(BPM #116).
Loving your wife #7.
accept sexual anxiety as normal;don't hover over her or smother her sexually;stop keeping score;when sex is goal-oriented, the body responses will be affected and stifled;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #119).
Setting a Table for Two #34.
relationship essentials - part 1.grow up;get real;if you want something ask for it (don't expect mind reading);spend some private time together;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
Missing episodes?
(BPM #115).
Loving your wife #6.
preparing yourself for sex, your body, mind, neshama;avoid being a spectator and avoid focusing on your performance;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #114).
Loving your wife #5.
your wife is more complicated emotionally, spiritually, relationally, sexually; for her its a whole body experience;free her to take sexually at her pace;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #118).
Setting a Table for Two #33.
guidelines and advice in handling parents and in-laws within marriage;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #113).
Loving your wife #4.
negotiating your sexual relationship;nurturing needs;hormonal patterns;emotional and relational desires;domestic needs;spiritual connection promotes sexual connection;create together healthy sexual conditions;her sexual triggers;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #117).
Setting a Table for Two #32.
marital intimacy - 2;gift of physical separation in niddah period;respecting spouse's privacy;distance in niddah period does NOT mean coldness or ignoring;don't waste this period;avoid poison of unhealthy emotional connections and internet use;satisfy your partner sexually.Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #112).
Loving your wife #3.
your over eagerness can turn your wife off;hormonal sexual difference between men and women;planning;daily check-ins;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #116).
Setting a Table for Two #31.
marital intimacy - 1;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #111).
Loving your wife #2.
healthy sexual maturity as a husband;women desire sex as the consequence of feeling love and connected, when expressed from connection and affirmation not by sole pursuit of sexual need;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #115).
Setting a Table for Two #30.
don't "go for the jugular";generate feelings of love for your spouse;leave your in-laws out of it;don't use words like "always";TRY WITH EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING NOT TO ARGUE IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #110).
Loving your wife #1.
the real healthy and thriving sexual connectedness works alot better when a husband allows his wife to set the pace;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #114).
Setting a Table for Two #29.
listen actively;stick to the subject;don't be jealous of your own honor;realize Hashem is sending you a message;never disrupt the normal routine of marriage because of a fight;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #109).
make the choice to be close to your wife;putting her as first priority;learning the skills to be a good husband;respect her as an independent adult not as a "mother" to cater to your needs as a "child";Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #113).
Setting a Table for Two #28.
wait before responding;consider that your spouse may be right;don't rush apologies;check your emotions at the door;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #108).
empathy is the most crucial skill to succeed in marriage;your response patterns are habits you can change;forming better habits begins with improved self-awareness;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #112).
Setting a Table for Two #27.
don't nag;encourage good behaviors through honest compliments;influence your spouse by setting a good example;avoid initiating fights;don't provoke;talk sparingly and short when disagreeing;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(EX #39).
A revolutionary new approach to preventing divorce in our communityMeaningful People
This episode features a compelling interview with Eli Goldbaum, a mediator specializing in divorces within the orthodox Jewish world.Eli's approach emphasizes the importance of preventing divorces when possible and facilitating peaceful resolutions when dissolution of marriage becomes inevitable.Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPM #107).
nothing in life will affect you as much as your relationship with your wife;unintentional pain and betraying of trust will hurt your marriage as surely as intentional ones will, only slower;Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
(BPJ #111).
Setting a Table for Two #26.
address causes, not symptoms;don't "pile on";Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out via WhatsApp at +1 347 578 0669.
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