You Are Hear is a podcast and online radio show brought to you by Magz Hall and Jim Backhouse(Totally Radio, Resonance FM + Kosmische) bringing you live sessions, new music, festival specials and interviews.
Since May 2002 we've been exploring the outer edges of music. Hear the best cutting edge artists and bands. File under experimental alternative new music of all genres. Folk, Rock, Noise, Pop, electronic, dance, grime, electro
http://www.youarehear.co.uk -
A Podcast, A Podué Caste, A Podo Casta. Two lasses with overfilled glasses, musing to the masses. My Glass Runneth Over
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Leikfangavélin er hlaðvarp sem hóf göngu sína haustið 2019 og er í umsjón Atla Hergeirssonar. Tónlist, tónlistarfólk, hljómsveitir, umfjallanir og viðtöl, íslenskt og erlent. Fróðleikur, skemmtun og afþreying. Bara að það sé tónlist (með örfáum undantekningum þó). Finnið Leikfangavélina einnig á Facebook og smellið endilega í eins og eitt "like".
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Do you help a young musician in your life practice? Are you a teacher that works with young musicians? Hosted by Christine Goodner, an experienced violin and early childhood music teacher. and author of Beyond the Music Lesson & Positive Practice, resources all about how to help families make music practice at home more effective with less conflict. TIME TO PRACTICE will bring you weekly conversations with performers, teachers, and students that will help, encourage and support you as you support the young musicians in your life.
Arts Engines highlights the perspectives of the thought leaders and game-changers who are creating significant impact in the field of the arts. As the only arts show of its kind with an African-American host, it is produced in partnership with and distributed by Detroit Public Television, Ovation TV, The Violin Channel and American Public Media including Performance Today and YourClassical reaching over 2 million in audiences every week making it one of the most widely viewed arts shows in the nation.
Gömlu vinkonurnar Lolla og Linda setjast niður og fræða hvor aðra um tónlist og merkilegar konur. Lolla sem er djúpvitur tónlistargúrú segir frá framúrskarandi konum úr tónlistarheiminum og í seríu 3 segir hún frá hinum ýmsu tónlistarstefnum og merkum atburðum í tónlistarsögunni.
Safnakerlan Linda dregur hins vegar fram sögur af spennandi konum í ljósmyndun.
Þið finnið okkur líka á Facebook og getið hlustað á þættina okkar á Spotify, Apple Podcast og fjölmörgum öðrum hlaðvarpsveitum -
The Playful Musician dives deep into a musician’s journey, techniques and influences. From the first instrument they played to how they prepare for big concerts or recordings to how they find joy in the long practice hours, this podcast reveals the beautiful, and peculiar, details of an artist’s journey.
Whether you’re an aspiring musician looking for inspiration, a seasoned pro trying to find new techniques, or just a fan of the musical process, you’re going to love this podcast. -
Zig at the gig is a long-form interview-style show. The host Dave Deitke is a full-time Musician from Cleveland, OH. Who plays in an original band called C-level and teaches an adapted music class. Zig at the gig started as a podcast for Negative Space, a non-profit art gallery, promoting events and artists from the galley. The show has grown to include all facets of entertainment, including artist authors and musicians.
Conversations In Groove explores the stories of our music, film, tv and recording industry professional friends. Hosted by studio owner and producer/engineer Benjy Johnson, we talk about the projects we have worked on and upcoming things in the future, all live from Earthtones Recording Studio. We explore gear, guitars, pedals, recording techniques and everything groove related! What is YOUR groove?
Join host Laura Jane as she interviews the doers and the shakers that make San Diego's live entertainment scene one of the most bustling and unique in the country. Every week you'll be entertained by great local artists – some new, some seasoned veterans – as they share their story and insights into what makes San Diego the Finest City in the world!
After years of private, unfilmed campfire discussions, the boys (Ezra Koenig, Chris Tomson & Chris Baio) welcome you to their world.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to the Houston Experiment. Join host Greg Houston for conversations with some of the leading artists in the industry talking about a wide variety of topics in the music industry. This podcast is for people who either work in the music industry, attend concerts, or just want to learn about the ins and outs of the music business. Follow the Houston Experiment on Facebook
Foodies - podcasten for deg som elsker mat og vil lære mer om den!Jeg er Emilie Nereng, jeg har en bachelorgrad i ernæring, er kokebokforfatter av boka Sunt og digg, og jeg ELSKER mat. I sesong 1 snakket jeg med matglade kjendiser, mens jeg i sesong 2 utforsker hva maten vi spiser og hvordan vi lever påvirker kroppen vår. Ny episode hver tirsdag. Trykk abonner/follow for å få med deg alt!
Instagram: @emilienutrition
For annonsering: [email protected]