In this final episode of the series we follow Flinders as he attempts his return to England in the hope of acquiring a better ship to more thoroughly complete his valuable explorations around the newly circumnavigated Australian coast.
But on the way the Great Barrier Reef gives him one last lesson, and then he makes the mistake of insulting a Frenchman!
(68 mins)
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Rough transcript will soon be available from the episode webpage - https://www.australianhistoriespodcast.com.au/75-bass-flinders-pt6/
After a quick resupply in Port Jackson Flinders again heads out to undertake the second leg of his circumnavigation. This time they began by traveling north, through the Great Barrier Reef and into the tropical north. This journey would prove to be much more challenging for Flinders and his crew.
(56 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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Rough transcript is available from the episode webpage - AustralianHistoriesPodcast.com.au
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This episode we see Bass undertake his speculative business ventures, no longer in the company of Flinders, but his timing meant his returns were not as lucrative as he'd hoped.
Flinders set off on the mammoth task of circumnavigating the New Holland-New South Wales. This first leg of his mission was very rewarding and successful, and Flinders had the experience of meeting one of the ships involved in the French scientific expedition while charting the south coast.
(60 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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Rough transcript is available from the episode webpage - AustralianHistoriesPodcast.com.au
George Bass and Matthew Flinders undertake an important mapping journey to confirm the existence of what will soon afterwards become known as Bass Strait, a body of water between the mainland of 'New South Wales' and the newly recognized island of Van Diemens Land.
But afterwards their future aspirations diverge, and we follow them as they prepare for the next phases of their lives, Bass undertaking trading and Flinders consolidating his career as an explorer and navigator.
(75 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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George Bass and Matthew Flinders arrived in New South Wales in September of 1795, with grand plans to "explore more of the country than any of [our] predecessors in the colony". In part 2 we look at how their plans progressed.
As naval men, they had work to do when they arrived in the young colony, but to their delight, they soon began doing some of the discovery and exploration they desired, around the coast and inland.
(65 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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Naval men who arrived in NSW in September 1795, Bass & Flinders were both intent on undertaking exploration and charting sections of New Holland, still largely unknown to the British.
They became well known as navigators, explorers and map makers, charting the Australian coasts and enhancing the then limited knowledge of the new colony.
In this Part 1 episode we take a look at the backgrounds of both men to understand what brought them to NSW.
(45 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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Rough transcript is available from the episode webpage - AustralianHistoriesPodcast.com.au
Waltzing Matilda is described as 'the people's song'. More well known than the real Australian National Anthem around the world, Banjo Paterson's jaunty little ditty actually contains clues to some turbulent times he witnessed in Australian history. This episode shares a little background about the much loved song.
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In the 1950s Australia hosted a number of British nuclear weapons tests. The very first one took place on the Montebello Islands, off Australia's north west coast. This episode we will explore 'Operation Hurricane' on the Montebellos.
(75 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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Maria Island is a UNESCO World Heritage listed Tasmanian convict site, with a long and varied history, and a number of spectacular natural and geological places of interest.
From its original indigenous use, soon after aboriginal people made their way to Tasmania, around 30,000 years ago, through it’s early colonial use as penal outposts and then for agricultural and industrial uses, many historical remnants are visible for visitors to explore.
Since 1971 it was designated as a National Park, with an added calling as a refuge island, helping to protect a number of endangered or ‘of concern’ species. This episode follows it's story through the ages.
(Remixed 75 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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From a land with no native domesticated dogs, nearly 230 years after colonists’ brought their first pets & hunting dogs on the first fleet, Australia now has one of the highest rates of dog ownership in the world.
Almost half of Australian households kept at least one dog in 2022, but lets take a look at the history & development of the uniquely Australian dogs we created along the way.
