Michelle Villalobos interviews Nancy Norton, winner of the 2018 Boston Comedy Festival, about using humor to connect more deeply with audiences and people in general. They discuss how to stay loose and creative while speaking, how to deal with the haters, and how to have more joy, love, and connection in your life.
“Sharing a laugh is a lot more than just a laugh– we’re really saying we understand each other.” – Nancy Norton
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/74
LeeAnn Marie Webster and Michelle talk about how to build and nurture relationships using email marketing. You'll hear why email is STILL highly relevant and why -- in an era of spam and overcommunication -- email marketing with H.E.A.R.T. is the way to go.
“The greatest lesson I’ve learned in business and in life is to always be tuning in to whether you are aligned with who you really are.” – LeeAnn Webster
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/73
Puuttuva jakso?
Michelle speaks with Love & Life Coach Lisa Concepcion about how high-achieving, type-A workaholics can find and keep true love. You’ll learn the real reasons why high-achievers often struggle to find love, the value of intuition in love and business, and why everyone needs to stop worrying about finding “the one”.
“As long as we are in a high-vibing place and we are open to love, love can find us.” – Lisa Concepcion
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/72
Former Army helicopter pilot Elizabeth McCormick talks about the awesome (and sometimes not so awesome) realities of being a trailblazing woman. You'll hear how Elizabeth became a pilot at a time when there were few other women in that role and the lessons she learned in the process.
“Everything I do today either takes me closer to [my goal] or it takes me further away because there is no neutrality to momentum.” – Elizabeth McCormick
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/71
Turn LinkedIn into a lead generation machine for your business! Learn from Jennifer Darling how to use LinkedIn strategically and effectively. These days, LinkedIn is the Google for business professionals: your potential clients will check you out there so you have to know how to put your best foot forward!
“One thing that I love about LinkedIn that is different than Facebook is the social media culture. Because in LinkedIn, it’s all about business– I’m not going to get lost down a rabbit hole about what’s going on with my niece and her latest boyfriend.” – Jennifer Darling
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/70
In this episode, New York Times bestselling author Sally Hogshead teaches us how to find out what makes YOU fascinating. By the end, you'll understand the importance of "Fascination" in your life and how to optimize your business and speaking style to align with your natural tendencies.
“If we can understand how other people perceive us at our best, it’s much easier to show up at our most impressive and influential. Because when we fascinate the person sitting in the audience, we’re far more likely to change their opinion and make a change with our message.” – Sally Hogshead
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/69
Learn how story is the absolute best way to connect with other people, whether onstage, online or in person. In this episode, Marsha Shandur shares some great stories of her own, while sharing how each of us can use story to drive business, transformation and connection.
“As humans, we’re desperate to belong; it’s what we crave more than we crave being happy. So by telling a story that has some vulnerability in it, you’re saying to people: "you belong" – not when you’ve fixed yourself, not when you’re perfect, but you belong where you are right now.” – Marsha Shandur
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/68
In this episode, Michelle shares 9 practices to boost your influence when it comes to enrolling people in your mission, message, perspective, and programs. These practices combine the energetic approaches of hustle and flow, enabling you to be productive without burning out, and effective with grace and ease.
“When you’re out of alignment, you don’t feel good and other people can feel that. That will spill over into your enrollment!” – Michelle Villalobos
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/67
Did you know that the government and large corporations are actively seeking out woman-owned and minority-owned businesses to feed contracts to? In this episode, Nancy Allen shares how women, minorities and other special groups can certify their business to qualify for contracts with the government and corporations.
“When women do well, their communities do well, their cities do well, everybody does well. Women tend to, on average, invest back into the community at a greater rate than men.” – Michelle Villalobos
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/66
Tune in for Michelle's interview with sales expert Phil M. Jones about how you can sell with more grace and ease using "magic words" that help prospects (or even your spouse and kids!) be more receptive to your message.
“If we can get somebody to see themselves doing something before we invite them to do it, the chances of them doing it become significantly higher.” – Phil M. Jones
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/65
How would you like for business to flow to you, for clients to be inbound, and to not have to hustle or push to drive new business? In this episode, you'll learn from Rory Vaden the 6 key questions that you MUST answer to build a brand that attracts opportunities.
