
  • The first request of 2024 AND of Season 4 brings us the most riotous film we've had to date - for one reason only: Dougray Scott's "Prince Henry". Dude's got some real big feelings, okay? Like... enough that we basically forgot Drew Berrymore's "Danielle" or Anjelica Huston's "Rodmilla de Ghent" were even in this! Strap in for hilarity, drama and a little dash of even more stupid humor for Scott to enjoy as we review 1998's "Ever After: A Cinderella Story", just for you and our dear, dear friend Nicole, without whom we might not have ever covered this treasure!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=true
  • So, we did mention them early on in the episode but it's important for us to note here that the Olsen Twins DID actually have their own version of this film in 1995, starring Kirsty Alley and Steve Guttenberg, called "It Takes Two". That's a little fun fact there for ya! Anyways, we're not here for that - we're here for 1998's debut of Lindsay Lohan (and subsequently Nancy Myers as a Director), "The Parent Trap", a classic Disney tale retold from its original release back in 1961! Also starring Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson, the film made us seriously examine just what it takes to be a good parent. And wonder aloud what it was like for Scott to have bunkbeds growing up and no one to share them with. Enjoy!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
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  • LETS. GET DOWN. TO BUSINESSSSS!!!! To enjoy... the poooood! Man is that song just a "Turn it up to 11", though. Lindsay and Scott take on the final success of Disney's Renaissance Era before things begin to turn murky, at best, with Mulan, starring Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy and BD Wong, with accompanying music by the talents of Donnie Osmond, Christina Aguilera, Stevie Wonder and 9- wait, that can't be right... 98 Degrees?! Jesus, 90's, I see you! Was this the feminist empowerment movie Lindsay remembered? Did Scott find yet more inane and stupid sound effects to lose his mind in laughter over? Better listen and find out - do so and you'll bring honor to us all!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • So, Scott was sick last week, otherwise this would've been out all the sooner. We're sorry about that, gang! But, here's another war movie for ya, for being so patient! And man what a war movie it is, isn't it? Some might even say it's the penultimate example of what all war films should aspire to be, with many failing in its wake. But just what makes this so good? Was it the acting? The drama? The storytelling? Well, Scott, along with special guests Andrew and Matt, discuss those very topics and more in today's newest romp back into the magical mind of Steven Spielberg. Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen - we're in for a nerdy ride!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • Welcome, one and all, to Episode One of Season 4!! We've taken a month off to clear our heads, get our houses in order and... completely let them fall apart all over again. What can we say? We're nothing if not consistently inconsistent! But, finally we're here with our final film of 1997 - Don Bluth's "Anastasia", starring Meg Ryan and John Cusack, to name a few. How historically accurate is this movie? Why was it so successful? Is this the best non-Disney but now technically Disney villain song of all time? I mean... just listen -- you guys know the drill, by now!!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • It's the most... wonderful tiiiiime... of the Pooooood! That's right everybody: Not only are we closing out Season 3 but also the year with our annual Christmas spectacular. This year, Tim Allen joins the ranks of Holiday dads beyond incapable of cooking a turkey - man put zero prep time in, come on, son! - as Scott Calvin, destined to knock the then-Santa Claus off his roof and thereby seal his fate in becoming the next Kringle King! Joined along the saga by a wife and eventually children, Scott's story seemingly comes to an end with Disney+'s wildly successful "The Santa Clauses" episodic epic - of which there are two seasons!

    From all of us at 'Behind the Timeline' to all of you out there across the airwaves, we want to sincerely thank you all for your time, your comments and your devotion to our show - we absolutely love this opportunity to talk about the very films that make us who we are, week after week, and we have tons of exciting new things planned in 2024... when Season 4, "The Fall of the 90's" arrives! But until then, have a safe and happy holidays, a spectacular new years and by all means... Stay Nerdy!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • Is there finally a song that's makin' Scott get emotional? OH! There so is! Was this arguably one of the best Disney villains of probably totally absolutely fersure all time!? We won't say yes but... I mean come on. The pegasus blew his effing hair out! That's genius!! Welcome to Disney's Hercules from 1997, the world's first Disney film NOT based on a fairy tail, but instead dipping a tentative toe into the tides of mythology. Oh, and obviously Danny DeVito is here too!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • We'd like to sum this film up with a single phrase, if we could be so bold: Yada-yada. Did we have fun? Oh for sure! Was it hilarious? Most outrageously so! Did it have a proper villain and a plotline devoid of holes bigger than a jump-point entryway? ...-ahem- anyway... Come to your own conclusions, think for yourselves, draw with your own fingerpaints... but be sure to check out our review, nonetheless!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • We're back from a brief stint in... not... releasing an episode! We had some scheduling to work out, some drinks to be had, some ass to kick! But we're finally back to you and finally back to the timeline. And what an enjo-... no. No, that's not the word. What an excitin- nope. That's not it either. What a Batman movie to return to! There we go! This was certainly one of the Batman movies ever, that's for sure! Joined, as if you needed to ask, by official Batman-ologist Matt, we dive into the final Caped Crusder outing for the next 12 years of the timeline. Was it worth it? Well... ... ... anyway....

