Each month, we meet with inspirational people at the forefront of the sustainable movement, making innovative changes within their organisation to tackle the climate crisis. Each podcast will provide insights, knowledge, and tips for becoming a more sustainable business across various industries and sectors. Whether you’re looking to start or accelerate your organisation’s sustainability journey, Sustainability Solved will help you each step of the way.
Bei "Die Macher" trifft Inga Michler zum ersten Kaffee des Tages Menschen, die durchstarten, taumeln und wieder aufstehen, aller Widerstände zum Trotz. Denn Karriere geht nicht immer steil nach oben. Scheitern gehört dazu. In diesem Podcast geht es darum, was Menschen antreibt, die erfolgreich sind. Welche Hindernisse sie überwunden haben und was ihre Erfolgsgeheimnisse sind.
Im Special "Die Quoten-Frauen?!" porträtieren die Wirtschaftsjournalistinnen Inga Michler und Anja Ettel die mächtigen Frauen, die sich an die Spitze der Dax-Unternehmen kämpfen. Sie berichten von Begegnungen und lassen die Macherinnen selbst zu Wort kommen.
Aktuell erscheinen leider keine neuen Folgen. -
The Marketing Science Podcast from AZoNetwork is a series of podcasts for sales and marketing professionals working within Science, Engineering and Healthcare.
Each week we interview a different guest who shares their insights and experience from working on the front line of science communications.
#MarketingScience #SciComms #Marketing
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
CONTENT FROM BCG: The race is on to get to net zero. See how companies around the world are making real impact toward this lofty goal. In this new limited-series podcast from Boston Consulting Group, produced by FORTUNE Brand Studio and hosted by Gaia Vince, we delve into the innovative, inspiring stories of businesses across the globe that are on the front lines of achieving real climate impact. With the stakes at an all-time high and the opportunity greater than ever, this 12-episode series aims to provide a blueprint for leaders around the world to join the urgent fight for true sustainability.
Sustainability, Inc., is a new limited-series podcast from Boston Consulting Group, produced by FORTUNE Brand Studio, without the participation of the Fortune editorial staff. The views and opinions expressed by podcast speakers and guests are solely their own and do not reflect the opinions of Fortune. -
Market Access (or alternatively reimbursement) in health care is THE key competence in order to be commercially successful with a new drug, medical device or digital health application. However, given the fact that market access is a complex field involving various disciplines and is an ever-changing field, it is difficult to be up to speed with the different evolvements across the world.
MAP is THE bi-weekly Market Access Podcast provided by MArS Market Access & Pricing Strategy, which is your health care consultancy in the German-speaking markets and allows you to keep up to date with market access , reimbursement and pricing issues in the D-A-CH countries and around the world. With MAP you will get a summary of core market access systems and processes as well as latest changes in regulations including statements and opinions of core decision makers and stakeholders from various countries.
The CEO and founder of MArS is also the driver behind MAP: Dr. Stefan Walzer works in the field of payer strategy, pricing, health economics and reimbursement since 2004 and is the founder and CEO of MArS Market Access & Pricing Strategy GmbH based in Germany. MArS makes it as easy as possible for you to get your Pharmaceutical, MedTech or digital health product to the market and of course get the price it deserves.
Stefan previously worked as a payer consultant for various global pharmaceutical and medical device / diagnostic companies, successfully launching their products across the world. He was the Global Payer Strategy Leader for various products and compounds at F. Hoffmann – La Roche AG, where he successfully developed early payer strategies as well as launching and maintaining the reimbursement process for top brands and early compounds. Stefan is capable in translating the clinical and economic evidence into successful reimbursement submissions and pricing negotiations especially in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Additionally he teaches market access, pricing and negotiations at the State University of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the University of Applied Sciences Weingarten-Ravensburg (both Germany).
Besides other roles and responsibilities. Stefan was the head of the committee “Inpatient care” of the German Health Economic Association (DGGÖ). Furthermore he is also a member of the Austrian Health Economic Association (ATHEA) and the Swiss Health Economic Association (SGGÖ). Additionally, he is a member of the Access Advisory Committee of the Global Pneumonia Prevention Coalition.
Stefan received a Master of Science in Economics from the University of Tuebingen (Germany), a PhD in Health Economics from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and a post-graduate diploma in Clinical Trials from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK). He is co-author of more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles and more than 300 scientific abstracts. -
Wat is een opinie, en hoe wordt deze gevormd of beïnvloed? In deze podcast bespreekt communicatieadviseur Reinout Van Zandycke topics zoals politiek, psychologie en communicatie. Deze 3 elementen, en een combinatie daarvan, bieden inzicht in de publieke opinie. Soms alleen, maar vaak vergezeld door iemand uit ons team bij Exposure of een externe opiniemaker worden actuele cases besproken en geanalyseerd. Wil je meer weten hierover? Surf dan naar
What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.
Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation. -
Starting a life science company is hard.
In this podcast series, we speak with recent founders about their experiences and explore the challenges they face in starting a company - as well as the challenges in their chosen field.
Finally, we ask our guests to share a book that has helped shape their journey - great reading for any future founder.