"What problem do you solve? And can you answer that question in one word?" - Rory Vaden
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at www.blog.superstaractivator.com/64
Tune in for a conversation with Ed Brenegar about what it takes to move through times of transition with empowerment and intention so that we can use our breakdowns and "uh-oh moments" to help us create more alignment and self-leadership.
"Once we see that the pain of changing is less than the pain of staying the same, then we're willing to make that change." - Ed Brenegar
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at www.blog.superstaractivator.com/63
I speak with Liza Romero about the under-utilized talent and ambition of youth in underserved communities around the country. Tune in for a discussion of the factors that contribute to generational poverty as well as what it takes to interrupt it and tap into the reservoir of brilliance in poverty-stricken communities.
“We knew that we were brilliant, we knew we had talent, we knew we possessed all sorts of skills and acumen and abilities but there was no structure.” – Liza Romero
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/62
Does your mind produce consciousness or does it come from somewhere else? In this episode, my guest Mark Gober shares mind-blowing research about how consciousness creates reality and what this means for our everyday lives. We think you'll find this episode fascinating, surprising, and possibly a bit disturbing. Enjoy!
“The minute we think of the brain as the filtering mechanism of consciousness, then all of a sudden it opens up a spectrum of phenomena that at first would have seemed totally impossible under the conventional view of the brain. “ – Mark Gober
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/61
These money mindset strategies will help you manifest your deepest desires! My guest, money mindset expert Molly Sapp will teach you how to get past the mental obstacles many successful people face: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, and more.
“If you want to make a lot of money because you want to pay off debt, credit cards, support your husband, retire your husband, take care of your kids, and there is no sense of you going on vacation and pampering yourself, you’re literally repelling money by the hour.” – Molly Sapp
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/60
In this episode, Dr. Anita Sanchez shares the gifts that a group of indigenous elders gathered for humanity back in 1994, and how you can use them to live more joyfully, passionately, and purposefully, in connection with yourself, with others, and with the planet.
“Science is showing us that even at the micro level, we are connected to everything. Our bodies are water, earth. We’re made from the stars. And that sounds kind of woo-woo, but when you look at the science, physicists and others will say absolutely!” – Dr. Anita Sanchez
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/59
Tune in to learn from renowned author and speaker Jill Lublin how to use publicity to increase the exposure, influence, and credibility of your business. You'll learn the basics: why publicity is valuable, what kinds of publicity you want, and how to get it.
“Publicity needs to be an essential part of your marketing strategy, consistently. You need to be consistent and persistent in the marketplace. Remember that you’re doing it for exposure, that constant credibility, and most importantly: the trust factor.” – Jill Lublin
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/58
Tune in to hear from Chris Kyle, creator of Launch Academy, about how to package your expertise, knowledge, and experience into an online course that’s both transformational AND profitable. If you’re an expert interested in creating an online course, you’re going to want to soak this interview up!
“Trust your voice, trust the content! The way you offer your content and the way you talk about it is unique to you and it’s golden when it reflects who you are.” - Chris Kyle
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/57
If you are interested in putting yourself out there as a professional speaker, listen up! Tune in for an interview with speaking industry expert Lois Creamer. Lois specializes in helping speakers book more engagements, make more money from those engagements, and fully monetize their intellectual property.
“I think that the ability to tell a great story is the sugar that makes the medicine go down. A great story is what should make your point really memorable to people.” - Lois Creamer
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/56
Tune in for a deeply soulful conversation with Jake Merriman, CEO and visionary leader of Abundant.is. We talk about abundant relationships, abundance in general, the future of humanity, and the role of love and trust in business.
“The greatest thing a leader can ever do for themselves and their community is to figure out a way to love themselves. If we’re able to love ourselves, we’re able to move up the scale of abundant leadership and we’re able to create more.” - Jake Merriman
Learn more about this episode of Awaken Your Inner Superstar at http://blog.superstaractivator.com/55
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