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • While this might mainly cover Episode 8 and all its finale-ness, we do connect some dots along the, rehash old theories of Scott's that either came true or were so insultingly wrong he really should just read the books at this point. Come on, son! Erin returns for her final stint in the WoT-era of the show, finally getting to bounce ideas and thoughts off Scott, who has otherwise been kept sequestered away from her spoilery knowledge until now!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • And at last, we arrive at the conclusion... of Season 2! Was this what we expected? Did it match the flow of the books and set things yet to come up correctly? Listen in on last time with Lindsay and Erin from "Isn't It Neat!" as they break down all those twisty, turny, dark and daring spoilers from the books! What a conclusion it was, indeed!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • Let the Lord of Chaos rule! We're covering two episodes of book spoilers this week and there are lots of twists and turns to cover. There were some tough bits to get through and some really exciting ones. We were wrong about lots of stuff and did our best to make correct predictions for the finale. Join us for the wildly mixed bag that was episodes 6 & 7 and we'll be back for the full-spoiler discussion of the finale soon!!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA
  • It's nearly time. We've nearly hit the end of the road for this incredible season and honestly, we're sad. Two years we waited for this to come back and in almost a flash, it's practically gone. Actually by the time this releases the final episode will be upon us. Damn, what an insane trip its been! Egwene's still showing defiance, Mat and his magic mushroom madness, Perrin crosses the multverse to enter Dune... it's just a lot. And we want even more! But for now, here's what we felt were the important points of Episodes 6 and 7 of Amazon Prime's "Wheel of Time"!

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: Behindtimeline

    Instagram: Gobehindthetimeline

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=true

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • Holy crap are we late with this one and we are so eternally sorry for that! Nothing fancy in the description this time around, let's just get right into the episode! Sorry about that, gang - we love you!!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • Sorry it's been so long, everyone! Schedules, conflicts, Trollocs. It's a whole thing. We'll get into it. Anyway, we know why you're here and we're here to deliver on... why you're... here. Yea. Okay. Should someone else be writing these? Whatever, Erin is back from the "Isn't It Neat" pod, joining Lindsay for all those dark, icky, messy, lovely spoilers you all adore and crave! So sit back, relax and stay nerdy!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • Time to toss the dice and join us for this week's Dark Friend Social for all the evil book spoilers! Lindsay is joined again by Erin from the "Isn't It Neat" podcast and we're spinning our weave of theories all the way from Bella's whereabouts to The Aiel Wastes and beyond. We may not have all the answers but we're having fun guessing. Send us your thoughts and theories and help us piece it together!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • Oh my holy crap - Scott totally called it. It's kind of amazing, honestly, because it seems like each one of his guesses is so wildly out of touch and maybe it's because he hasn't read the books despite Lindsay continually telling him to and you gotta wonder at this point is - ... y'know what we're getting off topic, here! RAND! FORSAKEN! Matt's there too, I think. Pretty sure we saw him. Anyway, enjoy the review and be sure to check out the Dark Friend Social coming shortly after this with all those delicious book spoilers!!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • You want spoilers? Well we've got spoilers! Here. you're welcome in for all the evil, dark, dirty secrets only the books hold, as broken down by Lindsay and special guest Erin, returning for more fun from the "Isn't It Neat" podcast! You've been warned here - within these special breakdowns rests the truth of what's to come, who is who and where the path leads for our favorite heroes and villains from the Wheel, itself! You've started this episode at your own risk, dear friends.

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: Behindtimeline

    Instagram: Gobehindthetimeline

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=true

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • OH MY GOD WE'RE FINALLY BACK!!! Delayed enough to allow for the next episode to arrive and everyone to theorize, as well as see just how much Scott - because obviously Lindsay's a master of this already - is and isn't correct on early questions and guesses and assumptions, the review for the first 3 episodes of Amazon Prime's wildly successful "The Wheel of Time" has arrived! Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve and the gang all return for more adventures across the sultry, story-soaked land of the Wheel. New villains, new friends, new trials and new powers await us through the episode so be sure to follow along with us as we pump the breaks on the Timeline to remain within the Wheel until Season 2 concludes!Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-Email: [email protected]: BehindtimelineInstagram: GobehindthetimelinePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=trueYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA

  • We made friends! We knew we could do it. That'll show you, Mr. Sampson... out here tellin' my mom he's concerned I'm anti-social and I like Power Rangers too mu-... y'know what, that's not why we're here. Anyway, we've partnered with another wonderful podcast, Isn't It Neat!, to bring you a timeline rewind in the form of 1992's "Strictly Ballroom", Baz Luhrmann's directorial debut! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the fantastical collaboration that most-assuredly shan't be the last. (Saying "shan't" always makes me feel so fancy - I love you, Aziraphale!)

    Make sure to subscribe to Behind the Timeline for all of our newest updates and episodes! And if there's a movie or show you want us to cover, check out our website for the means to let us know what you wanna see!-

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: Behindtimeline

    Instagram: Gobehindthetimeline

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BehindTheTimeline?fan_landing=true

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPk2zW3jGm6b57uiVj-FEA