Mercury into Aquarius; new moon in Aquarius
The suns annual conjunction to Pluto
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Full moon in cancer conjunct Mars retrograde; Venus conjunct Saturn; the
into Aquarius -
Big shift as three outer planets change signs and aspect each other
Mars retrograde back into cancer; mercury into Capricorn
Jupiter/Saturn/mercury mutable T square
Full moon in Gemini in a mutable T square with Neptune; mercury goes direct
Mercury goes retrograde; new moon in Sagittarius
Pluto goes into Aquarius for the next 20 years; the sun into Sagittarius
Venus into Capricorn; full moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus
New moon in Scorpio; Mars into Leo; mercury into Sagittarius
The Sun Square Pluto and then into Scorpio
Full moon in Aries in tense Cardinal Grand Crosd
All four inner planets aspect the Jupiter/Chiron sextile
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