This Podcast Series is produced for LifeScience ORG, a community of CEOs and founders in the life science/biotech/pharma/medtech/industrial bio sectors.
Your host is scientist-turned-communicator (and podcast producer) Dr David Kirk.
Episode length: 10-15 Minutes -
Welkom bij "Sneller & Beter", een podcast die je helpt om als bedrijf efficiënter te worden, minder kosten te maken en de groei te stimuleren. Elke aflevering verkennen we een ander aspect van procesoptimalisatie op het gebied van operations management, supply chain management, change management, en zoveel meer… Kom met experts te weten wat procesoptimalisatie voor jouw organisatie kan betekenen.
Jelle Derckx van growthinkers gaat op duurzaam beleggen missie bij Triodos. Hij belegt al drie jaar in indexfondsen maar er knaagt iets aan zijn geweten: de duurzaamheid van zijn aandelen. Hij wil meer positieve impact gaan maken en dus duikt hij in de wereld van duurzaam beleggen, in de hoop zijn beleggingsportefeuille daar op aan te kunnen passen.
Made in Belgium, c’est chaque semaine une rencontre avec une entreprise belge innovante. Des success stories dans tous les secteurs : l’aérospatial, le cinéma, l’alimentation, le marketing digital, l’industrie, le pharmaceutique, le sport, les services, etc. Des hommes et des femmes qui partagent deux point communs. Ils sont belges et ils ont créé des boîtes qui rayonnent aujourd’hui bien au-delà de nos frontières.
Chaque semaine, Laurent Mathieu vous raconte leur histoire. Comment trouver l’idée ? Où trouver les financements ? Comment passer du business plan à la réalité ? Quel est le succès de la réussite ? Comment créer un esprit d’entreprise ? Comment développer son business hors de nos frontières ? Comment trouver des clients ? En un mot comme en cent : comment entreprendre ?
Vous aussi, vous avez toujours rêvé de devenir votre propre patron ? Vous avez toujours imaginé entreprendre ? Made in Belgium vous explique comment faire en vous donnant des exemples concrets d’entrepreneurs et d’entrepreneuses qui ont réussi.
Laissez-vous emporter par ces histoires. Elles vous emmèneront dans l’espace avec les Belges d’Aerospacelab qui collaborent avec l’entreprise Space X d’Elon Musk. Dans le milieu du cinéma avec les passionnés de Benuts qui ont travaillé sur les effets spéciaux du film "Astérix et Obélix : L’empire du milieu" de Guillaume Canet.
On voyagera aussi jusqu’à Bora Bora et New York avec les aspirateurs urbains de Glutton qui nettoient les villes du monde entier. Nous retournerons sur les bancs de l’école avec Wooclap, la firme belge qui a révolutionné la manière d’étudier dans l’Europe entière.
Nous irons aussi visiter les coulisses de la célèbre Solvay Business School qui célèbre cette année ses 120 ans. L’école est une fabrique à hommes et femmes d’affaires. Quels sont donc les secrets enseignés derrière ces murs centenaires ?
Surtout, on vous racontera les histoires personnelles de ces hommes et de ces femmes qui ont décidé de relever le défi : devenir leur propre patron et devenirs leaders dans leur domaine. Une route souvent semée d’embûches. Avec une promesse : vous inspirer pour un jour, peut-être, créer votre propre entreprise. -
Et si quelques petits gestes changeaient notre monde… ?
Des idées simples redonneraient-elles espoir à notre climat, à notre planète, à notre environnement ?
Nos invités, eux, en sont les premiers persuadés. Ils nous expliquent pourquoi et nous présentent leurs grandes comme leurs petites actions en faveur de l’écologie.
Voici “Graines d’idées”, le podcast de RCF Bruxelles qui va à la rencontre des acteurs de la transition pour que nous puissions tous, comme le colibri, faire notre part.
Join Erin McGoff (aka, AdviceWithErin) as she introduces you to new people, new careers, and new ideas to inspire you to confidently design a life that makes you truly happy. In this show, Erin dives into topics that are top of mind for folks in their 20s and 30s ranging from career advice and financial literacy to relationships and self-esteem. Erin will bring on experts to give advice on questions like, "Should I move to Europe?" and "How do I negotiate my salary?" and "How do I find a work-from-home job that isn't a scam?". Listeners can expect to hear from various guests—psychologists, authors, CEOs, filmmakers, detectives, chefs, etc. There's more to life than the Sunday scaries, resumes, and the 9 to 5. In this show, you'll gain access to tangible opportunities, secret advice, and proven strategies to help you craft a life you love.
In each episode, host Dr. Irena O’Brien explains the science-based insights behind a particular concept and interviews a coach to discuss how these apply in the real world. Irena “un-complicates” neuroscience and teaches practical evidence-based tools and strategies that listeners can use in their coaching practices.
Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today’s technology and societies ways. From his own experience traveling around the world multiple times, visiting sacred sites, and interviewing natives, 4biddenknowledge has been able to uncover what actually took place in ancient times. He also delves deep into financial literacy, spirituality, metaphysics, and esoteric knowledge in this podcast series. Listen and learn about consciousness and our real history with Billy Carson and his expert guests. Support this podcast: