In this Episode Baddi and JP discuss the next few podcasts and how they are going to begin practicing and discussing different habits to help with personal growth.
Baddi and JP discuss the normal human experience of finding habits that work...and then failing to build long term consistency with them.
¿Faltan episodios?
In Episode 17 Baddi and JP discuss resilience, consistency, and how to overcome difficulty.
In Episode 16 Baddi & JP discuss the dangers of over consuming and under executing, how habits become your identity, and how life experiences craft who we are.
In Episode 15 Baddi and JP discuss beginning their recovery journeys, the effects of our past on the present, and steps to begin truly healing and breaking our old patterns.
In Episode 14, we discuss the benefits of fasting from technology, being present, and improving clarity.
Baddi and JP discuss having a healthy sense of humility and pride. Having a strong sense of self worth is a vital part of fulfilling our life's purpose.
In Episode 12 Baddi and JP discuss Toxic vs Healthy Habits
Baddi and JP discuss Imposter Syndrome and ways to process and move through it.
In Episode 10, Baddi and JP Discuss how the application of the tools has helps them through their own rough spots.
In Episode 9 Baddi and JP discuss upcoming plans for Bears in a Barrel's first online course and the upcoming year.
In Episode 8, Baddi & JP discuss how to practice continued healthy habits as well as self compassion.
In Episode 7 Baddi & JP discuss the Superpowers of Breath, Gratitude, Nature, and Movement.
In Episode 6 Baddi & JP discuss the 3rd leg of the stool, spirit. They discuss the importance of having a unique and personal spiritual practice as well as the benefits it has afforded in their own lives.
In episode 5 Baddi & JP discuss the pillar of mindset, the power of our thoughts, and how to build more awareness of what we need to work on.
Baddi and JP discuss the 3 pillars of building your core, Body, Mind and Spirit. In this episode they begin to dive into how to simply and effectively take care of your physical body through movement, nutrition, and recovery.
In Episode 3 Baddi and JP continue to discuss finding purpose, how getting uncomfortable can help you grow, and how your story is the key finding your own purpose.
In this episode, Baddi and JP discuss the intention and necessity behind finding purpose for men and how it can help.
In Episode 1 Baddi and JP discuss the history of what inspired Bears in a Barrel and the mission of helping men find their purpose through redesigning their lives.