Today we talk about Van Hooren's latest publication in the strength and conditioning:
"I am a sport scientist, athlete and freelance strength and conditioning specialist. My interests include the transfer of training to sports performance, injury prevention, post-exercise recovery, muscle-tendon behavior, and motor learning and control. Feel free to request the full-text of any publication. I frequently share new information on various sports science topics on LinkedIn and twitter @BasVanHooren."
You can find out more about his work here:
https://www.basvanhooren.com/about-me/sport-science/ -
Mike Duncan is a BASES-accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist with research interests in the field of children, physical activity, exercise and obesity. As of July 2013 he has published over 70 peer reviewed journal papers, 20 books or chapters in edited books and over 110 peer reviewer conference presentations. He is a member of the European College of Sports Science, American College of Sports Medicine, United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association and a Fellow of the British Association of Sport and exercise Sciences. He has experience in working with elite athletes in prescribing exercise programmes and evaluating performance and also has worked extensively with community groups on topics such as physical activity interventions in children and adolescents and the effects of nutritional manipulation on cognitive and functional performance in older adults.
Links to mentioned papers:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1356336X17715772 -
Episodi mancanti?
Howard joins us today to provide an overview on paediatric and adolescent nutrition.
PhD Sport and Exercise Science, University of Central Lancashire, 2010.PGCert in Teaching & Learning in HE, University of Central Lancashire, 2007.MPhil Sport and Exercise Science, University of Central Lancashire, 2006.BSc Combined (Hons) Sports, Recreation and PE and Information Technology, Liverpool Hope University College, 2000.
Howard is currently employed as a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Physiology and is the course leader for the BSc Sport and Exercise Physiology (Top Up) degree. In addition he is also actively involved with providing sports science support to a range of elite athletes’ from professional football and rugby teams to cyclists, swimmers and distance runners.
Qualifications -
In this episode Dr Tomlinson talks with us about sport, exercise and physical activity in children and adolescent populations living with cystic fibrosis.
Owen is currently an Associate Research Fellow in Sport & Health Science, responsible for coordinating a national randomised control trial, examining an online physical activity intervention in patients with cystic fibrosis.He was awarded his PhD in 2019, having focused on the role of exercise testing in the assessment and treatment of cystic fibrosis - a genetic condition that predominantly affects the lungs, and affects around 11,000 people in the UK. This follows his BSc in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Bath (2012) and MSc in Paediatric Exercise and Health from the University of Exeter (2013).
He is also actively involved with the local provision of exercise testing and training at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, coordinating and leading the exercise testing service; as well as leading the national 'Cystic Fibrosis and Exercise Technicians Network', a group for frontline NHS staff that are responsible for exercise provision in cystic fibrosis.
In this episode Katy talks with us about the benefits and application of HIIT in the school based environment.
Dr Kathryn Weston is a Senior Lecturer in Applied Biosciences for Health at Teesside University. She graduated from the University of Strathclyde in 2008 with a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science; then went on to complete an MSc in Physical Activity and Health at Loughborough University in 2009. Kathryn then completed her PhD at Teesside University, through an Economic and Social Research Council studentship via Fuse: the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health. In 2014 she was awarded her PhD, which examined the effect of a novel school-based high-intensity interval training intervention on cardiometabolic risk factors and physical activity levels in adolescents. -
In this episode we talk with Eero A. Haapala, PhD
Adjunct Professor in Paediatric Exercise PhysiologyEero is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä, located at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. Eero's main interests are in the relationships of physical activity, dietary factors, fitness, fatness, and metabolic syndrome to brain, cognition, and academic achievement among children and adolescents. Eero has published scientific articles on the associations of physical fitness, adiposity, and physical activity with arterial stiffness in children and adolescents.
After completing his PhD in physiology at the School of Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, Eero visited Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, UMC Utrecht as a post doc researcher under supervision Dr. Tim Takken. Eero has also worked for the Children's Health and Exercise Reserach Centre at the University of Exeter, UK, as a visiting postdoctoral researcher.
Physical activity and learningPaediatric exercise medicine and exercise physiologyPhysical activity and physical fitness in paediatric populationsThe associations of dietary factors with cognition and learningThe relationships of health behaviors to vascular health and cardiometabolic risk factors since childhood -
TIM TAKKEN MSc PhD is a medical exercise physiologist and associate professor in pediatrics at the Wilhemina Children’s Hospital of the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. He has a special interest in clinical pediatric exercise physiology.
He is currently director of the Clinical Exercise Testing Laboratory in the Wilhemina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht. Further he is the chair of the Dutch chapter of CPX international, boardmember of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology and the Principal Investigator for the Dutch Physical Activity Report Card for Children. Dr Takken published over 220 peer-reviewed papers and authored 4 books.
This episode covered how to approach exercise and physical activity in those individuals with chronic health conditions. The paper can be found at:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21304338 -
An overview of paediatric exercise science: How the field has changed!