneck speed.
Assembly of Silence Season X is an effort to prepare for a global transformation of biblical proportions. Even the most callous amongst us are now confessing the reality of this change, and many of us tremble as we see it unfold day after day.
Let's see what we few Assembled can achieve before we finally fall Silent.
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The finished article (which differs a wee bit from what's discussed on this podcast) can be read here:
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Another monologue meditating on the state of things.
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You can find Judah here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judah-veitel
Video version:
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A medium length monologue sewing together several Assembly of Silence themes. If you don't feel like hearing outlandish musings on institutional corruption, CBDC implications, evolutionary biology, organized crime, psychopathy etc. then perhaps it's best to just skip it.
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Assembly of Silence's shortest episode to date.
Humanity has lost itself within its own image. We have now created machines which create in our image - and they're getting better at it with each passing day.
We are erasing ourselves from the picture.
Our error has been idol worship. Following the same ancient historical pattern we have fallen into idolizing and worshipping human beings and human artifacts.
Redemption and restoration may only be found in humility, repentance and returning our worshiping back to the Divine.
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It has been my belief that there's no point in political engagement on the basis of the lesser of two evils - and that this is precisely what has landed us in the present sorry state of national (and international) affairs.
We now have what may be our last chance for a good leader - so now is the time for engagement. Let's do our duty for future generations and not blow this opportunity.
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David Beckemeyer from the Outrage Overload podcast joins the Assembly of Silence for a discussion on the alarming rise in societal polarization, largely due to social media usage - and the limits of our ability to do anything about it.
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This may as well be part 3 of a series on the thorny issues surrounding (and threatening to cut off and strangle) social freedoms.
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What happens if I release a 7-minute episode as an addendum to the previous episode? Let’s find out.
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An off the cuff monologue inspired by God knows what.
Both freedom and conformity have a price that cannot be ascertained even after the last act. Realizing you’ve been believing lies rarely reveals the truth — and the price for actually revealing the truth is severe.
Many thanks to those of you who support this podcast.
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THIS EPISODE IS VIDEO ONLY ON YOUTUBE (maybe it will eventually show up on Odysee and Rumble):
As suggested/promised/threatened in the prior episode - here is my cursory reading of Sam Vaknin's astrological chart including relatively detailed description/explanation of the system I've developed.
Yes, many intelligent people think this stuff is b******t - and I was in that camp myself at one time. Maybe I'm nuts but I'm convinced there are good reasons to reconsider this ancient art. It's a lot more comprehensible, symbolically resonant and essentially REASONABLE than rationalists typically assume.
If you would like a reading for yourself check out this website http://liberationreadings.com or contact me directly at [email protected]
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Most people who think about these things are convinced they know exactly what's wrong with the world but who has a good idea how to fix it?
The other day I had a compelling idea along those lines - alas it's just a pipe dream. But that's not going to stop me from telling you about it.
I hope you enjoy this relatively brief episode.
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Just when you think you know what's going on…there's another plausible layer discernible within this endless glass onion.
I'm going to try to avoid discussing politics in future broadcasts but I also recognize that I'm going to fail on that account.
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Inspired by a listener comment I prattled on for 30 minutes.
Video version here:
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