(45 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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Presbyterian Minister John Flynn had a desire to bring "a mantle of safety" to those living in the remote areas of Australia. WWI Australian fighter pilot John Clifford Peel suggested a blueprint for such a service. Alf Traeger tested and designed equipment that would allow communication across the outback and Hudson Fysh acquired the planes that could be used by an Aerial Medical Service. The vision and tenacity of Flynn brought all these ideas & people together to create one of the most outstanding, helpful and appreciated services in Australia. Something that still serves those in remote & rural Australia since it's beginning in 1928.
(57 Mins)
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In this final episode on Buckley & the Wathawurrung, we hear about what happened after Buckley made contact with Batman's party from the Port Phillip Association.
Moving back into his original society, he later records his recollections of living amongst the Wathawurrung.
(66 mins)
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In Part 2 of William Buckley's story, living amongst the Wathawurrung people who adopted him, we hear how he adapted and learned a great many skills. He was able to record many of the practices that allowed his mob to live so successfully, in country that almost killed him. And we learn of tragedies that deeply disturbed him.
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William Buckley was an escaped convict who lived amongst the Wathawurrung people for more than 30 years. Adopted as Murrangurk, he had the opportunity to participate in, witness and later record some of the lifestyle and cultural practices of these First Nations people, at a time before they had substantial contact with colonial newcomers, when their way of life was altered.
Buckley's story is an exceptional one and we begin in Part 1 by learning how he found himself on this side of the world and living amongst the Wuthawurrung.
(63 mins)
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past
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We talk about 'Telegraph Todd' and the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line, built through the largely unsurveyed and vast centre of Australia. Only one group of British explorers had, to date, survived a trek all the way from the south to the north and returned, but using the information they recorded, Todd was sure he could supervise the construction of a more than 3200km Telegraph Line, that would allow the colonies in Australia to be linked up the the rest of the world. A huge leap into a more modern communications era.
(105 mins)
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In this final episode on Alexander Pearce we hear about his second escape attempt from Macquarie Harbour, with fellow convict Thomas Cox. They planned a less difficult route for their escape but again, their scheme didn't proceed as they had planned.
This time the authorities took the situation more seriously and we learn how it all ended for Cox & Pearce.
(40 mins)
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We continue the story of Alexander Pearce as he and his fellow convicts continue their escape from Port Macquarie. They have found themselves in the wild west country, exhausted mentally & physically, and starving with no provisions remaining. Talk turns to cannibalism, and the horror soon begins....
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Alexander Pearce was one of our more notorious convicts, and one of very few convict escapees from Macquarie Harbour, who survived attempting to reach the settled districts. As the last man standing from the eight that absconded together, his survival was only possible because he resorted to cannibalism.
In Part 1 we look at his background, and what lead him to be shipped to Sarah Island, a place of harsh secondary punishment, attempting an unlikely escape. We consider the terrain and conditions they had to face and consider his fellow escapees.
John Macarthur was a divisive character in the first decades of the New South Wales penal colony and he was instrumental in the overthrow of Governor Bligh (see the Bligh series Eps 52-55), along with the discomfort and early recall of a number of other Governors.
But he and his family did manage to build a farming dynasty in NSW and he was often later promoted as the 'founder' of the Australian Wool industry. This episode takes a look at the Macarthur family, the development of his sheep flocks and the early development of wool production in the new colony, and consider the impact of the Macarthurs in that important industry.
(64 mins)
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The 'Great Ocean Road' is it one of Victoria’s, indeed Australia’s, most well known international tourist attractions, and a favoured coastal town drive for locals, dotted as it is with beautiful surf & swimming beaches, but you may be surprised to know, the road itself constitutes Australia’s longest War Memorial. This episode we talk about how the construction came about.
The Great Ocean Road’s heritage listing states, it was “Constructed by workers including around 3000 returned servicemen, as a utilitarian memorial…. The Great Ocean Road is a significant reminder of the participation of Australian servicemen in the First World War, the Australian community's appreciation of their service, and the support provided for the continuing welfare of servicemen upon returning to Australia.” It's also a beloved destination for surfers, fishers, and those who just enjoy native Australian landscapes and beautiful coastal vistas.
(44 mins)
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